Speeding Ticket Fest

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Windjammer it's more insidious than that. :assasin: Our Reps of BOTH Parties are bought and paid for by Corporations. With electronic voting WE don't have a vote. It's rigged. The people of this country didn't turn out in droves to re-elect Bush. One county in Ohio alone had 100,000 votes more than people, and they only voted for one office and one candidate Bush. https://blackboxvoting.org/ :butcher:

Windjammer it's more insidious than that. :assasin: Our Reps of BOTH Parties are bought and paid for by Corporations. With electronic voting WE don't have a vote. It's rigged. The people of this country didn't turn out in droves to re-elect Bush. One county in Ohio alone had 100,000 votes more than people, and they only voted for one office and one candidate Bush. https://blackboxvoting.org/    :butcher:
It's worse than that. The fact that people think there are ONLY 2 parties is the root cause of the problem. That they vote like they were tryng to pick a winner in a horse race is another problem. That means the Republicrats and the Democans remain in power and are more than happy to take turns with who's on top. Power-the-greater and Power-the-lesser are what they are after. Pitting people against people is one of their tactics of distraction; whether racial, class warfare, or people against "big business". It all focuses attention away from a government changing the relationship of who works for whom on its head. All power flows from "a creator" to The People. The People then join together to LOAN some of those powers to the government under very narrow rules (The Constitution) that constrain the government to prevent it from trying to usurp all power like has been done by every government in history.

Money isn't buying these government officials and neither are corporations. Money is nothing when you can have governmental power and extend that power beyond all docmented constraints. This whole rewrite of eminent domain is just one example. It has moved from "we need an easement for building this road/railroad" to "we don't like that you have this land, so we're giving it to someone else". This is exactly what caused the original split from England in the first place. Make a note of WHO voted for and who against that ruling. It's not the Justices that the media would have you hate.

Years ago people thought we were heading toward a race war. Now the only racial battles are those incited by officials trying to distract the governed while they make power plays that are illegal and unconstitutional. The real blood bath will come when these illegal efforts to expand governmental power over the governed wake "the sleeping giant" that is The People (where all power originates).

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Years ago people thought we were heading toward a race war. Now the only racial battles are those incited by officials trying to distract the governed while they make power plays that are illegal and unconstitutional. The real blood bath will come when these illegal efforts to expand governmental power over the governed wake "the sleeping giant" that is The People (where all power originates).

Excellent post.

I read an article a while back where the author postulated that the Constitution in the US plays more or less teh same role that the monarchy plays in the UK, it gives the people something to feel good about while having no real power.

Its clear that the SCOTUS doesn't read the Constitution let alone try to apply it. Decisions like the one regarding eminent domain in CT and medical marijuana in CA prove that. Of course, you can trace the total disregard for the constitution back through cases like Roe v. Wade and their support for laws extending the "interstate commerce" clause to federally regulate farmers growing things for their own use or within their own state.

We've long since passed from "interpreting the constitution" to "interpreting what the constitution would say if the SCOTUS had written it themselves". I fear for what sort of country we will pass to our children.

BTW - As long as the two major parties have the system rigged to keep out minor parties and as long as people don't vote, we'll continue the slide.

I hope Bush nominates someone as worthy of the court as Robert Bork was and then uses the full force of the senate majority to confirm him. Here's to Strict Constructioninsm.



There was plenty of coverage in Montana last Sunday too.  And I got some personal attention.  :angry:   Oh well, it's just money, right?  They actually expect people to abide by the speed limit in the middle of Montana????  <_<
Was it the County Sheriff or the Highway Patrol that was out in force? Whenever I pass through it seems the Sheriff is more interested in traffic enforcement. <_<

Right on Bounce! Couldn't agree more.

Don't like "rigged" election results? Consider that if just HALF the PWDV went out and voted for third party candidates, it would make election history, at least within the context our lifetime.

And TJ, here in WI there was news that over 15,000 votes were cast for John Kerry in Milwaukee by DEAD people, enough votes to cause the electoral votes for WI to be cast for Kerry. True? Not true? It matters not in this discussion. VOTE FIRST, debate election results AFTER. Volunteer at the polls if you want to verify the accuracy of the results.

Just got back from a trip through MI, saw a few LEO's but steered clear of their wrath. Must say that MI is awesome, great roads and great people.

Happy Independence Day!!

There was plenty of coverage in Montana last Sunday too.  And I got some personal attention.  :angry:    Oh well, it's just money, right?  They actually expect people to abide by the speed limit in the middle of Montana????   <_<
Was it the County Sheriff or the Highway Patrol that was out in force? Whenever I pass through it seems the Sheriff is more interested in traffic enforcement. <_<
Highway Patrol. . .I'd say they got their limit that day. Not a Sheriff to be seen, not that that means anything since I didn't see the trooper until he was on my tail. :assasin:

Libertarian and Damn proud of it. I love this country and would and have defended it. But I feel the Two party system ( rich white guy who went to Yale and wearing a red tie or a rich white guy who went to Yale and wears a blue tie ) is no choice

I vote every election and will continue to do so and therefore I have every right to bitch.

...We hold these truths to be self evident.....life liberty and the pursuit of happiness

Sorry political rant off

Ride safe


Saturday in Cullman, AL on I-65... getting on the southbound on-ramp I count 3 State Troopers parked on the side.  Looking back into traffic while merging, I see another one with a radar gun under the overpass.  Within 2 miles, I counted 6 vehicles pulled over, each with a State Trooper issueing a speeding reward.  That's 10 troopers in less than 2 miles.  Maybe some forum members who are LEO's can chime in, but doesn't this smack of quotas?... I mean, last week-end of the month? :angry:
Out here in North Cali, the CHP calls it "zero tolerance day(s)" it is usually announced a couple of days in advance, then the CHP plasters I80 from the Bay Area to Nevada with every officer on the payroll. Radar, aircraft, but no quotas...it's a freaking contest to see which Highway Patrol office can write the most tickets for the most revenue. 10 LEO's in 2 or 3 miles is not unusual, then nothing for miles then another 10 LEO's.

Makes me want to slow down for the day, save my speed for tomorrow. That or stay off the Interstate (my first choice anyway on the bike)

I hear you fastfar... once I get past a group of LEO's at an obvious speed trap... I let her rip... I can't name the number of times they could've nailed me for triple digits if they would've left one LEO 5 miles after the speed trap.

Here are some tips if you travel in my home state of Massachusetts:

Interstates only have state police, but state police also patrol state highways and do use very low power x band in the wild western parts of the state so don't disable this on your ticket alarm. Watch for them on the interstate overpasses on the road up above, the on ramps, and on the sides in the shadows. Holiday weekends are swamped with cops and traffic - weekend after holidays have few traffic cops.

Sheriff cars are ok to pass because they only control the jails and don't write tickets. They put you in jail after the judge or local police tells them to. :headbonk:
