SW Colorado with my nephew part 3

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May 18, 2012
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Hopkinsville, KY

More of Canyonlands

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If you go to Canyonlands, you need to stop at Deadhorse Point on the way out. Another really awesome view.
We went over the La Sal mountains and up 141 to Grand Junction. This is a great road between the canyon bluffs. It's so fun on a motorcycle.

We almost had an incident near Naturita. There were three cows on both sides of the road and a bicycle before them. I told my nephew over the Sena, "we gotta slow down here." He saw the cyclist and slowed down but didn't see the cows so as soon as he felt he was good on the bicycle he gunned it. He said, "oh crap!" and flew right by barely between me and a cow. It was funny until we thought about how it could have gone badly.

A half hour later I saw plastic pieces bouncing on the road behind his bike. His phone didn't get mounted correctly and it flew off. We found it but it didn't survive. He was due an upgrade and we worked that out in Grand Junction before driving the rim road through Colorado National Monument. It is really great scenery, but we had seen a lot of rocks already so we didn't enjoy it as much. I still highly recommend it if in the area, though.

I saved the best for Friday, the last day. I always find variety makes such a difference in a trip and after seeing all the rocks and canyons, 550 (the million dollar highway) was by far the highlight. My nephew said I ruined Arkansas for him.



I made it back to Hopkinsville on Saturday night giving a total on the bike of 2245 miles plus 1800 in the car. I had a great trip but I have to admit it paled in comparison to my trips with Tammy. It wasn't the same. Way too many times on this trip my mind was back on that curve that we wrecked on last year. I kept finding myself trying to go back in time and not make those mistakes. Also I remembered a lot of things after the accident that I had forgotten. None of that is helpful, but it's a process.

I am very thankful to have been able to see all this again. Thanks for viewing!!
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Great read, thanks for the ride. Canyonlands always makes me smile standing on a rim looking down and out and seeing another canyon as deep!
Also good to hear that you are out and about, wishing the best for Tammy's full recovery.
Looks like you had a great trip, thanks for sharing, I did a ride out west last year and found I loved the Wyoming mountains and the Teton National Forest area. It didn't look like your ride, think I'll be heading for Colorado next.
Mike S.
Great read, thanks for the ride. Canyonlands always makes me smile standing on a rim looking down and out and seeing another canyon as deep!
Also good to hear that you are out and about, wishing the best for Tammy's full recovery.
One of the BEST things about living in Colorado! Thanks for the pics and write up.
Looks like you had a great trip, thanks for sharing, I did a ride out west last year and found I loved the Wyoming mountains and the Teton National Forest area. It didn't look like your ride, think I'll be heading for Colorado next.
Mike S.
I notice you are from Ontario, CN. If you want to see colorful rocks and canyons you need to visit Utah and Arizona. Much of Colorado is very similar to the Canadian Rockies. Start in Moab, UT and work your way west. You will need to do some zig zag routing to get the full effect of the topography created by the Colorado River. If you have time visit both the north rim of the Grand Canyon as well as the south rim.