My New Year's Retrospective

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Miss Demeanor
FJR Supporter
Nov 19, 2007
Reaction score
Mountain View, CA
Many people put together videos of their bikes and the roads they had traveled over the year. After my accident, I realized that the true gifts along the road were the people I experienced along the way. I have met some of the most amazing and wonderful spirits and they have blessed my life every day.

With that, I share with you some of the faces (I borrowed some pics so hope y'all don't mind) that make my heart smile (the music is courtesy of Gil (gg883) who does Neil Young almost better than Neil Young does!).

Very nicely done... It is a tribute that you have so many people that care so deeply for you....You are one special lady.. Rich

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Quite a cast of characters ya got there. Good peeps. :)
Hey Dickchin. Wake up. Did you not see that FJRONAMISSION was in one of those pics?

Edit to say "mostly good peeps".

And sweet Ms. Tyler, that was very well done. Damn, you've got a lot of friends!

I've only got one (Dr. Rich) and I'm not really that fond of him.

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Quite a cast of characters ya got there. Good peeps. :)
Hey Dickchin. Wake up. Did you not see that FJRONAMISSION was in one of those pics?

Edit to say "mostly good peeps".

And sweet Ms. Tyler, that was very well done. Damn, you've got a lot of friends!

I've only got one (Dr. Rich) and I'm not really that fond of him.
I hear he ain't that fond of you either. You sure he's your friend?

I understand being delusional is not new for you.

What an "Awwwww" moment. One would almost believe a person of your caliber attracts and maintains a variety of relationships with others. Strange.......

Er...uhm...yew gots frens? Who'da thunk! :dntknw:

I vote that you move to the east coast so we can enjoy your company. It's just not fare ya know. :rolleyes:
You, sir, can keep your lousy ideas to your-own-self! :glare: could move out here and join the others in Tyler's posse and enjoy all the company your heart desires. :yahoo:

Quite a cast of characters ya got there. Good peeps. :)
Hey Dickchin. Wake up. Did you not see that FJRONAMISSION was in one of those pics?

Edit to say "mostly good peeps".

And sweet Ms. Tyler, that was very well done. Damn, you've got a lot of friends!

I've only got one (Dr. Rich) and I'm not really that fond of him.
I hear he ain't that fond of you either. You sure he's your friend?

I understand being delusional is not new for you.
I was thinking it...but I wasn't going to type it. Then I read your response....


Thanks, sweetie, you made my evening!

