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When I was in Stockholm a few years back they were projecting public service announcements like this onto the side of 3 or 4 story buildings. I thought they were extremely powerful in getting the message across. Why we don't do this in the states is beyond me.

When I was in Stockholm a few years back they were projecting public service announcements like this onto the side of 3 or 4 story buildings.  I thought they were extremely powerful in getting the message across.  Why we don't do this in the states is beyond me.
Because everything is Boosh's fault. I thought this was well known. :D Actually, I think it's because asking cagers to actually think while driving was given up on as a viable method of accident control in this country. Hence the proliferation of air bags, side air bags, air curtains (just read some Honda has 8 (eight) 8 seperate air restraints), ABS, traction control, active suspension, proximity sensors, Suburbans, Hummers, ad nauseum. They gave up on us scooter drivers long long ago, we're on our own and have been for some time. I keep hearing the theme from Dead Man Walking every time I go to the DMV. Now I know why. It's on their Muzac, activated by leather and/or helmet.

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Awesome! Let's send this link to our govt officials and request public awareness messages to be broadcast here at home.

That is enlightening. Yikes!

It was amazing to me that the rider's papers landed just right for the driver to kneel on...

What'st he bike doing on the wrong side of the road? Hey the driver is on the wrong side too! :p Never can trust a cager, that's why I installed the silverstars so I HOPE they see me better in the daytime. For you guys who think using your brights in the daytime is a good idea-think again. Studies show it is harder for cagers to judge your speed when brights are on in daytime. Lets just ban all cagers!

We wont have to, they will all be on bikes when gas reaches $5.00 this summer, L.A. will look like Tokyo

Wow! What an attension getter. I am going to show this video to the Motorcycle instructor on MacDill AFB in Tampa and see if he will show it during the MSF course. Great video!!!!!

Just saw this thanks to Liquidsilver over on the FJRowners board. It is a must see and I would encourage everyone to lobby their local riding groups to push for its airing during Motorcycle Awareness Month. Here it is https://media.putfile.com/Look-Longer-For-Bikes
Great video. I believe it's from England? I learned to ride over there, a few years back. Well, more than a few! On the whole, drivers are more attentive there than in CA because there are less distractions. When you drive, you DRIVE, rather than talking on the phone, applying make up, eating breakfast etc.



It doesn't look like the guy in the cage was

paying attention.

Contrary to what you wrote, if the guy in the

video HAD learned how to drive, he would've

seen the biker...so much for England being

"better" at their driving.

I WILL, however, give them 10 points outta

10 for that Public Service Announcement.

VERY well done...


