Better head back to Tennessee, Jed

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Fred, I was transported.

Geez, the end of summer/early autumn is a special time to be on the road on a bike.

Haven't been in that part of the country since my military days, and I'm thinking that

it's been too long. (Gonna bookmark this report for some of the route and stops.)

Thank you.

Really enjoyed it.

Fred, I was transported.

Haven't been in that part of the country since my military days, and I'm thinking that

it's been too long.
Gosh brother Michael, it has been some time hasn't it?


I see you weren't a fan of ATGATT back then.. No scarf over my face ya sissy's! I love the feel of windburn!

Nice pics and report Fred.


After dinner we were treated to a talk on Motor cycle touring tips by Geezer. He encouraged us to stay away from the deer, and then put on his best "deer in the headlights" look.

(other captions?)


219 is a great road, but only south of NY and PE. I've done it 4 times, in fact, I've done it from the start to the end near Princeton. Its a great road in NY & PE the problem is their are so many small towns along the route it takes FOREVER to cross PE! But once you hit the WV state line WOOHOO! Great road!

Really good report Fred!

Thanks for the kind words, oh Grand Masters of the Photo Ride Reports (both OM and Bungie). ;)

You know that I strive to create RR's merely half as interesting and entertaining as you guys (I mean that most sincerely), so a thumbs up from you is highly gratifying.

Keep an eye out around the first of the year for the announcement for the FJR-NERDS gathering.

That should be happening in Vermont in the August time frame. :)

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Awesome ride report, Fred. Didn't realize that you had such a fun ride down & home. I had fun riding down & attending... but the ride home? Good Lord! for the ducks I tell ya'!!!

219 is a great road. I've only ridden it in WV but it is a major blast.

& I see that you got to view Vols Stadium. It seems that tickets are hugely expensive & like hen's teeth to actually get a hold of. It amazed me that towards the middle/end of the game we actually walked right in the stadium. Carla sat down & watched the end.... fireworks, overtime and all:


It was great seeing you again & thank you greatly for the awesome ride report,


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Great report and pics.

It's been 2 years now since I rode 219, man I wish I could have gone! :angry2:


OTOH, Art, since we ran it together in '08, I have managed to get my ass back onto 219 every year.

Yeah... it's that good. I like it that much.
Very nice RR. I couldn't agree more about he 219 through WV. A great piece of road that made up for all the rinky-dink towns in PA. I came down the 219 from Buffalo and ran it top to bottom. I should have done a little more research but ended up slabbing it from the bottom of 219. I did get to pay homage at Bristol however...


Saturday - NAFO

...After completing the route with time to spare, we arrived back at the Marriott at around 2PM and decided to wander about the metroplex. Knoxville is a pretty interesting little city (as cities go) and has a lot of hysterical stuff to look at. How many of you other attendees saw this stuff?...
We had plans to be back in Knoxville early but Bungie was leading and... well, you know the rest. :rolleyes:

See Fearless Leader leads us to Oblivion for the grisly details

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