Forest Rats and Now Turkeys

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Happy Rider

Well-known member
Sep 1, 2009
Reaction score
Sonora, CA
So I'm on my way back from Death Valley yesterday enjoying the last 45 minutes of a great ride. I rode up HWY 395 then over HWY 88. All is good and I'm traveling south on SR 49, north of San Andreas. Ahead of me I see a large wild turkey walking on the right shoulder. I'd guess the thing weights at least 25+ pounds. I slow down to the speed limit and I see the turkey is starting to walk away from the roadway. There is one southbound lane and two northbound lanes and a long straight away. I look further ahead and I see that no one else is coming the other direction so I have a good escape route planned. I'm about to pass the turkey and all of a sudden he does an about face and starts to run directly into my path. :eek: I swerve to the left and then it takes off and starts to fly directly towards me. WTF!!!! This thing is out to get me. I'm thinking that turkeys don't fly so well and it takes off in slow motion. I push hard on the left bar and enter the #2 northbound lane. The turkey is not gaining altitude so I duck behind the VStream. I'm glad is was in the lowest position because I just barely cleared the bird as I rode past. :p . Now I'm heading for the shoulder so I push hard on the right bar and pull on the left. I manage to pull it off and I'm on my way home again. ;)

I don't know what it is with longer rides but every time I'm on my way home something weird happens. I guess I tend to let the guard down when I'm almost home. Now I have forest rats and turkeys to deal with. Got to love the foothills. :D

I had a wild boar cross my path last year riding through the wetlands preserve called the RIGOLETS. (almost quite exciting with no boar)

Might very well ride through during my New Orleans Ride to Eat Gathering...see the clicky in my sig below

let's ride safe and be careful out there,

Mike in Nawlins'

This guy crossed the road right in front of me in northeastern British Columbia. I waited patiently...


This guy crossed the road right in front of me in northeastern British Columbia. I waited patiently...
That will get you attention. We get alot of black cows that get loose after it rains. They like to hangout in curves at night.

The turkeys are getting thick in Northern Il and Southern WI. Have have had at least 3 or 4 close calls with turkeys that were large enough that a strike would have meant going down. I rode through a subdivision near my house the other day, and there were 2 tom's on top of someones house. We need to start hunting in the suburbs.

I was on my way home from a garage day a coupla Saturdays ago. I was just moseying along when - WHAT THE HOLY HELL IS THAT?!?!?!? - about a half-dozen or so large birds came in for a landing seemingly right in front of me.

I'm still not sure if they were turkeys or geese (I was too busy sharting myself and ducking behind the windshield to get a really good look), but I thought for sure one of those things was gonna take me out.

Last June, when the missus and I were in New Hampshire, we came across a moose on the side of the road as we were heading to Mt. Washington. Them things're BIG! Check out our pictures on post# 51 on This Ride Report.

There are a lot of wild turkeys in the Sierras. Some of them are humanoid but the feathered type are flat-out dangerous.

They're so large that when they take off they nearly always circle back (180 degree turn) as they try to rise. They WILL take you right off the seat of your bike. Best defense: Like deer....STOP and wait.

Like any other wild animal they are unpredictable (except they will always turn wherever you decided to go past them).

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They are everywhere here in Missouri, had several close calls as they try to get their fat asses airborn.

When I lived in Michigan I had more than one pheasant try to behead me as well. Eat more birds!

Damn turkeys are getting thick around here as well. Neighbors are feeding all the critters and it's starting to feel like Wild Kingdom at my place in the morning. I have this one tom that likes to challenge me and chases me down the driveway in the truck. I'm thinking samurai sword but that might damage my neighbor relations. :assassin:

Damn turkeys are getting thick around here as well. Neighbors are feeding all the critters and it's starting to feel like Wild Kingdom at my place in the morning. I have this one tom that likes to challenge me and chases me down the driveway in the truck. I'm thinking samurai sword but that might damage my neighbor relations. :assassin:
Nah, even morons who think it's smart to feed wild animals have to recognize turkeys are food. I think "Don't shoot the house covey" only applies to quail. Speaking of the "house covey", up until her very late 80's, my great aunt (101 years old now) was death to any chicken hawk that threatened 'her' quail - that old lady could handle a .410 :trinibob: .

Back on subject, we've got turkeys all over our neighborhood as well - seems we should arrange some 'meetings' between the homeless and the turkeys. Biting tongue... :blink: :weirdsmiley: You know, kill 2 birds with one stone :sorry:
