12 inches is as good as a mile

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Well-known member
Sep 5, 2005
Reaction score
Creston, CA
Closest I've ever come to being hit and not being hit on ride to work this AM.

3 lane downhill, construction at top reducing to 2 lanes.

Near hit where 2 lanes opened back to 3.

White pickup truck is behind me, sees lane 3 will 'open' (construction ended) and grabs the lane.

Problem is, I'm still in his way..

he must have misjudged the closing speed, the truck was hauling ass.

Oh yeah, 55 temp zone due to construction, I'm running with flow at 62 with good spacing.

Judging the 62 everyone but him is running, he's at 90+.

He must have missed my ass by less than 12 inches, no shit.

His driver door was elbow length away.

It scared the shit outta me.

Didn't see him coming, had no clue.

2 minutes later, I'm raging.

The traffic is bottlenecking and he's held up 2 car packs ahead.

I give chase, as much as one can, with a DL650.

He sees me coming and brakes, causing traffic pattern problems.

I attempt to get close enough to get a plate, but to every time I get close enough, he's either braking, swerving, or leaning out window baiting me to pull along side.


Sure fucking thing.

You're in a truck.

I'm on an underpowered motobike.

I don't have a gun, grenade or rocket launcher.

Not much I can do but tail the bastard, using other cars as blockers and make sure I don't get in a vulnerable position.

Praying to find a CHP, no luck.

Rage subsides, wait for an exit, get in his driver rear view mirror path, flash lights, flip bird, grab off ramp.

I know if he decides to take next exit and come looking, on city streets I'm much safer, more hiding places, safe zones where the truck won't fit.

Shaking starts, rage peaks for second time.

This was really really close. I may need to rethink riding an underpowered bike, it felt helpless not being able to gun and out run.

I'll be watching for this asshole to make sure he doesn't get a re-engagement, lots of time people are on the road at the same time.

Wow. Glad to be here typing and dead or laid up hurting so bad I thought I might die and afraid I wouldn't.

Keep an eye on your 6's peeps.

Dayum dude...That sounds like it was close.

Remember, it was nothing personal, and had nothing to do with you being on a bike. Some people are just fucking idiots, and his time will come. The number of people that drive like total assholes these days has spiked in the last couple of years. I honestly can't figure out what it is. I'm amazed at how often there are wrecks on our freeways during the morning commute. These aren't just little rear-ender crashes either. They are rolled-over, someone got really hurt crashes because people just won't slow the Hell down.

I don't know what it is, but doing the job I do, I feel like it's an enforcement issue. Not just having presence and writing tickets, but having judges that will drop the hammer on the repeat assholes and take this stuff seriously.

Glad you kept your head and didn't get hurt.

HRZ, should I call it in to CHP?

Really, I have nothing, no plate, just a white 2 door Chevy truck stock tires no roll bar, no clue what the driver looked like..

Would it do any good or just be a waste of time?

Too bad you couldn't get his plate number - maybe try to get it if you see him on the road while you're in your car. In NC you can report aggressive driving to the state police (which promptly gets ignored, I'm sure).

If you get his plate documented somewhere (possibly here) and something happens in the future that could constitute premeditation on his part. Not that that really helps you when you're squashed like a bug on his brush guard. It might help your beneficiaries, however.

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HRZ, should I call it in to CHP?

Really, I have nothing, no plate, just a white 2 door Chevy truck stock tires no roll bar, no clue what the driver looked like..

Would it do any good or just be a waste of time?
Naaaaaa...Check your PMs. Save it. If you think it fits and won't cause a big ruckus or drag this off course, feel free to post it up. I'm sure it's not the same everywhere, but what I have seen with most agencies I have dealt with. I do a lot of firearms and tactical training, so I have been to lots of agencies and stuff like this always comes up. Seems to be pretty much the same same...

Those that drive that way need the 12 inches inserted from the rear :rolleyes: Glad you are ok .

Those that drive that way need the 12 inches inserted from the rear .
I'd be happy to assist if someone could hold him down... for clarification that would be the truck driver, not Don. ;)

I've had a few of those experiences as well, Don. You did the right thing to protect yourself and get out of what could have been an even worse situation. VERY glad that you are in one piece. :)

Once he was by you, it's probably best you didn't catch him again. Just gotta let it go. I can totally relate and it's scary when these idiots clearly have no regard for the consequences to you of their actions.

Hi Don,

glad to hear that you are still with us! That is some scary shit.

Be safe you all.




Holding a grudge is letting someone live in your head rent free. Get the loser out of your mind, and move on. Learn from it. Your post reminded me to keep an eye on what's behind me. Watchin' your 6 is right. Thanks.

Holding a grudge is letting someone live in your head rent free. Get the loser out of your mind, and move on. Learn from it. Your post reminded me to keep an eye on what's behind me. Watchin' your 6 is right. Thanks.
I had kinda the reverse happen to me yesterday. I was in my F350 pickup. After leaving work I came to a stop at the main thorougher. It's a real bitch to get out of the street onto the main drag at that time of day. So I am watching and I finally catch my break to get out. I step on the gas fairly quickly and start to straighten out after getting around the corner. I go to check my six in the mirror to see the upcoming traffic. I am instantly surprised that there is a Ninja right on my ass giving me the WTF sign. I was sure to look and saw only a tan car coming my way when I decided to enter the main drag. Where this kid came from I have no foo-kin clue. I never even heard him. So I let off the gas, pulled to the right to let him get by. I waved him to proceed on by if he is in such a foo-kin hurry. He ignores me still giving me the WTF sign some more. So I waved him to pass on by again. The next thing he does is rev the living piss out of his steed and attempt to wheelie on by. He must have been in the wrong gear cause he didn't stay up for long and he had it tacked into the red line I am sure of it. The squid got around finally with his jeans and sneakers on. Only about a 100 feet ahead of me now he pulls off the road and as I go by he stairs at me. Now that I have passed him I see him get off his steed and start looking under his moto. He broke something I guess. I hope he learned some kind of lesson that day.

Carfull Ya'll, Its hell out there,


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