Had a nice day today. At the hospital that is :(

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I'm also glad to hear that you survived this incident "relatively" unscathed. As wtih GunMD and Toecutter, please open a PhotoBucket account and post some pictures, as therea re many who would like to evaluate the gear.

Be prepeared for aches, pains and bruises to surface for the next week. Ibuprofin is your friend! If your work is "physical" be prepared to take a few days off (their insurance should reimburse for lost time).

The bike is replaceable, though the knowledge your "baby" is totalled is painful. Surviving the "pavement diving" incident: Priceless!

Keep us updated with the healling process.


I've been wondering what you've been up to and meaning to get in touch with you to do some riding. Its good to hear that overall you are all right. Wearing the proper gear certainly does help. It's ironic you crashed yesterday. I was in the MSF experienced rider course all day, well worth it. It's good to hear that your going to get back on the bike, maybe even an R1, I've always wanted to ride one of those, at least for an hour, I think I might kill myself if I had one for any longer. Let me know when you get another bike, we are due for a ride. Are you going to any organized rides? EOM, CFR. I am going to both, maybe I'll see you there if not sooner. Do your nuts still hurt?


About 10am this morning on route 604 going to the bike shop a guy pulls right out of his driveway without even noticing I was there. I saw him not seeing me and was getting off the gas for cautions sake. Was only doing about 45mph when it was obvious he was coming all the way out.I slammed on the brakes {probably could have got on the fronts more but didn't want to slide} and got it down to a nice live-able impact speed. Nailed the front wheel of his car so hard the bike stuck in there and remained standing. I on the other hand went on a trip. Up in the air over the car coming down right on my head and right shoulder somersaulting for about 20 feet better than an olympic gymnast!!! Slap, Bang, scrape and crunch awhile and finally come to a stop. Boy did my nuts hurt!!!

Must have taken out the windshield with them. Legs felt like they were broken and did I mention my nuts ??? My right hand hurt a bit and there was no getting up at all.

I was wearing my Joe Rocket mesh jacket, AGV sport mesh pants and gloves, Alpine Star boots along with that nice Nolan helmet. The jacket took a beating but the leather didn't rip and none of the seams ripped open. My boots stayed on Gloves worked but boy did my nuts hurt !!!!!! After the paramedics worked on me for awhile and we were in the ambulance the girl looks at me and says " Is there even a scratch on you !!!??" My legs hurt from the handle bars and my left leg hit the bikes' gas tank so hard it left about a 1ft. dent in it. No broken bones just one scrape on my thumb nuckle. Wow what a tumble that was !!! All that gear paid off. Shield and side pieces blew off the helmet but I didn't even get a headache.

I went to look at the bike. It's totalled. I've been looking at Yamaha R1's lately maybe that's next???

I have no Idea how to upload pics. Maybe I'll learn and put some up.

Mike in OHIO
Hind sight is always 20/20. If you could rewind, how could this have been avoided, if at all? I'm not talking about you could have not ridden yesterday. Anything different you could have done just prior to the incident? Glad you are OK and the incident has not soured you on riding again. Get well quick, Jesse
Ouch!! :blink: Sorry to hear of your get off. Happy to hear that you were dressed for the crash. Nuts probably hurt from tucking them selves so far up inside of you out of fear :scare: :scare2: :)

ATGATT -- certainly works :) ........ Glad you're OK.

I know about gas tank dents and sore nuts :lol: -- dented my tank back in 2002, 3" dia. -- 1" deep. Nuts swelled to approx 3 times size and turned a lovely purple/blue color. Be prepared!!

So glad you are okay! And glad you had your gear on. Forget the alcohol and go for the pain meds, Ibuprofen and tons of water. After your feeling better, then go for the booze!

He wasn't with me! I'm really glad you are OK.
MSC New avitar candidate?

