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Stopped for fuel coming back from a project in Wisconsin, about 100 miles out of Minneapolis. Looked at my tire and oh, oh. First time in 30 years of riding I let that happen. had a big time storm heading right for me from the west so I was riding right into it if I didn't keep the speed up i was going to get caught.

I had to slow down, just felt there was to much of a chance of a blow out in the rain and high wind. When i came through the city heading to the west side where i live. The roads had to have three inches of water in some places.

Made it to my garage, park the bike, removed all my soaked gear went in the house and had a beer.

next day I went out and took my knife and pressed it into the shown cords, pop and down she went. I got to tell you I didn't push that hard ether. so I guess I made hundred or so miles.

200 miles is further than we had to go? We didn't have heavey loads so we may have made it? I just had a thought.... tomorrow if my friend is willing, after all it's his bike; I can follow him to my place where we have new tires to replace his cord worn ones? If we don't make it we have the truck! Experience is a great teacher! I will let you know how we make out!
Well my friend wasn't interested in riding on his thread bear tire! We trucked his bike back to my home where he had a set of PR'3's to put on! He is delighted with the new tire. I have a cycle hill (no mar) tire machine so the job went well! The old tire was Corsa Diablo 111? I don't think he would recommend them? Inexpensive but still not worth it? Here is a pic of said tire with 8,466 kilometers not miles.


Pfffft! That tire has 1000 more kilometers on it easy! :)

While changing tires I hope you showed him where the tire wear bars are for future reference. ;)
