2-Screw 5K-Mile Winter Getaway w No Gear! (PG-13)

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Panama Canal Crosser
Mar 13, 2012
Reaction score
Finger Lakes, NY
First off; 2-Screws is 2 Propellers (for you non nautical peepers). And no direct sex pics... u perv's!, sorry! ...hey, but this is a KJ report so some of my pics may be themed as per this ride report (my private pics will stay that of course).

SSH (skin-showing-haters) should not continue.

---You've been warned!---

I put up a lot of pics cuz it's blah winter here and I'm bored out of my mind. To save my image host some bandwidth I made the images smaller and compressed them a bit more than normal (so they may have a tad bit of pixelization). Quantity overruled quality one might say... at least this time.

Ride Start/Return: Syracuse NY

Ride Destination: Warmth! AKA: The Caribbean

Total Miles: RoundTrip 5,820 (5,260 by 2-Screws, GPS Tracked)

Duration: 9 Days

Who dat went: Me (KJ) and g/f Debbie

Eateries: Too fargen much of everything. Gained 7lbs.

Drinking Holes: 12 bars on the ride, $1K bar tab in the end plus I snuck in eight (8) 2L. bottles of wine for our balcony usage! That was a whole entire lg. carry-on and the scanner dude let me slide thru on the corkage fees!

...yes I think we I have an eating and drinking disorder!

Let's get this fugger in motion...

(3-weeks ago) Bored and cold here in Central NY, I told Deb to pack her bags, were going for a ride, just bring warm weather clothes. Yeah right, she made me tell her. She sucks with surprises, Italian women! ugh!

Hopping the Amtrak at 6:50am. Neither one of us took the train before (Train-Vigins!). It took us thru NY State from 'Cuse (Syracuse) down to NY's Penn Station in 5.5hrs. Damn train fly's at well over 100mph!


Albany NY (da State Capitol)


One of the 8 stops (Rensellear NY just SE of Albany) I get out for a walk and find we are getting juiced-up with diesel


Modern Train Stations, my HO-Train Set never had buildings like this!


Debbie's snoozing with her earbuds in. Me? Heck no!, techno boy has to play! Whipping out the GPS I see we're booking down the tracks smooth as hell at a buck ten. Fastest recorded was 114mph. I really never knew trains hauled ass like that TBH.


Hudson River, just north of SingSing Prison


Southside of SingSing Prison (Ossening NY). In the old days/movies, if you ever heard the term "were going to send you up the river!" well this was where they were talking about...


Just south of the 'Sing, we meet the "Tappan Zee Bridge" I-87 & I-287


Getting into Upper Manhattan just before we go underground we duck under the "Geo Washington Bridge". Been over it many of times, sure looks higher up on it than it did down below.


Penn Station is kinda like a big shopping mall several levels below the street level


We come up to street level (finally!) Madison Sq Garden / Penn Sta. entrance. Our energy level just went up 100%, the city just does this to you... well plus we were getting excited for our next part of the trip


Being from the 'Cuse area, and having 2 Sisters graduate from SU how appropriate is it that we get the Cuse Mobile for out taxi over to Pier 89. Yes, our whole family bleeds Orange. Deal with it


Glad I'm not driving in this rat race


Taxied to Pier 89, the terminal to checkin. Nothing new as this will be my 12th Cruise so it's wait n watch others, pretty boring.


On the Ship, stowed out carry-on's (and all that Wine!). Go up on a deck only to find friggen SNOW! WTF! We're trying to get away from this crap! Oh yeah, the weather was turning crappy, wats new?


4pm, time to set us under motion el'Capitain. The speakers start blaring "Start spreading the news.... New York, New York!" kinda thought I was at Yankee Stadium


One of the Space Shuttles (under the canopy's). I think it was the Enterprise if memory serves correct.


Heading South down the Hudson, kinda cool to look right down the streets



Freedom Tower, right next to where the Twin Trade Towers were. Music plays to "Proud to be an American". I think everybody took in the moment and it was actually quite serious as it should of been.


Starboard side getting into the mouth of the Hudson


Verrazonow Narrows Bridge, it connects Brooklyn (east) to Staten Island (west) and the very last form of NY we will see for 9 days, yahoo!



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I gotta always "sea" where were at. It's wake-up Deb for our first full day.


Waking up to what we thought would still be a cold-type of a day, I have to get right out on our balcony first thing n check da weather out. Still Cold? Nope! Gulf stream baby, yes!


Mornings are tough when you "think" you can part like a rock star the nite before. First thin.. we have to find sum bloody marys. I get Debbie out n about before her morning shower and make-up (I heard her crap on that one!) but oh well, we're on ship-time now baby!. We meet our newest-bestest Indonesian friend "Mango" and he makes us some awesome hangover specials...



We look for some late morning lounge time to soak up the hangovers, keeping in mind it's not quite in the 70's. Nice yes, but not quite enough yet.


Gets warmer...

N gets warmer, well the more south we go, so let's go go go!


They arrange some deck games, nice enough so we take it for the first day.



Everynite this was a given scene, drink wine on our balcony as the other one does their thing showering n stuff. Worked out quite well and helped (me) save on the bar tab too!


Went for a round of bowling to work up our appetite for din-din. They had 4 lanes. Like what the heck has cruising come to when ya gotta have friggen bowling alleys on board?! Crazy Ship n yeah, Ship happens.


Oh part of my 7lbs that I gained on this trip.


We hit nightly theater acts in the 1200 seat theater, comedians were very funny.


Next day, coming into San Juan PR.


Deb says "OMG, there's another ship here already!" No-ship, girlie, It's a busy port. She's half in the bag already


Bar hoping in old San Juan. Very quaint, we both were thinking "we need to stay longer than 1 day here!"


Not your normal beverages


Not your normal streets...


Nice city however, clean!


Gotta get one last drink stop in before we have to head back for the ship. Day went by sooo fast


She's a beauty ...the ship that is!


Leaving San Juan, we really don't want to however. Like... "leave us here!, we'll get jobs!"




Guess what time it is? Yep, bar time. Actually 10pm and leaving San Juan heading for St. Marrten


Outdoor nightlife tonight, yes it's about 84 balmy degrees right about now. Nice!




Another gorgeous day, we were truly blessed by the weather gods

Now in St. Marrten...


We decide to hop a taxi over to the French side of the island.


We find ourselves on Orient Beach. One side totally nude, the other normal (well for us anyway). We decide to do the nude part for the first part of the day, get some tan asses then go to the normal side. No cameras in the nude side



I get horny looking at sea crabs, what can I say?


Place was like paradise?




And of course I have to rent a jetski, Debbie doesn't want to go riding however. Do I trust her there with all the other strangers and perv's? hmmmmm, I wanna go play though! ugh! My money clock is ticking on the ski as well... Well it's only a "Yamaha" 140hp wave runner lol. Not quite like my 'bad boy' 260hp Sea-Doo's at home, but it will suffice especially with the blue-green waters to explore!


Debbie was attracting a lot of attention, not sure if I should bolt out to sea on the ski or not?...


Man, I'm horny and so are the guys around me. This pic relates to bikes however. How? Well I told Deb "if her butt gets any bigger I will have to get a bigger bike!" (like a K1600, hint hint!). JK and I think you can tell she's no Hondapotamus type of girl


New best friends, were going drinking later! Oh wait, we're already drinking!


Debbie makes friends were their wives. Good! Now there's security in numbers, I can go play with the boys!


Guess which one of us went to the nude part of this beach earlier? Boozed up? Naaaaa


End of an unbelievable day (well OK, they all were just this good I cannot lie). I jetskii'd and didn't see any sharks, my lady didn't get raped or even molested. Met great people who we have stayed in contact with and plan on meeting up with again next winter. Sad seeing a day like this end. SUCKS!


Our Bartenders for the day (French dudes) had to have one last hurrah with Debbie. I think half her rum drinks were on the house. Women rule, sad as it is.



OK, So next up was St. Thomas then Dominican Republic and back to NY (9 days total cruise time). All the islands are the same as I posted (same loco-yoco drinking, eating n socializing bs) so I won't bore you with the 800 other pics I have of those locations.

Oh Just one more thing, Rum is cheaper than water down there. You go into a (non tourist trap) bar and you buy the mixer and they just give you the bottle. Take as much as you want, keep it, gargle with it, whatever!. Great people everywhere we went, made a ton of friends and memories that we will keep forever. Cheers! -KJ & Debbie


The End :(

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Great report & pictures!!Especially these from the wonderful color of the beach..!!Thanks for the sharing!!

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Top Speed,

That fantastic ride report was right up my alley! All the islands you hit have been my stomping grounds for work and play my entire life. I was born and raised in The Bronx just a few miles from the George Washington Bridge too. It was like going through one of my albums. A few days in old San Juan would have been great. You could have kicked back in the bar that invented the piña colada. They taste like candy there. You weren't kidding about the price of the rum. Gotta love it. Thanks for taking us along. :))

Thanks guys, hoped it help break up the winter doldrums.

Majic- How lucky u were to have those Carib places as "stomping grounds". Major Jealous!

BTW, Deb's penciled in for June (Art's) Cats' Ride and (Aug) NERDS.... CFR however is going to be a boys-trip
...You know hauling around her huge ass take extra gas!



She also makes friends easily





These guys are all ghay if ya couldn't tell. Strange? They seem to flock to her like flies on white. Don't really understand this but I'm good with it! My motto has always been, "the more gay guys there is, the more available women!".

I know, u rather see bikini pics

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Ya know... (well I do now!) ya gotta have a different bikini for each day. Okay, I get it. So I tell her that "I need to have a bike for each day of the week!" .... She don't get it :(


This will be my Tuesday Bluesday Machine...


I say it's a fair request, she gets what she wants, I get what I want.

Ya know... (well I do now!) ya gotta have a different bikini for each day. Okay, I get it. So I tell her that "I need to have a bike for each day of the week!" .... She don't get it


This will be my Tuesday Bluesday Machine...


I say it's a fair request, she gets what she wants, I get what I want.
I'd say that's an extrememly fair request.
