California Smog Testing

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Time to get your pens out and let your representatives know you don't want any part of this. I got this from the AMA the other day.


Please pass this on to all your friends that ride! It's very important that we do not ignore this unless you want your bike to have to pass smog checks. Even if you don't ride. I'm sure you know others that do. Please sign the online petition and give your support. The attachment to this letter is an AMA "click to send" message to send an E-mail letter to your Senator, opposing the Smog Bill SB- 435.
Thanks for the heads up. Letter Signed and Sent.

World War II, the Big One, was won with straight-piped B52's and P-51's. I run loud pipes on my Harley to respectfully pay tribute. So there :fuck: smog testing and may individual freedom ring in the wondrous tones of loud exhaust and stereo systems forever. Oh, and don't forget the 'Bombs bursting (noisily) in air' either!

Sign the paperwork gents.. else tomorrow the rights you lose may be ones you care about..

There goes are GOD DAM Goverment again kicking the Mototcylist down... Sorry firm beleaver in LOUD PIPES SAVE LIFES...

This is exception to D carver and that dam Harley.. They dont sound right anyways... And they do make lots of pollution :fuck:

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Loud pipes will be legal, special construction bikes will be exempt, just another tax for us law abiding citizens. I’ll be out of this state by then anyhow; bike will be gone in favor of an adventure type (5 miles of gravel road to my house), so enjoy the great new state of Kalifornia.

Motorcycles also have always represented freedom and that has appeared as a threat to all those who don't think they have any or are affraid to step out of the box. I don't like the loud pipes either, even the one's on my old HD. I don't repack them enough to keep the noise down but it is a pain to do.

Stat's on the smog emmited by the bikes is bogus as is all the current scare tactics by the current regime. Just another way to keep us distracted from the real issues and just another way to control us and make our wallets lighter. But when the guberment is running out of our money, who do you think will be forced to pay up again? I'll get of my soapbox but have to agree this has been threatening to come down for quite a while. Not a surprise.

Back in the day when we were riding around and tearing it up, it was not uncommon for the man to pull you over, check you out for loud pipes, high handlebars, and defaced vin numbers and such. Also we got alot of tickets for our cars too low or jacked up too high. But didn't have to worry about any extra plumbing draining any horsepower. PM. <>< :assassin:

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