Asleep at the handlebars?

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I found that those 5 hr energy 2 oz work well I'de been driving since 1 pm it was now midnight and ha to drive to the other side of Albuquerque and at midnight bWe were in Tucumcari Nm but stopped in at the rt 66 casino and truck stope it works great I could have drive further but there was plenty of parking 80 ft of truck needs plenty of space.

rogerfjrfaster :yahoo: :clapping:

This reminds me of one trip I made in the late 70's when I was in my late teens. I did a Labor Day weekend trip from home in Simi Valley, CA to my brother's place in Newburg, OR on my Honda CX 500 with a Shoei FM Sportshield. It was a nice drive up Highway 1 to Eureka CA on the frist day dipping in and out of ground clouds. I had the mountains on my right shoulder and the tops of low clouds to my left I was driving on the edge of the world. The next morning I took off to finish the ride as the clouds started to leak. By the time I got to Smith River the down pour was intense as I cut inland over the Coast Range to I-5 to get away from the rain. Finally, reaching Newburg the bluing from the gloves and boots stained my hands and feet as I shook for an hour in my brother's house. I stayed one day longer than I should have and had to make the one day rush back home. I started early dropping out of the mountains into the Central Valley and the heat. After hours of droning down I-5 with the sun starting to set as I passed Bakersfield. Then it happen...the rumble of the groves cut into the right shoulder rattled my handle bars. Eyes as big pie tins I quickly pulled over the side of the road, threw the sidestand down, walked over to a grassy spot on the side of the freeway with my helmet on, then feel asleep. I woke to the sound of a boot kicking the side of helmet as the CHP officer asked politely, "Sir, are you okay?" I told him I was tired and he replied that he will be back in 40 minutes to check on me. After getting my senses in order I fired up the the CX and drove the last two hours home. From that point, if tired get sleep. A couple minutes of sleep can save thousands in medical bills and parts. I was lucky I didn't get killed.

I,ve almost fallen asleep several times in the past. I knew it was happening, I knew the consequences, but there was nothing I could do while riding that that would wake me up for any length of time. Singing, bouncing, yelling, nothing. You have to get off the bike. Normally I'd stop and get a water and some crackers, candy bar, nuts, whatever. Sometimes it worked, other times not so much.

Then one day during a long slab ride I had to pull off. I was starting to actually drift in and out of awareness while doing 80 mph. I just couldn't wake myself up. The little convenience store I stopped at was having a special deal on Red Bull. I had never had a Red Bull or any other so called " energy drink ". So I drank a small one. The effect on me was nothing short of amazing. No big "hit". no jitters, no nerveous stomach,..............the drowsiness just sort of melted away!! Completely gone. Kind of like a miracle. No joke. I've tried it a few more times since then with the same results. You gotta try this stuff!

I've hit the "wall" before where I was doing the micro sleep thing. I simply pull off preferably at a rest stop and take a nap wherever I fall. After 30 mins or so I'm ready to roll again. I know some people really don't like it but I also carry a red bull or two with me in my tank bag. They really do work for me as do the smaller more convenient 5 hour energies. Some people caffeine and such doesn't affect them like others.

I found that you can stay on the road and "Fight" it, making poor decisions and paying the price

with errors that result in extra miles or worse yet your life...


You can pull over and nap, waking up refreshed and pounding effectively away the miles ahead

of you.

The Quote: "Stop to go further" comes to mind as great advice.
