Cats and Dacks 2010

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Well-known member
Dec 4, 2006
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Albany, New York

We just found out that the Americade will be in Lake George on the dates of our original post for the Cats and Dacks ride. So, we are rescheduling the dates to be June 18 & 19 (Friday & Saturday). Hope this doesn't inconvenience anyone.

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Iris and I were thinking.....let's see if there is any interest in a Cats and Dacks ride this year. So if your interested, we were thinking June 11 & 12 (Friday & Saturday). So we're requesting feed back to determine if we should plan the two day speedfest (just kidding) :rolleyes: outing. Please reply.
I'm in. Most of us didn't get tickets last year. :lol:


I'd certainly be interested, I just have absolutley NO way of knowing whether I could make it ot not, even knowing the dates... there, that's clear as mud! :)

What is this?
Jim and Iris host an annual ride which is great fun. Catskill Mountains on day one, Adirondack Mountains on day two. Unfortunately, the local constabulary got word of a group of unidentified hooligans on motorcycles and confused our group with said hooligans. In the end we were let go but not without much consternation.

Ann and I hope to make at least one day of The Cats & Daks ride. I better get to ordering the new pr2's.


On the Whites & Greens ride, I heard repeatedly that the Cats & Daks ride was very, very fast (usually followed a pursed, mock-whistling facial expression.) Perhaps to fast for me! But I'll put it on the calendar, give it some thought. I'd like to avoid both citations and bodily harm!

Road Runner, I think the AT&T fellow I think you're referring to is FJReady if I take that right. Black 09? He also did Whites & Greens. Good guy from Long Island, very good rider.

I've wanted to do this ride for 2 years but always something was in the way.

So if I don't get frozen to death camping in Crusco,

Or food poisoning eating Chowda,

I am a definate maybe.

Edit: Just post the Garmin routes so I can catch up eventually.

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On the Whites & Greens ride, I heard repeatedly that the Cats & Daks ride was very, very fast (usually followed a pursed, mock-whistling facial expression.) Perhaps to fast for me! But I'll put it on the calendar, give it some thought. I'd like to avoid both citations and bodily harm!
Road Runner, I think the AT&T fellow I think you're referring to is FJReady if I take that right. Black 09? He also did Whites & Greens. Good guy from Long Island, very good rider.
I think you are confusing FJReady (aka Russ, from Newburyport) who was not on Whites and Greens, with George (aka TAZ1300) from Long Island.

I think you are confusing FJReady (aka Russ, from Newburyport) who was not on Whites and Greens, with George (aka TAZ1300) from Long Island.
Fred, as usual... you are 100% right. Apologies for the confusion. All these "alias" names confuse me...


Road Runner, I think the AT&T fellow I think you're referring to is FJReady if I take that right. Black 09? He also did Whites & Greens. Good guy from Long Island, very good rider.

I think you are confusing FJReady (aka Russ, from Newburyport) who was not on Whites and Greens, with George (aka TAZ1300) from Long Island.

I am the "Verizon" guy from Long Island and am still lurking around to see if I can do some of these rides since I had a great time last time. The only change for me would be I am trading my FJR in for a BMW 1200gs adventure today. It may even be a better bike for these rides since we did end up riding on some dirt roads last time. lol I will have some extras I took off the fjr for sale as soon as I have time to post.... Vstream windshield, OEM mirrors, Russell seat. Hope to get in a ride with you guys over the summer.

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The guy from AT&T that RR is talking about doesn't own an FJR. His name is Eddie. He was riding a GS1200 and he is friends with Dave and Skip who also were riding non FJR bikes that day. He may even work for Verizon and not AT&T. I forget for sure.

I am not sure they'll make the ride.