Glad you were ok

About 10am this morning on route 604 going to the bike shop a guy pulls right out of his driveway without even noticing I was there. I saw him not seeing me and was getting off the gas for cautions sake. Was only doing about 45mph when it was obvious he was coming all the way out.I slammed on the brakes {probably could have got on the fronts more but didn't want to slide} and got it down to a nice live-able impact speed. Nailed the front wheel of his car so hard the bike stuck in there and remained standing. I on the other hand went on a trip. Up in the air over the car coming down right on my head and right shoulder somersaulting for about 20 feet better than an olympic gymnast!!! Slap, Bang, scrape and crunch awhile and finally come to a stop. Boy did my nuts hurt!!!

Must have taken out the windshield with them. Legs felt like they were broken and did I mention my nuts ??? My right hand hurt a bit and there was no getting up at all.

I was wearing my Joe Rocket mesh jacket, AGV sport mesh pants and gloves, Alpine Star boots along with that nice Nolan helmet. The jacket took a beating but the leather didn't rip and none of the seams ripped open. My boots stayed on Gloves worked but boy did my nuts hurt !!!!!! After the paramedics worked on me for awhile and we were in the ambulance the girl looks at me and says " Is there even a scratch on you !!!??" My legs hurt from the handle bars and my left leg hit the bikes' gas tank so hard it left about a 1ft. dent in it. No broken bones just one scrape on my thumb nuckle. Wow what a tumble that was !!! All that gear paid off. Shield and side pieces blew off the helmet but I didn't even get a headache.

I went to look at the bike. It's totalled. I've been looking at Yamaha R1's lately maybe that's next???

I have no Idea how to upload pics. Maybe I'll learn and put some up.

Mike in OHIO

First glad you are ok. But you get a point deduction for not landing on your feet as requires by the olympic rules for gymnast.

I am taking a guess that you were riding an 05 with abs you do not say.

It is the second paragraph and the first sentence that puzzels me. If no abs, there is some concern for possible sliding. If you had abs and were worried about sliding it appears you used the wrong technique for braking.

Not tring to start an arguement just pointing out an important fact. Maybe a MSF school on proper braking for panic stopping?

weekend rider :)
Your Guardian Angel was pretty busy that day. Good on you for the proper gear. I'm strict on longer rides, but pretty loose around town, and am re-visiting that notion.
+10 on the adult beverages in mass quanities. Gonna need it, for nerves, if nothing else. You survived that, a 'nite or two of libations ain't gonna kill ya!

I am not against a drink, matter of fact I drink 100 proof southern comfort that I have to import / smuggle downunder as it's not available here.It's just that internal orgains get a real work out in an accident ,a few days without a drink will not hurt and if any complication should start to happen ( rare but dose happen ) doctors can deal with it easier in an emergency .

You wear the right gear in case you may need it some day ,this is forward planning and it is right way to survive. In the same way , do not drink alcohol for a few days . If you were going into an operation in 4 hour you would not drink because the anathestic (?) can have a hard time keeping you sedated so you do not feel any pain during the operation.

Next week have a drink or two on me in the meantime give your body the best chance to recover .

Glad to hear you survived the crash.

The following is said with the good intention and not mean as a ripping at you.

What puzzles me if you saw him pulling out how come you did not slow down more?

Brakes are only as good as the rider that operates them. Even R1 would not stop if a person is not using its brakes properly. You mentioned that you were afraid to slide. That is a valid concern, but you should have been practicing and knew how much you could push before it went sliding.

Braking should be practiced on the regular basis and at the speeds that you travel. yes, if you travel at triple digits then you must train your self to stop from triple digit. You find a clean parking lot and start at 20mph and increase by 10 until you get to your target. You do emergency braking and try to stop as soon as you safely can.

How wide was the street? Could you have probably swerved around it? Or did you target fixated?

You do not have to answer it here, but this is something for you and others to think about it and take notice. Heal up and post pictures of your next ride.

i am sorry that you had an accident, however glad that you were trying to take enough precautions top avoid it, and it appears that it paid off, hope you heal up quickly and get the ride you want and are able to get back in the saddle soon, take care Mike.

