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Well, MrZappo, I can picture that craziness... I think I'll stop short of the studded tires or outriggers.......

thanks Mr Zappo, my '15 bike has 1700 miles on it so far, so hope I'm good for the trip. This is my 3rd time making this trip, and I just love US 1 once I hit the keys. I have heard of dry Tortugas state Park, but have not been there, sounds like a good idea. garyahouse, where will you be hanging out? I can give you my cell and would enjoy meeting up that week. I do enjoy the posers on Main Street for awhile though.
FYI on the tires. You'll hate the front before you get back home if it's a BT023. Mine was gone at 4500.

man I hate to hear that. Im not ready to spend on new tires yet, but I guess I should get some pilot roads soon, at least with your heads up I can look for some while they are still on sale. Thanks,

If your calculations put you over 4500 miles on those stock tires when you are south of Daytona, I would not chance it ... I am not kidding when I say that EVERY motorcycle repair shop had closed up and went up to Daytona ... There was not a tire to be found .. I was pretty screwed ..

I would literally call them and they would say "sorry, closed tomorrow cuz were going up to Daytona for a week ... Sorry"

I found ONE GUY ... He was a Russian guy with a little hole in the wall shop ... Actually a very cool place and he happened to have a FJR sized rear tire in stock ... Go figure ... But he set me up and all was perfect in my universe once again ...

The place was called JK Motorshop ... He helped me out ... Only guy within 200 miles where a tire could be had ...

Don't end up down there unprepared ... Unless you can afford to stay for a week... Which may be a good thing ...

Mr Zappo, I googled JK'S shop, it just looks like a cool place, I hope I can remember to just stop by even if I dont need a tire. Its always cool to find places like that.

Going down next week, offered a free place to stay.

Be there on Friday the 4th for my birthday.

Never rode with a couple of these guys, we'll see if they can put on the miles.

What about a Friday afternoon ride, I did the loop last year that sunrider mentioned and it was nice. We can plan the time so that we get back to destination Daytona in time to meet big John for dinner.
JJ - I am still planning on coming down this week. I will be in Orlando, but will come over on Friday for a meet. Any one else planning on doing this?

dont know, you probably know the area better than I, any good place to meet? I was thinking destination daytona since plenty of stuff to see, but hard to find each other because of the crowd.

My 2 cents from a native Floridian (not transplant). North end of Duval St. in Key West at sunset, Mallory Square. Not much of a better way to start a pub crawl or watch the show on the main drag ( maybe pun intended).

I had been thinking of riding down to Key West after the IBA Pizza Party. Never been and have wanted to for a long time. Kind of got off that plan when I started trying to find reasonably priced lodging. 2 nights in Key West was going to cost more than the other 7 days of lodging, meals and fuel combined.

I'd be open to any good advice.



We, the Memphis Shades crew, eat or drink supper starting about 1900 at Houligan's in the Destination Daytona Complex. Houligan's is right on Highway 1, next to the Budweiser horse tents. We always eat in the bar. First beer for FJR folks is on me. JSNS
Hey John - I haven't seen much finalized here, but I plan to be at Houligan's on Friday, the 11th at 1900 to take you up on your offer.
I'm thinking of going to the race on Sunday. You know where I could score a cheap ticket?

"I'd be open to any good advice.



Key West is very expensive this time of year. While it is nice to be near Duval at night you pay dearly for it. Sometimes the middle keys are a much cheaper option. Look for hotels up and down the chain of keys. Sometimes the ones not right near town centers are cheaper.

If you are big on the party scene you probably want to stay close to Duval street in Key West. If you

are just going to ride, eat and have a relaxing evening there are very good options up and down the

keys. And of course there are places to go out all up and down the keys.

I guess what I am trying to say in a rambling way is The Florida Keys are not just Key West. Living

three hours from the keys I have been many times. Less then half the time do I even go into Key West.

Thank you.

Might just want to wait until low season to go. I'd love to have enough time to meander through the Keys as you suggest. I was going to be in Florida already and I could eke out an extra day if the planets lined up just right.

We, the Memphis Shades crew, eat or drink supper starting about 1900 at Houligan's in the Destination Daytona Complex. Houligan's is right on Highway 1, next to the Budweiser horse tents. We always eat in the bar. First beer for FJR folks is on me. JSNS
Hey John - I haven't seen much finalized here, but I plan to be at Houligan's on Friday, the 11th at 1900 to take you up on your offer.
I'm thinking of going to the race on Sunday. You know where I could score a cheap ticket?
Hey Griff, I will be around friday as well, not sure about 7:00, but will look for you also.

Thank you.
Might just want to wait until low season to go. I'd love to have enough time to meander through the Keys as you suggest. I was going to be in Florida already and I could eke out an extra day if the planets lined up just right.
Hello Slantonp4, any time you can get to the keys it's worth it. Like was said before, it's worth it to lodge in the middle keys for half the money, and make an evening trip to key west for a couple of hours. Its more natural and layed back in the mid to lower keys also. Hope you make it. John

PS on the Daytona info: I've been to the track a couple of days and the new FJR is not in the demo fleet. They are still using '15s for demo. The explanation I got was they use 50 state bikes and the '16 is not California certified at this time.

Remember there is a RTE in Flagler Beach @ Martin's restaurant on Friday (March 11). Kicking tires starts @ 11, and they open the doors @ 11:30. Everyone is welcome and it is mostly LD types. Come on out and check out the bikes. Dunno if 101st will make it, but I'll be there altho likely on the dreaded old HD.

For Key West, I say go all the way down. Rooms are cheaper when you first get on the island, but also check out the hotels on the southern most point area. Blue Marlin is one that comes to mind, but there are others in the surrounding area; do a google maps close up and see what's there and start making calls.

I was stationed @ NAS KW back in the day, and go fairly often. I am fortunate to be able to use the base lodging which is much more wallet friendly, but there are deals off base if you look and are open to days of the week you go. The middle Keys are nice, but I personally like the fun on Duval and surrounding area. Go down, rent a bicycle/scooter/golf cart as budget allows. Lots to do down that way. If you want to watch grass grow and more serene setting, then by all means, stay in the middle keys.

I am staying home today to catch up on some things, but will be back up to Daytona again tomorrow and the rest of the week at least through Friday. PM me if you want.
