Where Do You Keep Your Cell Phone

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Where do you keep your cell when riding?

  • On your person (jacket pocket)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • On your bike (tank bag, fairing pocket)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Always have mine in the tank bag turned off. Riding in nowhere land at high rates of speed can get you in trouble quick. Hopefully I'll be conscious when I have to crawl back to the now burning bike to retrieve it. Cheap insurance in my opinion.

In a car there is too much fredom to talk on the cell phone and run over unsuspecting 2 wheeled objects with drivers aboard. I hate it as much as anybody else when the non-multitasking cager is yappin away on the cell phone and not driving or paying attention. On a bike I think a cell phone is a must have especially if you ride mostly solo. Too many freaks out there with high powered high caliber man killers and too many things to go wrong on the road. People aren't as friendly now as they were in RADMAN's day. They'd just as soon run over you than help you. :erm:

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Counting the cages talking on cell phones as they drove by. About 1 in 10 was on the phone.
It is illegal in NY to talk on a cell phone while driving unless you use the headset. However, I still see at least 10% of the drivers holding the cell up to their ear while driving along oblivious to the traffic around them. Scary.....

I'm with radman on this 100%

Saw a lady talking on one, and then answered another in her purse ???

I said, "WTF". She said, "Need two, can't miss a call".

Me said, "What job you got". She said, "Walmart".

Me think, "Your a pathetic freak lady".

Cell phones are.........rad said it.

Although, I am thinking of buying one for emergencies.

I figure if I crash and am stuck somewhere hard to see they can call me and zero in on my obnoxious ring tone...and if I'm conscious, I don't want to crawl to a tank bag to get my phone...having it in my pocket could be handy...

and it's extra armour!


I absolutely hate the things, and what they've done to society.  Though I understand in an emergency situation they can be a lifesaver, it's one out of a million calls that this is the case, though it's used to justify the existence of almost every one of them.  I have come to be an observer of interest in the manner in which people use them around me, and it's enough to make a guy wanna live at the top of a mountain, shooting all climbers.....
The first time I saw a cell phone Captain Kirk was calling the Enterprise to beam him up....or some scene like that on Star Trek. Now most people want them...it just shows how cool that show really was....and how expensive copper is to install in China. I now have a communicator...er...cell phone. I don't use it much anymore. I think I grew out of it.

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I figure if I crash and am stuck somewhere hard to see they can call me and zero in on my obnoxious ring tone
Hmm...hadn't thought about that situation; might be an issue in my case; my phone plays AC/DC's Highway to Hell!

I keep it plugged into the charger in the tank bag on long trips. If I need it for a breakdown call I'll have max battery life. It's not like I could hear it when riding anyway.

Right now, it's on the counter at home where I walked off and left it. :dribble:

Mines on a belt clip just behind the right hip. I never call out on it if I can help it, and the company I work for pays the monthly bill.

Hardly ever goes off and even then I'm likely to ignore it and call back in few minutes when I can safely respond once I see who called.

I do always have it with me though I figure with my luck it'll be the first thing I land on in a get off.

It also has GPS locator mode if I call 911 or the company just wants to see where I'm enjoying that sick day off at. I'd love to see the tracking when I'm on the Feejer-lol.

Before the company insisted on setting me up with this one I had a personal one that replaced the household landline. It lived out in the car on constant charge and was never used except when I wanted to make a call.

Really pissed people off not being able to get instant gratification out of me but I figure too bad, its for my convenience not theirs.

Treat them this way and a cellphone becomes the perfect Dick Tracy gizmo I'd always wanted.

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Well, I have a policy of never answering the cell while riding. Since I don't intend to answer anyway, I just put it on vibrate mode and stick it down the front of my pants. That way, when someone calls to pester me at least I get a cheap thrill outta the deal, and I'm less likely to use it without the hands free this way. I mean, who wants to put a phone up to your head after it's been down your pants all day?

Sometimes, if I get it just right, the vibration of the phone combines with slight handlebar vibration and then the seat vibration resonating through the spare key up my arse, resulting in a harmonic convergence. Pure ecstasy, you really ought to try this. It's best achieved when the carbs are just slightly out of synch at 4000 RPM. Did I mention how much I like riding this motorcycle?

Well, I have a policy of never answering the cell while riding. Since I don't intend to answer anyway, I just put it on vibrate mode and stick it down the front of my pants. That way, when someone calls to pester me at least I get a cheap thrill outta the deal, and I'm less likely to use it without the hands free this way. I mean, who wants to put a phone up to your head after it's been down your pants all day?
Sometimes, if I get it just right, the vibration of the phone combines with slight handlebar vibration and then the seat vibration resonating through the spare key up my arse, resulting in a harmonic convergence. Pure ecstasy, you really ought to try this. It's best achieved when the carbs are just slightly out of synch at 4000 RPM. Did I mention how much I like riding this motorcycle?
:clap: :haha: :D :rolf:

Mine is always in the jacket pocket and off (couldn't hear it anyway)

I have to carry a cell phone for work purposes, but keep it set to vibrate and 9 out of 10 times I let it go to voicemail so it doesn't disrupt my work or the work of anyone else. When in a cage or on a bike, I really couldn't care less who is calling -- they can wait.

I keep my cellphone in my zippered pants pocket. I won't be able to hear it, but I'll probably feel it vibrate ^_^ and at a convenient point can pull over and check to see if the old lady or someone else important has left a message. Keeping it on my person rather than in a tank bag or fairing glovebox would be very helpful if I've been thrown off and have broken bones or maybe the bike's on fire.

Next will be your bike or car will call the DMV to report that you have been speeding and the LEO's will just mail you tickets and your bike or car will be called to testify against you in court! :bigeyes:
Not so funny in the UK there is talk of putting RFID tags on plates and transponders by the road side. Then calculating avg speed between transponders.

As for the phone, would advise against putting it in your jacket or top pant pockets.

I got a hell of a bruise on my upper thigh this summer, an almost perfect impression of my lighter.

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I was on vacation last week in Calistoga, CA, and while we were driving down 29, we got behind 2 guys on custom choppers- sleevless shirts, little plastic 1/2 helmet brain buckets. They seemed to be struggling a bit with their long bikes in the slow pace of traffic anyway, so I backed WAY off, and then the guy on the left reaches into his pocket and pulls out his phone and proceeds to make a call. Phone-guy's bike starts to chug as he lets the revs drop, so he hits the gas to keep it from stalling, then grabs a ton of brakes because he is now moving much faster than the pickup in front of him. Of course, this results in a return to the previous chugging condition he was trying to avoid in the first place. He panics, drops his phone, and then droped the bike as he reached to catch his phone. It was all very low speed, so he managed to not fall himself, but his buddy had to help him get his bike up straight again. The bike was mechanically fine, but the custom paint and a bunch of the chrome bits were toast. All because he had to make a call right then. I couldn't believe it.

I keep mine on me (front pocket). I never really thought about being injured by it during an accident. I guess I need to figure our where to keep it so it won't make things worse. It has saved my bacon during a blowout on a previous bike. I was hearing Banjo music from "Deliverance" in my head when I looked up and saw a cell tower. I was glad to have the cell.

BTW- I also like to put my phone down the front of my pants...only I call myself.

I read some good advice a while back: In your cell phone directory, enter a phone number or two that the name begins with ". I.C.E." (in case of emergency) That way if you're found in a ditch somewhere they'll have a number to call to have the remains of your FJR picked up. If you put a period before the I it should end up at the beginning of your alphabetical name directory. My $.02.

