Guess who their collar bone?

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Come on, you can be honest, tell us why you were really in Pahrump.........LOL

Had to waste a sport bike to cover your tracks?

That is a bummer man. Nasty looking x-ray. Glad to hear you are back on a bike...........


So what happened to the seven fidty? And could you post up a pic of the new liter bike? I love Gixers....Much thanks! PM. <>< :yahoo:

Well, last weekend Oct. Th, I was on one of my favorite tracks- Mountain Springs race track in Pahrump, NV.As I entered turn 6, my front wheel lost traction and I went down hard. The result was a totaled out gsxr750 and a broken collar bone.
Holy crap! You must be on Costco-sized containers of vicodin to be able to get that "Symbology" picture taken yesterday. That looks hella painful.

Damn Steve, I just saw this thread today. I'd say you phucked up your collar bone there buddy!

Sorry to hear 'bout yer get-off.

How's the healing process coming along?

Welcome to the track club...those of us that have and those that will... :lol:

I got one to match back in '95. Did you have it plated? Wish I did. That little bit of mis-alignment that occurs when it heals naturally has bothered me at times since.

Details...What cause the high side and subsequent bad landing?

Get well soon

I got one to match back in '95. Did you have it plated? Wish I did. That little bit of mis-alignment that occurs when it heals naturally has bothered me at times since.

Details...What cause the high side and subsequent bad landing?

Yes, I now have plates and screws holding the collar bone together.

As far as how this happened, well, this might sound kid of stuipid ... .I was breaking for a turn comming up and I noticed that the throttle was not all the way off. I thought it might be stuck and then BAMMM! I hit the pavement hard. I figure I was going about 100MPH when it happened.

I remenber feeling very tired before it happened and was ready to turn in the padock. I had ridden about 40 mile or approx. 18 laps.

I think that I didn't release the throttle all the way- maybe it got stuck on my glove? Anyways, as soon as I was aware of this, it was all over.

The remedy for this not to happen again is to first not stay out that long and second to get a quick turn or 1/5 turn throttle that would have less chance of hanging up on my glove.

Anyways, I am heeling well and will be back on the track soon.

I'll post pics of the GSXR tonight

Well, last weekend Oct. Th, I was on one of my favorite tracks- Mountain Springs race track in Pahrump, NV.As I entered turn 6, my front wheel lost traction and I went down hard. The result was a totaled out gsxr750 and a broken collar bone.

I under went surgery Wednesday to clamp down my collar bone in place and it went well. As you can see in the picture below, I snapped that sucker in 2 real good.

Obviously I am not able to ride now however it is healing well and should be back in the saddle soon.

The vicodin is working great!

I'll have some pictures of the bike soon. I came out alot better.

Holy God, that hurts me to LOOK at it. Damn, dude. But you're typing, so it ain't all bad. :)

Damn Steve, I just saw this thread today. I'd say you phucked up your collar bone there buddy!
Sorry to hear 'bout yer get-off.

How's the healing process coming along?
I concur w/ the doc on his assessment. You all healed up now,it's been what? Over 6-7 weeks?

Vicodin are nice for naps, that's for sure.

Man, I know what you're going through. I broke both of mine at the same time......dirt biking. The left one was a " greenstick " break., really just a serious fracture. The right one was like yours, only my bone came up through the skin. They put me in a body cast from about mid-chest to the neck for about 7 weeks. They did not use a plate or screws and mine healed with an overlap. Bad enough to have to go through the whole episode but the worst thing was the after-effects. When it healed with the overlap, it threw off my body geometry and completely screwed up my golf swing.

Man, I know what you're going through. I broke both of mine at the same time......dirt biking. The left one was a " greenstick " break., really just a serious fracture. The right one was like yours, only my bone came up through the skin. They put me in a body cast from about mid-chest to the neck for about 7 weeks. They did not use a plate or screws and mine healed with an overlap. Bad enough to have to go through the whole episode but the worst thing was the after-effects. When it healed with the overlap, it threw off my body geometry and completely screwed up my golf swing.
From what I have heard, it seems like surgery was the right thing for me. It's healing well and I have full movement.

I may even be at the track next weekend.... we'll see how it goes.

Man, that must have been hell being in a body cast for 7 weeks. I can't imagine that.

HELL is about the best way to describe that body cast deal. It was in the middle of the summer. I couldn't take a shower....had to body wash from the waist down ( girlfriend had to do that for me ). You talk about STINK. Seven weeks of sweating in that thing produced odors from another world. And ITCHING. It was damn near unbearable.

The cast forced my arms out at almost a straight-out angle. I had to drive myself around and my car was a stick shift. People who saw me going down the road said I looked like some sort of crazed spider.....weaving and bobbing behind the wheel, arms flailing in every direction.

I wish they had offered me the surgery option.

Steve, I just now read the thread about your Pahrump accident. Did not know that you had an injury when I talked with you last week. Hope things are healing well. I dig much your Gixxer, one of my riding buddies at the California Speedway track has a black 1000 Gixxer. It is really a great bike.

Hang tough Steve, hope to see you soon and let me know when you head up to Pahrump again, I am now hooked on the track experience! Got lots to improve and learn and I know you can assist.

HELL is about the best way to describe that body cast deal. It was in the middle of the summer. I couldn't take a shower....had to body wash from the waist down ( girlfriend had to do that for me ). You talk about STINK. Seven weeks of sweating in that thing produced odors from another world. And ITCHING. It was damn near unbearable.
The cast forced my arms out at almost a straight-out angle. I had to drive myself around and my car was a stick shift. People who saw me going down the road said I looked like some sort of crazed spider.....weaving and bobbing behind the wheel, arms flailing in every direction.

I wish they had offered me the surgery option.

Maybe you had a doctor that hates motorcycles and this was his way of making you suffer... :angry: :eek:
