2013 SE Ohio Spring Ramble - Ride Groups

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Oct 8, 2006
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New Baltimore, Mi
SE Ohio Ramble – Ride Group Signup.

We’re just about 10 days out from the Ramble now, so let’s talk about ride groups. To ensure we don’t end up in one bound up fuster cluck, let’s establish some ride groups based on your perceived comfort level.

First and foremost, it is imperative everyone keep the “Ride your own Ride” mentality. Fast is relative – what is fast for one rider might be senior citizen pace for another, so don’t get wrapped around the terms so much as the description. Be honest with yourself when you look at which group you’d like to ride with and don’t be offended if your group tells you to bump up or down a level. Everyone has a different perspective of the pace.

We expect that the small groups will stay together and look out for each other. This does not mean you have to ride nose to tail, but that you wait for the rider behind at each turn. If you haven’t seen that rider’s headlights in your mirror for more than a few minutes, then you might want to check up and see what’s up (Wheaton). My opinion is that I’m the first responder for each bike in my group, as is everyone rider in the group. We start together, check mirrors every couple of miles, and ensure everyone makes the turn onto a new road. You should not leave a gas station and the next time you see your group is at the next gas station.

There’s much discussion about the roads in SE Ohio. Personally, I feel that they are some of the most technically challenging roads on the east coast to ride aggressively. Poor suspension set up and worn out tires will not cope will with the abrupt elevation and directional changes here. Watch Bungie’s video – and realize it will be coming at your 10x quicker in real life. Be humble, be conservative with entry speeds and you’ll be fine. ABS will not save the day when you crest a hill with the front tire (or entire bike) in the air and the road turned left just past the crest…

Let’s settle on these four groups, and realize that under each group, there will be sub-groups of 3-5 bikes. These four groups will help with the initial gathering and allow each group to from their own sub-groups in the parking lot Friday night.

Group 4: 2-Up & Scenic – Posted speed limits, Coffee stops and they don’t care how long it takes to get there because they’re having fun.

Group 3: Solo riders who prefer to travel at the posted speed limit, limited passing on double yellow.

Group 2: Riders who nudge the envelope some – travel over the posted speed limit by 5-10mph, pass on double yellow when sight distance permits.

Group 1: Riders who don’t give a crap about jail time or vehicle impound lots – Will typically travel above the posted speed limit and will pass on double yellow.

If you want to figure it out yourself, that’s fine too. If you’d like to be included, respond with this simple line of information:

(Forum Name), (Real Name), (Preferred Group), (GPS - yes or no), (lead / sweep or follower)

Extrememarine, Wayne, group 3, GPS, will lead.

We will need 4 primary group cat-herders, as well as group leaders within each group. What I’m getting at is not everyone can sign up as a follower. If you already have a group you traveled in with and plan to ride with, then let me know so I can put that together.

I’m ready to ride, how about you?



Updated: 28 April 2013 @ 17:40

Group 4:

BikerGeek, Andy, Group 4, GPS, lead.

Group 3:

PhilJet09, Phil, Group 3, GPS, follow.

Amish FJR Ed group 3, follow.

El Toro Joe, Joe, Group 1,2 or 3, follow

extrememarine, Wayne, Group 3, GPS, lead-sweep-follow

Guest, Brian (GS), Group 3, GPS, lead-sweep-follow

Group 2:

bungie, Steve, Group 2/3, GPS, lead-sweep-follow, Sena.

Chivvalry, Ken, Group 2, GPS, lead-sweep-follow, Sena.

griff, Carl, group 2, GPS, follow, Sena

wheatonFJR, Mark, group 2, gps, sweep-follow, sena

Petey, not provided, group 2, follow

RaYzerman, Ray, Group 2, GPS, lead-follow

Luvtoride, Heidi, group 1, gps, follow, comm

KTMRider, unknown, group 2, gps, follow, sena

Group 1:

Roadrunner, Art, group 1, GPS, lead-sweep-follow, GMRS

gray ray, Ray, group 1, follow

Scrapedup, Dave, Group 1, No GPS

Guest, Mike, group 1, gps, follow

Intech, Bob, group 1, gps, lead (own group)

Guest, Bob’s brother, group 1, following Bob

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bungie, Steve, Group 2/3, GPS, will lead, sweep, or follow, Sena.

(does anybody REALLY want me to lead?! :)

I'll be taking it easy and looking after Jim, but I'll be having some fun on some bits as well.

Chivvalry, Ken, Group 2 (no jail for me!), GPS - Yes, Can lead (if I can get some routes) or sweep... prefer to follow. Oh and Sena.

