dropped my new fjr!

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08FJR4ME posted: <snip, snip> My wife went over the guard rail into the bushes. I went up against the guard rail.
OUCH! Assume you're OK. Hope the wife is OK, physically, mentally, and emotionally. Pillion riders put a lot of trust in their pilot.
Nah, she's a trooper she got right back on kept riding. She even helped me with uprighting the grey beast. You have no Idea what I have put that poor women through on a motorcycle. It doesn't faze her. She did bruise the top of her hand and it was pretty swelled up by the time we got home. Nothing broken though.


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I dropped mine last week. I've developed a stumble on occasion that's worse in the rain. I have to get that worked out. But I was leaving a parking place in Oregon, on a rainy day, in low gear moving slowly and turning to the right as I accelerated -- something I've done hundreds of times in the past. Then at a very slow speed, while leaned, when I expected to accelerate, it stumbled and died. It happened so quickly it was too far gone to save it. Dangit! Thank goodness for the canyon cages. I did manage do ding a mirror pretty bad, but it would have cause a bunch of damage without the cages.

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Code 30

The mirrors on the '08 pivot. They're supposed to pivot only so far, but the rotation stop in the right mirror on mine has been abused previously and rotates farther than it's supposed to. When she decided to take a nap one day (stalled at an intersection with my feet up) the mirror came around so far that it smacked the windshield and sheared the bolts off. Right in front of a guy on a 'Glide, too. I's mortified.

Hi guys, agree that bike is a bit top heavy, dropped mine in pouring rain, just seem to have messed up side stand operation ! but I have had ST1300 so should know better. Very expensive to repair and if bike was older I might not have bothered as I rode 3000 miles in Europe thereafter. Hopefully fitting MV risers which might help Hey ho, life on the road!

Safe riding

All good tips guys....... when I get my new FJR I think I will adopt the in gear, shut off, rock forward routine....... no guarantees but every bit helps!

Congratulations, you're now a member of one of the larger groups on the forum. Happens to a lot of us, sometimes more than once. The mirrors seem to always get involved and if you are lucky you can bend the actual mounting bracket back close to its original position. There was a thread 5 or 6 years ago about the procedure. Basically just a long lever that you bolt to the bracket and gently bend the bracket close to its original position. Luggage cases usually end up with a few good scratches and that can be taken care of by Garauld on this forum fairly quickly.

In 2 months of ownership, I haven't dropped mine yet... knock on wood, I'm not sure I could pick it up without help.

The kickstand seems like it's in an odd place, tucked between the footpeg and the center stand, so I've developed a habit of putting the side stand down and then looking down at it to make sure it's... there. In place. All the way forward.


In 2 months of ownership, I haven't dropped mine yet... knock on wood, I'm not sure I could pick it up without help.
You are probably aware of this method, but if not and maybe others that are not, this lady is 5'3", 118 pounds and lifts her 600 pound bike! I had an opportunity to ride with Skert about 9 years ago. Super lady, excellent rider, she is fast and when we switched bikes and she road my ZX14 (her first time on a Ninja of this size), she did extremely well. She probably would not want me telling how fast she cranked it! Anyway, her method works and I have used it a time or two with my bikes and other bikes.


In 2 months of ownership, I haven't dropped mine yet... knock on wood, I'm not sure I could pick it up without help.
You are probably aware of this method, but if not and maybe others that are not, this lady is 5'3", 118 pounds and lifts her 600 pound bike! I had an opportunity to ride with Skert about 9 years ago. Super lady, excellent rider, she is fast and when we switched bikes and she road my ZX14 (her first time on a Ninja of this size), she did extremely well. She probably would not want me telling how fast she cranked it! Anyway, her method works and I have used it a time or two with my bikes and other bikes.


Thanks for the pinkribbonrides.com site.

In 2 months of ownership, I haven't dropped mine yet... knock on wood, I'm not sure I could pick it up without help. The kickstand seems like it's in an odd place, tucked between the footpeg and the center stand, so I've developed a habit of putting the side stand down and then looking down at it to make sure it's... there. In place. All the way forward.
The sidestand was clumsy for me at first too. Then I discovered I could hit the footpeg with the back of my heel, and it'd fold back leaving my heel perfectly placed over the sidestand tang. It's almost as if the footpeg isn't there now. I just pull my foot back to go for the sidestand, and it knocks the footpeg back like it wasn't even there.

I really should make a video ;)

I have developed a habit of deploying the sidestand in a traditional way, and then gently kicking it from behind to make sure it is fully deployed before I lean the bike over. Not too long ago, a buddy asked me why I always kick my sidestand when we stop.

Youve havent dropped your bike yet, have you?

I have developed a habit of deploying the sidestand in a traditional way, and then gently kicking it from behind to make sure it is fully deployed before I lean the bike over. Not too long ago, a buddy asked me why I always kick my sidestand when we stop.
Youve havent dropped your bike yet, have you?
Same here. It always gets a good kick before setting the bike on it.

I was moving my bike over to make room to park another bike at our recent Tech Day here in the Pacific North Wet and after moving it over, I started to get off and forgot to put down the sidestand. If it wasn't for a strong left leg, it would have been FJR dominoes!

I have developed a habit of deploying the sidestand in a traditional way, and then gently kicking it from behind to make sure it is fully deployed before I lean the bike over. Not too long ago, a buddy asked me why I always kick my sidestand when we stop.
Youve havent dropped your bike yet, have you?
Same here. It always gets a good kick before setting the bike on it.

And don't forget to put in bike in gear #1 and push to bike against compression to ensure no unwanted forward movement!!!
