I guess some C14 riders are impressed by my FJR....

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Wicked Webby

Right is Harder than Wrong.
Apr 24, 2007
Reaction score
Anoka, MN
Hey all,

So I was out riding a few days back and come across a C14 in my neck of the woods. Well, he came up behind me so fast that I thought it was my Buddie Rich (motor659 on the C14 forum) on his C14 wanting to horse around.... So I dropped the hammer, so did he, and well, he didn't play so well!! Hahahahahaha!! Then I realized that it wasn't my friend on his C14 and I waited for him at the end of the road... Figured he turned off, no show.

So my Buddie on the C14 calls me up yesterday to tell me there is a thread about it up on his C14 forum. He was laughing his ass off when he read it and said he knew it was me. He sent me the link, check it out:


Too funny,


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Great story, and it seems to be a good bunch (mostly) on that board. Would ride with them any time.


Now don't be taking nothing away from the Fejeer. I do give that freak guy props for posting it up. My Buddie (with his C14) and I are planning on meeting up with FlyinKaw(Cody here) and some other C14 guys in Yellowstone this Fall.


Former FJR owner, current C14 owner

Read the post over at the Concours forum first. From what I read most of us couldn't keep up with you. I certainly couldn't.

He did one thing correct; once he saw your abilities were way above his he didn't try to keep up and crash in the process.

We all need to keep our egos in check when we come across a fast guy. If you are riding above your comfort level let him go.

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Former FJR owner, current C14 owner
Read the post over at the Concours forum first. From what I read most of us couldn't keep up with you. I certainly couldn't.

He did one thing correct; once he saw your abilities were way above his he didn't try to keep up and crash in the process.

We all need to keep our egos in check when we come across a fast guy. If you are riding above your comfort level let him go.
Hey Jayke,

I agree completely! Unfortunately, I have been there and seen this before. On a few different occasions I have had some less experienced riders go down trying to keep up with some other experienced riders. Not my desired effect by any means. I agree with freak's assessments that we all need to ride to ride another day. The track is where trophies are won.. Not the street.


With a shower of sparks and a mighty hi ho silver, you were gone. That forum seems like a decent group, the poster knows what "ride your own ride" means. I like riding with fast but safe guys, you learn a lot that way.

"Fudger"? Haven't heard that reference to the FJR before. Not sure I want to anymore either!

Good show, WW! Thanks for sharing.

a great read. i can't ride as fast as doublew but i have frustrated some race replica types wondering why in the hell they can't reel in that big whale ahead of them. my 08fjr is fast becoming my favorite of all time.

god bless,


WW that was a funny story...

I have a question: How do you activate the sparklers on your FJR? :p

BTW, I have learned the hard way that an FJR can hardly be beaten by a C-14 on the twisties. I've been riding a C-14 for a month now and did 800 miles of Swiss and Austrian passes last weekend with a riding buddy who's got a heavy wrist. He rides a completely stock 2007 FJR1300 and I had a hard time not losing sight of his taillight altogether.

When I was riding my 2005 FJR we were pretty well matched but now I need to work my ass off to keep up... :huh:


PS: I enjoy the C-14 but when it comes to close-quarters work the FJR is just scary. Also, we once hit a no-limit section of the German superslab for a few miles and I figured: OK, now it's my turn. I got in the passing lane, firewalled the C-14 and saw the FJR disappear from my mirrors....NOT! SOB passed me at 150 mph :blink: I'm selling the Connie to pay for a shrink....

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Thanks Raven, Hit the Road Jack, SC-Dave, and Hotboot for your replies.


Funny stuff!! The sparklers come on near/after dusk or before dawn on a regular basis! Hahahaha!! Yes, the FJR is a very potent sport tourer. It has responded very well to my HP/TQ recipe. I have found a great balance between touring and sport with my somewhat hopped up 07A. BTW, I will be sniffer tuning my good Buddies C14 next week. He has the TBR pipe, the techlusion tuner and a Gipro (allows him to remove the dreaded low gear and low rpm fly restrictions). We'll see if removing his fly restrictions and getting his AFR properly adjusted gives the advantage to the C14. I will certainly let you all know how our bikes fair in some side by side roll-on performance testing(no corner skills or line launches). Like we (Motor659) always say, "No benchracing."

Take care,


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Either way he was riding like he was running from Johnny Law! I wouldn't ride with that guy. Too stupid fast..... And I stress STUPID. If he actually made those turns... KUDOS!!
Now that made me laugh out loud. :yahoo:


Yep, I got a pretty big kick out of that too!! In the middle of a 70 hour work week right now. :(

Lets try for another ride soon.

