Preparing to lose my best friend

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Just went through this myself. Goodbye Lia.

The wife and I just got her ashes and clay pawprint from the U Vet Center.. :( There is no getting around it, and this is something few without pets understand, but the loss of such a longtime companion can be just as devastating as the loss of a human companion, some might say even more so, because the ability to communicate to and with them is so limited. Spending a fortune to try and extend their life is not a good idea-several thousand dollars later, Lia is just as dead and we're much poorer for the effort. All I can say is to treasure the time you have, things happen so quickly that one doesn't want to have to recall with sadness that you could have....and so on.

"These are the good old days" Carly Simon.

Sorry for your loss, very sorry.

Hi Jaycen

I am Aaron and Kyla's (orangevalefjr's kids) Mom. I have learned recently that pain is pain...degrees do not matter. my heart is with you at this sad time. i will dream of your kitty tonight and wish for happier times for you and your family. Peace.

I have been blessed to be a cat lover too.Boots lived 25 years.She was one I grew up with and my mother had from the time I was in 8th grade till I was near 30 years old.Harley got his name because he purred so loud and like a biker he was a reals hells angel on other cats.Never knew a neutered cat would fight so much.He was 12 when he developed bladder cancer.Like Warchild said they are part of the family. I just cant stay away from adopting another one.The two that I now have are not living with me because the neighborhood has a passion for allowing pit pulls to run loose.So I guess I am guilty of protecting them.Each one that passed was a gut wrenching moment..I still have a photo of Harley posed with boxing gloves and a red bandana.Of course he was in a fight the night before and had to be stiched up.

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Hi everyone, Thanks for the replies and kind words. Tuesday night at 6:30 we all got in the car and headed out for Twinkles last ride. She was a truley amazing animal to us. Everyone else hated her, she wasn't a friendly cat, but she was truly amazing with Morganne, or 2 year old daughter.

She went peacefully at the vets, some muscle relaxer, her favorite blanket and toys. As she lay there high from the muscle relaxer, Morganne went over to the crate that she had been in and got the few peices of food that were in it, and pushed them towards her sisters mouth. The doctor asked us if we were ready, well I wasn't, but it wasn't going to get any easier and I nodded. She was gone.....we all said good bye, I cried like a 230 lb. baby.

Radman, my biggest consern is that the mass in her belly was hair, she had a habbit of cleaning up after the dogs shedding plucks up from around the house and there was something that we could have done. I'm glad that her last moments were of us and not something else. Mabey we could have saved her if we acted sooner, mabey not, I will never know, she was the first thing my wife and I ever did togeather 14 years ago when we got our first apartment....She was truley part of our life togeather as a couple.

We lay in bed at night remember the good times, we didn't get much sleep the first night, last night we dug out all the old pictures...lay in bed and cried some more....

She will be creamated, not what I really wanted to do, but we are planning on selling our house if the market ever changes and I couldn't bear the thought of leaving her behind....this way she can some with us no matter what....

Thank you all for your compassion and allowing me to "Heal" abit among friends

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Sorry about your loss, I truly understand that the furry ones have a way of warming one's home and heart.

She was a beautiful kitty.

She will be creamated, not what I really wanted to do, but we are planning on selling our house if the market ever changes and I couldn't bear the thought of leaving her behind....this way she can come with us no matter what....
And be prepared for a bit more pain when you get the ashes, followed by a good feeling when you remembered why you did it, (bolded above).

Times will get better.

I feel bad even posting this after the lost of OrangevaleFJR. I feel like I am extremely lucky in this life, where I have never lost anyone really close to me.
Last night I found out that my best friend of 14 years is sick beyond what any amount of money or medicial care can do for her. My cat, of 14 years has a massive tumor in her belly, making it impossible to eat or drink. I noticed a week ago that she stopped drinking, and eating. This wasn't the first time this happened, about 4 year ago she did the same thing. 1000 dollars later, the vets had no idea what was going on with her. One day she just "snapped" out of it, and life was good again.

The vet gave us the option of putting her down last night or spending one last day with her. She is in no pain, but her organs are in the process of shutting down due to lack of nutrition. Tonight I will be bringing her back to the vets for her final trip....

I know she is only a cat, but she deffinatly held a special place in the hearts of my wife, me and especially my 2 1/2 year old daugher.

May I extend my most sincere condolences for your loss. I lost my cat of 19 make matters worse I had to tell my son (also 19 at the time) over the phone, he was in Korea. DJ was also cremated...for the same reason. Family is family...the number of legs is just a minor detail.

I know why I started here and now I know why I stay. You folks are great.

Had a 16 year old Sheltie that we thought was going (for me once they cannot walk, meaning bodily functions cannot happen....well)

....called the vet and stopped at his favorite park on the way....

Got there, set him on the grass....damndest thing...he got up and bounced around like a young we packed up and went home. He lasted another 3 months, but those were great times (14 years ago).

Now my retriever in the pic is 12 and his "older brother" (another sheltie) is 14...

They are relatively healthy, although creaky....and sleep a lot....

They have brought me though some rough days, and I will treasure the times that we still enjoy... is a circle, and I am thankful to be a part of yours....

So sorry for the loss of your cat, animals bring a certain normality into the home.

It is a time of deep sadness for you all and I know what you are going through at this moment.

So many peeps on this forum posted replies to my post when I lost my little dog of 12 years, not so long ago, so I wanted to let you know that we are thinking about you and your loss.

It takes a great amount of time to get over this passing, but with time another little cat will soon be part of your family again.

Take care,

Sorry to hear of the loss of one of your family members jaycen.

They become part of us and make us happy to come home.

We just lost our Jessie last saturday evening, she was 14 also.

It's a really hard thing to get through. Just try to think of the good times with your wonderful kitty when you're feeling bad and you'll laugh and cry at the same time.

It makes me feel a little better.

I completely feel your pain and loss... I still tear up sometimes at the loss of my beloved furry friend, Doogan, many years ago. The critters get into your heart and soul and are truly part of your family here on earth. A friend sent me this poem upon his passing and I share it here with you. :)

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind. They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....



Very sorry....pets are indeed part of the family. I have a 12 year old Bombay and a 1 1/2 year old ragamuffin. The bombay I've had since he was 4 months old and is very loyal to me. Having put down another kitty in the past, I feel your pain and wish you well with recovering from the loss.

Believe it or not...and you probably don't feel this way...but do consider getting another one at some point in the future. It will start a new chapter of joy in the household, I promise you that.

Again, sorry for your loss....


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