On me as lead... 101stPathfinder has nicknamed me "Mayhem"... so... I prefer to follow.

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wheatonFJR, Mark, group 2, gps and SENA, will sweep if need be

I'm a group 2 kinda guy...will assist if need be...have Sena. BTW, I still don't have my bike together yet...so have not ridden a mile yet on my FJR since last October.

Hopefully, I will have warmed up to riding again between Wheaton and SE Ohio.

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road runner, Art, group 1, gps, and gmrs, will lead if needed, follow, sweep, if routes provided. Prefer to follow though.

New tires and suspension and brakes are great.

Groups 3 & 4 seem to be about the same.

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Is there a group for old guys? Well, I think I'll try in group 2, because I know some of you in group 2.... that is if you let me...

Wheatie, you better get on the stick...

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RaYzerman, Ray, Group 2, GPS & Scala, lead or follow if we have routes. Like break time every 1.5 hrs. or so.

Do you guys normally allow passing in the group if the rider in front is not quite fast enough for you, providing the way is clear?

PhilJet09, Phil, Group 3, GPS, prefer to follow.

My tires will be new, but my suspention's getting tired...best for me to stay at the back of the pack.

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Amish FJR Ed group 3 single No GPS or sound (yet). obviously a follower.

rode with Group 2 last year but was too often playing catch-up.

Need to even out the chicken strip on my rears.

As last years winner of the worst rider award i plan to bring an appropriate award for this year's worst. (It devastated me to lose the plastic Harley cup I won last year).

plan to ride both sat and sun unless i chicken out again and run from the rain.....

El Toro Joe, Joe, Groups 1,2 or 3, no gps, no comm device, I'll ride wherever you put me (for a while)...but I ain't leading.

Hell, I'll ride with pretty much anyone...even Gray Ray and his brother Scrapedup.

If Denny makes it back, I'd like to ride in his group.

RaYzerman, Ray, Group 2, GPS & Scala, lead or follow if we have routes. Like break time every 1.5 hrs. or so.
Do you guys normally allow passing in the group if the rider in front is not quite fast enough for you, providing the way is clear?
This isn't my Ramble anymore, but I have in the past.

Racing isn't a good idea, but there is no frickin' way anybody will know the skills or pace of the others in your group until you start out and get going. I always wave faster riders ahead of me as well as I hate to have the distraction of headlights on my ass while trying to negotiate the upcoming surprise decreasing radius turn.

Good question for conversation. Typically, it is considered the courteous thing to do in letting a faster rider by with a wave. For me, I will stay behind a rider until they acknowledges and waves me past. There is no way of reading what's going on inside that helmet in front of you - you don't know if he sees you, knows he's holding you up, etc. I would highly encourage everyone to take a minute and have this discussion in the small groups before you head out. If I see I'm holding someone up, I'll slide to the right, slow, and wave then around.

Do you guys normally allow passing in the group if the rider in front is not quite fast enough for you, providing the way is clear?
As previosly stated, my brother and I will be venturing out on our own. Otherwise I would be in group 1 all the way.(of couse, since I am not going in a group!)

I agree with Wayne about discussing the pace and passing within your group before you take off. Have a good understanding and agreement on what is protocol for the group. We didn't do that two years ago and had passing within the group. It wasn't a problem, because the group was aware of everyone and the passing was reasonable. (and sometimes entertaining. Man those muzzies sounded good at about 110 mph!)

Really looking forward to seeing everyone.

I agree with Wayne about discussing the pace and passing within your group before you take off. Have a good understanding and agreement on what is protocol for the group. We didn't do that two years ago and had passing within the group. It wasn't a problem, because the group was aware of everyone and the passing was reasonable. (and sometimes entertaining. Man those muzzies sounded good at about 110 mph!)
Really looking forward to seeing everyone.
Entertaining as hell as he was passing the group at 110 mph on Rt 7, while we all slowed to make the gas stop that he just blew by. He did like the sound of his Muzzy 4 into 1 at 110 mph.

I agree with Wayne about discussing the pace and passing within your group before you take off. Have a good understanding and agreement on what is protocol for the group. We didn't do that two years ago and had passing within the group. It wasn't a problem, because the group was aware of everyone and the passing was reasonable. (and sometimes entertaining. Man those muzzies sounded good at about 110 mph!)

Really looking forward to seeing everyone.
Entertaining as hell as he was passing the group at 110 mph on Rt 7, while we all slowed to make the gas stop that he just blew by. He did like the sound of his Muzzy 4 into 1 at 110 mph.
Good thing you guys weren't making a left turn!

EDIT: Sorry...this thread is about groups...I'll shut up now.


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