Save you pictures to photbucket etc, the just click on the insert image button two to the right of the smiley face above then paste them in there.

hope that help swith the posting, glad the gear worked well for you and you'll have to get your better to take care of those nuts.... :lol:

Phew, glad your relatively o.k.

That must have been some scary shit!!! There is nothing worse than the feeling you get when you realize your in for it, and there is just nothing you can do.

I've never thought before that ATGATT should include a "cup."

Glad to hear you made it through without apparently serious injury, Mike. Hope time reveals no missed injuries.

Sorry, but I have to ask: Did the cager get a citation?

Glad to hear you survived the crash.
The following is said with the good intention and not mean as a ripping at you.

What puzzles me if you saw him pulling out how come you did not slow down more?

Brakes are only as good as the rider that operates them. Even R1 would not stop if a person is not using its brakes properly. You mentioned that you were afraid to slide. That is a valid concern, but you should have been practicing and knew how much you could push before it went sliding.

Braking should be practiced on the regular basis and at the speeds that you travel. yes, if you travel at triple digits then you must train your self to stop from triple digit. You find a clean parking lot and start at 20mph and increase by 10 until you get to your target. You do emergency braking and try to stop as soon as you safely can.

How wide was the street? Could you have probably swerved around it? Or did you target fixated?

You do not have to answer it here, but this is something for you and others to think about it and take notice. Heal up and post pictures of your next ride.
Cougar8000 brings up some good questions to consider. I saw examples of target fixation on the race track all the time. Somebody would go down and three or four would follow them off too. They would target fixate big time. And as they say, you go where you look.

Glad to hear you are OK. Looks like an 07 or 08 in future :D Too bad it is coming with such a painful pricetag...

Sorry for taking so long to reply. My computer's hard drive crashed not long after my original post.

Thanx for all the comments and well wishing.

To answer a couple questions. I didn't have the abs model so that's why I couldn't just hammer the front brakes.

I definately need more practice in every aspect of the riding skills. I regularly practice panic stops but I guess not enough or at high enough speed. I like the parking lot Idea. I usually would do it coming up to a red light when no one was behind me.

I have been wanting to take the experienced rider course but haven't been able to be off work on those dates.

I was off the gas when I saw him and he hesitated like he saw me or was not going to follow through. That's why I didn't start the stop sooner.

Once I knew it was over I target fixated big time. But only for about 1 second. I have a pic of the bike stuck in the car in my phone and as soon as I can get it on here I will.

Soon as I get my computer up again I'll post some pics of the bike and the gear.

Thanx again for the well wishing. I am beginning to get around a little better today, and my nuts finally quit hurting.


Oh and yes, the other guy got cited for failure to yield.

I like the FJR. But not as much the newer ones. They are missing alot of the low end torque my 05 had. I wouldn't mind finding a nice 05 to have for my next bike either.

Good to hear you are in the good spirit and already looking for a new ride.


I am not sure if you were told about this in your basic class or not, so here it goes. Regardless if you are riding ABS or not you NEVER slam on brakes. You squeeze them progressively increasing pressure as you go. imagine squeezing orange. Same procedure. You have to learn where that point of no return is. Start slow.

Yeah, target fixation is a real bitch. So, stop it :)

Don't ever assume anything. If it looks like it can kill you it will. Slow down.

Good luck.


I am glad to hear that you survived the blast-off and subsequent asphalt excursion. I have been using the same jacket, great addition to any summer riding gear closet, as I was starting to cook in my juices when late spring hit me with the non-mesh synthetic one. I also bought a pair of alpine star gloves and always ride in my boots no matter how short the ride is. Again Ibuprofen and Naproxen (Aleeve) would be your greatest friends in the coming days. Hope you feel better soon!


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Mike best wish's,Glad you came out relatively unscathed.

GZ has a nice R-1 for sale in the classifieds.

Take care and get back in the saddle again.
