Cabot trail questions

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Well-known member
Jun 20, 2009
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Hey all

I've been invited to a friends in PEI in a couple of weeks. I'm ashamed to admit that at 43 yrs of age, I've traveled all over..... but have never once been to the maritime provinces (too close - that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it)

The point: I'm taking advantage of the PEI home base to finally ride the Cabot trail. I've googled countless permutations of cabot+trail+motorcycle+routes on google AND google maps and I can never find two hits that look the same!

Since there are some fjrforumers who call that area home, would someone mind pointing me at a map, route, website etc.. that would make for some good fun riding?


Thursday july 22nd Montreal-PEI

Friday - Saturday 1200-1500 kms around NS (this is where I need help!) and back to PEI

Sunday 25th PEI-Montreal

I've been invited to a friends in PEI in a couple of weeks. I'm ashamed to admit that at 43 yrs of age, I've traveled all over..... but have never once been to the maritime provinces (too close - that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it)
I've subscribed to this thread. I'm in the same boat Andre. I've been watching the weather since CFR to head out to do the Cabot. It's looking like I'll be heading out sometime next week. Skipping PEI though. I'm gonna ride up 155 to Lac Ste Jean, then down to Saint Simeon, then hop on the ferry to cross the St. Lawerence, then up over Maine into New Brunswick then Nova Scotia. If the weather looks crappy, I'm gonna head out on my SS1600 instead.

The weather this week is hot and muggy as hell... no fun for touring.

Been there, but, given your limited schedule, you have only a few choices.... if you leave from the bridge, Port Borden and slab it to Baddeck, it's 5+ hrs. If you take the coastal route, it will cost you another hour. Around the Cabot Trail is 5 - 6, then back to PEI via the ferry? You should stay near Baddeck, next day go around the Bras D'Or Lakes, then perhaps head south on 7 at Antigonish to the south coast, over to Halifax, back to PEI..... but, all that's without stops. lunch, etc....... methinks you are going to be one worn out puppy. IF you could squeeze another couple of days out of this, you'd have a better time IMHO. Think Peggy's Cove, Lunenburg, the Minas Basin (north side out to Advocate Harbour).... I mean you rode all that way and should smell the roses.... and the locals can tell you better what the good spots to visit are than I........

... given your limited schedule, you have only a few choices....
.....but, all that's without stops. lunch, etc....... methinks you are going to be one worn out puppy......

.... I mean you rode all that way and should smell the roses....
yeah, I thought it might come across that way. Believe it or not, that's my idea of a ride. I've been so swamped with work and business travel that I couldn't even attend CFR, which was 140kms from here. Last year, I put 22000kms on the FJR. This year? I haven't filled up the tank more than 2-3 times so far :(

I can't take a vacation perse. Thursday-Friday off, I can squeeze-in. That's why the 13 hours back & froth from Mtl-Twin Shores PEI is non-stop. To me, 1200-1500kms o the Fri-saturday around NS 'is' the vacation. All ride-ride-ride, eat, take a few pics and get my butt back to Mtl for work. I'll be sore and grinning. (but that's still far from an Iron butt style of ride)

Thanks for the tips on the locations though. It' a starting point!

I hope this helps.

From the ferry in Caribou (Pictou) around the Cabot Trail and back to New Glasgow is 700 km. It can easily be done in 8 hours if you ride steady. The quickest that I have heard is 6.5 hours and it was done on a weekday in the early spring.

If you are taking the bridge and coming up the Sunrise Trail then add another two hours each way. Either way this is a very doable ride. PM me if you need additional info. This is my playground.

Canadian FJR

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From the ferry in Caribou (Pictou) around the Cabot Trail and back to New Glasgow is 700 km. It can easily be done in 8 hours if you ride steady. The quickest that I have heard is 6.5 hours and it was done on a weekday in the early spring.
Weren't you afraid of mooses at those speeds :D

I'm looking at heading out there next week if the weather looks good. Probably Wed.

This is my playground.
Yeah, and I heard you were the slow bike in Mauricie.............

Leskid, we missed you at CFR, but you did a fine job of picking out our venue. I understand your situation, so, just bank up a bit of sleep ahead of time and ride safe, especially near the end of the day when you might tend to get tired. Stop a few times for a sip of water, walk around your bike or take a picture, get back on. Happy trails.

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thanks - I did find an actual map on national geographic, which shows the cabot trail as just that little 700km stretch you mentioned, Canadian FJR

To those who know the area (and anyone who wants to join for one or more of the legs) is the route I have planned good riding? Each point is a sleep stop.

Any comments will be appreciated!

I'm still looking at heading out next Wed. for the Cabot. Love to ride out with you Andre, but it seems most of my trips turn into marathon sessions. This one I want to take my time and smell the road apples. This is all dependent on the forecast. If its crappy there, I'll stay here and do my SS1600.

...but it seems most of my trips turn into marathon sessions.....
You say that like it's a bad thing ;)

have a good, safe run and post some pics (and your spot track), since you'll actually be stopping here & there

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have a good, safe run and post some pics (and your spot track), since you'll actually be stopping here & there
Will do. I have a bunch of friends (former coworkers) who relo'd to Halifax. I'll be in deep kaka if I don't stop in there. Sounds like a free meal and a place to conk for a night.

Thats still a week out, probably change at least 5 more times before then. I don't mind if it rains on the trip there or back. Just want nice weather while I'm there. I've been checking the link for Port Hawkesbury. Thanks for the link though.

Oh hey, speaking of KLR's. Went and looked at one last night. 07, 8000km all road, no mods except for a small garmin on the handlebars, probably the cleanest KLR in existence! I walk in this guys garage and he's got a new XT and an 09 KLR, going a little deeper, he's doing a frame up restoration of an old Kawi 750 triple widowmaker. Further still, their were no less than 4 liquid cooled RD's in various states of disrepair and two vintage 80's 750 Gixxers! This guys ability to do mechanical work set off a red flag for me though.

Gonna go look at an 05 tonight with even less mileage on it with the two givi top cases for panniers.

Iris and I traveled around Nova Scotia a couple of years ago and if you have the time and want to smell the roses, stop at the Skyline trail. You park the bike and walk along a wooded trail to a boardwalk trail that brings you out to where, well...... heaven meets earth. It's just spectacular. It's roughly a 1/2 hr. to 45 minute walk each direction, but the view'll see if you stop. While you're walking on the trail, there's a good chance you'll see moose, up close and personal.

Ride safe.


thanks - I did find an actual map on national geographic, which shows the cabot trail as just that little 700km stretch you mentioned, Canadian FJR
To those who know the area (and anyone who wants to join for one or more of the legs) is the route I have planned good riding? Each point is a sleep stop.

Any comments will be appreciated!
Not bad!! That's a decent 3 day trip. Stick to the coast in southern NS......

Iris and I traveled around Nova Scotia a couple of years ago and if you have the time and want to smell the roses, stop at the Skyline trail. You park the bike and walk along a wooded trail to a boardwalk trail that brings you out to where, well...... heaven meets earth. It's just spectacular. It's roughly a 1/2 hr. to 45 minute walk each direction, but the view'll see if you stop.
Thanks for the tip Jim. I saw some pics of that last night on google maps with photo's turned on.
