Dyno Drag what a gas

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Well-known member
Oct 6, 2005
Reaction score
Minnetonka, MN
They still gave him the trophy his et was the quickest.

The fastest of the day was the 11.2 my counter had. The big difference was he had a HD, still had a great time though.

The crowd was dressed in the normal HD black, so the rice burner was looked down on little. When the lights turned from yellow to green and the big motor let its power show their jaws dropped. After the race the gent helping me in my lane stood there looking at me shaking his head saying I can’t believe thing has that much power.

Now that I’ve done it I know I can get in to the 10’s. My reaction time was real bad .95 they tell me .45 is what a perfect launch would be.

Thanks again to Ionbeam for helping me with the take off..


.45 is what a perfect launch would be
Ha, ha, ha. What 'good friends' they are <evil grin>. A perfect light by NHRA rules is (was) .500, .45 is a red light. Kind of them to give you that as a target time. With rules changes your NHRA time slip may show .000 as a perfect light.
Anyway, glad you had a good time and it all worked out. If you ever get a chance to try that on a real asphalt track you will have a blast. Nobody can make just one run :lol:

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.45 is what a perfect launch would be
Ha, ha, ha. What 'good friends' they are <evil grin>. A perfect light by NHRA rules is (was) .500, .45 is a red light. Kind of them to give you that as a target time. With rules changes your NHRA time slip may show .000 as a perfect light.
Anyway, glad you had a good time and it all worked out. If you ever get a chance to try that on a real asphalt track you will have a blast. Nobody can make just one run :lol:
+1 the asphault track is the true test

How do you guys launch? What RPM's? Quickly unload the clutch, or sort of gradual? Seating position laying on the tank with toes on the pavement? Thx.

I'm confused(imagine that),they gave him the trophy even though he red lighted? Who got the 11.2? you state he got it and you got 11.4 but then you state the fastest was YOUR 11.2 :huh: Not trying to be an ass, Iwish i could get that kinda time, I'm just lost as to who got what,and how he got a trophy,not you?! I thought if you red light you're dq'd. Please help this young grasshopper see the way......

How do you guys launch? What RPM's? Quickly unload the clutch, or sort of gradual? Seating position laying on the tank with toes on the pavement? Thx.
Made about 18 or more 1/8 mile runs last April. Best time was about 7.2 @99.75. Never broke 100, never less than 96mph. Bike equipped with 2 Bros exhaust and PC III. Was running about a gallon of fuel, no bags or tool kit. Had a Cee-Baileys +4 +2 windshield on it. Should have folded mirrors, might have helped about a zillionth of a second.

Was running a VERY STICKY track and had on nearly new Pirelli Diablo Stradas. Launched by moving as far onto the tank as I could and remain touching the ground. Held 2,000RPM, dropped clutch and hammered throttle. Tried to shift at 8,000 as on my bike the torque dropped off rapidly after 8K. (My quickest runs were with the 8k shift points.) The front wheel would come up about six inches on 1/3 of the launches and stay there thru 1st. Observers commented how impressed they were as the shift from 1st to 2nd caused a loud tire squeal and another very mild loft of the front end.

I tried to begin my launch as the last amber lights staged (slow reflexes) and stayed forward and down on the tank all the way down the strip.

Also, tighten your rear suspension as much as you can. Lower the rear tire pressue. I dropped my rear to about 25 psi. Reinflate B4 going back out on the street tho.
