Ever Forget to Turn Off Your Signals? Simple beeper mod.

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Well-known member
Oct 6, 2005
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N.E. Ohio
Why Yamaha didn't give the FJR self cancelling signals for the US market is beyond me. Oh yeah. It's because we're not supposed to have the bike in the first place. It's a european design. They must not use their turn signals...

Any way. If you want a simple audible reminder to turn them off, everything you need can be had at Radio Shack for about $6.50.

Pick up a part #2730060 piezo electric buzzer for 4.29. (Sounds like the alram on your microwave.)

Also pick up a package of 2.5A 1KV rectifying diodes. They come in a 3 pack for 1.79. Part #2761114. You'll only use 2 of them.

On an 06' you pull off the battery cover, and the 2 inner fairing covers on either side of the radiator to expose the front turn signal connectors.

Solder the positive side of the buzzer (red lead) and the cathode end of two of the diodes together. (The cathode is the end with the band around it.) Solder about 2 feet of wire to the anode ends of each of the diodes. ( The Anode end is the one without the band.) Insulate your work with shrink wrap or electrical tape.

Connect the negative side of the buzzer to the negative battery terminal, by whatever means you're inclined to use. Be neat about it. I soldered mine right to the battery cable eyelet. Use some 2 sided tape to mount the buzzer to the top of the fuse panel covers beside the battery.

Run one of the wires from the anode ends of the diodes to the right turn signal, and the other to the left. Route the wires responsibly. On the LH signal, splice in and connect to the brown lead. On the right side signal, splice in and connect to the green lead.

Test it out with the battery cover on the bike. If the buzzer is too loud, cover the speaker hole on the buzzer with electrical tape. I have 3 layers on mine. It's ok when stopped but barely audible at speed. I thought it was a little too loud with nothing on it.

Reinstall the fairing covers and the battery cover. Sorry no pics...

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well, props for thinking of a solution and step-by-step instructions...

not my cup of tea, butt you added to the forum... :clapping: :clapping:

It didn't happen without pics...
+1 in this case with a wiring diagram and shit.

Tell you what if you made up a harness with that $6 worth of parts and made it plug and play you'd prolly sell a shit load of them. :)

This sounds like a very cool farkle. And the price is right. Pictures would be nice, but for me, the write-up is done well enough so I can do this if I want to. Thanks for sharing your ideas.

Turn signal beepers? That's the first thing I disconnected when I bought a '72 Honda 500 Four in Japan. And nearly all Europeans use turn signals...for every thing. Every lane change, every turn, all the time.

If you can remember to turn 'em on, why can't you remember to turn 'em off?

But, the only thing the Euros have that I want is FLASH TO PASS! :lol:

I did mine from under the seat, just used the chocolate brown and dark green wires for the taps, black wire under the washer of the brace under the pillion. Left it untaped,for max volume. It should drive Debbie crazy. :D

Excellent idea and description and 1/3rd the price of having JC Witless do it for you. The perfect combination for a farkle.

I've had self-cancelling signals on 3 Wings. My experience was that they always canceled too soon and I was always having to turn them back on. I like the non-canceling version for the FJR more.

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I found by experimenting with various knobs and levers that the signals will shut off if you grab enough wires and yank, or, even betterer, I push the very same lever I turned the signals on with! Very convenient. To be honest, I have ridden with some who leave the signals on forever, I don't really trust their dedication to awareness as much as I wish I could.

Turn signal beepers? That's the first thing I disconnected when I bought a '72 Honda 500 Four in Japan. And nearly all Europeans use turn signals...for every thing. Every lane change, every turn, all the time.
If you can remember to turn 'em on, why can't you remember to turn 'em off?

But, the only thing the Euros have that I want is FLASH TO PASS! :lol:
I have a flash to pass on my DL650 Wee Strom and guess I am not used to using it. Usually on other bikes I just hit the high back to low switch. Don't seem to have a problem turning off the turn signals.

Did something else on my RT that had the same effect, plus a bonus. Will be adding it to the FJR soon. It did cost more, but my bike doesn't beep and there's no issue with volume at idle or at speed.

Bought a set of yellow LED's from HyperLites. Just the LED's. No flasher. I think I paid $50 or $60. I tapped one into each set of turn signal leads, at the turn signal. Then I stuck them under the mirrors and facing outward at a 30-degree angle. No more than a 30-degree angle or I wouldn't be able to see them as LED's are pretty much directional.

When I'd hit the blinker, not only would I see a bright yellow flashing set of LED's in my peripheral vision, reminding me to turn it off, but it also served to flash my intentions toward the face of any driver in an adjacent lane. Twice I got compliments from cops for the mod.

On the FJR, I'm still working out egzakly where I'm gonna mount the LED's so's I can see 'em and others can too. Probably will have to extend the leads that the LED's come with.

I suppose if one just wanted a silent reminder, he could follow the directions above and, instead of the beeper, simply connect a single LED cluster and mount it on the dash, facing the rider.

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It's a european design. They must not use their turn signals...
No, the Europeans USE their turn signals. They have just formed the habit to turn them off, too. It's American drivers that don't use turn signals. In my six years of living and riding overseas (Japan and Germany) I see more turn signal use, and better driver skills, generally, than I've observed in the US.

I'm the exception. I signal EVERY turn, EVERY lane change, even at 0300 in the morning on a deserted road. Habit. And I ALMOST NEVER (once or twice a year) forget to turn off my turn signal. Habit. I also stop at stop signs. Habit.

I bought a slightly used '72 Honda 500 Four in Japan and sent it to Texas. It had a turn signal beeper. That got disconnected before I even took it around the block when I unloaded it.

I don't want or need self-canceling turn signals, and I certainly don't want a fucking beeper. :dribble: But that's the beauty of our sport. We can modify our bikes to suit us.

I bought a '76 Honda 750 in Germany. It had Flash to Pass. Now that's a mod I might do, some day. :yahoo:

my '05 FJR came with a turn signal reminder already built into the console - its a blinking light and there is one for each side.

I noticed early on there was a direct correlation to those lights and my blinkers being on. :)

But, I did like the self cancelling turn signals on my BMW K-75s..

Screw the beeper. Just face the reality and skip to the ultimate turn signal reminder. Wire the green to your turn signals and the red to your nuts and you won't ever forget they're on again.

