Made my own $100 Summer Jacket

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Active member
Apr 12, 2011
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Northern Virginia
I have my winter gear, and my fall/ spring gear, and I just didn't want to spend another great deal of money on a Summer jacket. I wanted something I didn't care to much about and still had what I was looking for. Something I could easily throw on and around. My perforated leather jacket works fine, but still warm, and I don't like the style of the plain mesh jackets on the market. So I decided to make my one "Rogue" style. I set a budget of $100 and wanted, style function and comfort.

Some of you might like it, others might hate.. but I kind of dig it and I didn't spend a fortune.

The biggest thing is that the jacket had to let a breeze in, be lightweight, and cool in the summer heat.

So I bought a cheap mesh jacket with no lining, and took the cheap foam padding out of it.

I then bought a armored motorcycle jacket, in which the armor is simply sewn to a fishnet type material.

I then took the two and sewed them together (wasn't easy but I did it)

usually we wear our armor under our jackets, and I ride each day to work in heavy heavy crap traffic. So I wanted to be protected and yet comfortable. The wind cuts right through this jacket combo pretty well and I have to say I like the style. Some might think "what the hell is that!!?" It's very scifi, futuristic looking for sure. Looks like I stepped off the set of "the last star fighter" or Jet Lee wants his wardrobe back, but I have to say I am please with my design. Function, style and comfort. There is no other jacket like it on the roads where I am anyway :)

Sure I could have gone with something else but I was also wanting something that was my design and different. A friend of mine who rides shook his head and said " dude your the only guy I know who makes his own jacket!" LOL ..

See what you guys think.. but remember it all started here :)

Here is a pic of the jacket design and how it comes together


And here is a pic of me in it on a spring day getting ready to go for a cruise (my 9year old took the pic)


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So, do you wear your underwear on the outside of your clothes too :eek: Just kidding. Nice concept and the Mad Max look could be cool I guess. Me I'd wear the armor under the jacket but being well protected and comfortable is what it's all about.

What's the brand of the armor jacket you bought? That's a pretty good price for those and I'm in the market.

Two men enter.. One man leaves! I will have to look up the brand on the armor. I got it from china to get the low price. I will get back with you raggedy man:)

We have lift off Houston....

Good job! I hope you're also wearing a condom for even more protection. :D :rofl:

BTW - Your 9 year old did a great job on the photo. :clapping:

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maybe go for something like this ...


Minus the gay guy who rides on the back! BTW.. have you even noticed the crazed Mohawk rider in Road Warrior is just wearing chaps and nothing else? ehhh

The actor is Vernon Wells and does the same role in "Weird Science" .. again minus the gay guy :)

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Hint on the armor - ALWAYS wear it on the outside. I had a long-side 3 1/2 years go right onto my shoulder with the same Chinese armor (at least looks the same on on your picture) UNDER my jacket, and it broke both my clavicle and a couple of ribs clear through. I am convinced there just was not enough load sharing going on with the plastic of that armor pushing right onto the bones.

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Chris, that's why the numbers in CE armor relate to joules of energy.

Most people quit as soon as they see CE. Numbers? We don't need no steenkin numbers...

STORM TROOPER: You need to work on a matching helmet. :) I do kinda like the look Great job.


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cruppelt, ouch man!! Thanks for the hint. it is one of my fears with the commute I deal with each day. They just don;t look our for us and drive aggressive. Glad you are still riding and are about to tell us the tale.

08FJR4ME - don't get me started! if you knew my background you would laugh, but stormtrooper gear is right up my ally! I am actually a member of the 501st, and do charity for children's hospitals.

I have always wanted to get my trooper armor bike worthy, but that is a tall order as that stuff is unforgiving and unforfortable. Plus I would need a white bike :) Hmmm, some day perhaps :)

cruppelt, ouch man!! Thanks for the hint. it is one of my fears with the commute I deal with each day. They just don;t look our for us and drive aggressive. Glad you are still riding and are about to tell us the tale.
Well...maybe I made it sound worse then it was. I was on my commute home, but it actually happened at the very beginning of my own driveway (I have a LONG driveway), after turning from a 1/3 mile or so gravel ride up hill into the paved portion that leads to my house. I hit a patch of WET moss while accelerating and straightening out after the tight turn in. Front slides left, I break the back, bike straightens out and the front is stable again, but then the back hits the same patch of moss and slides left, hit's good surface and - wham, the bike with me on it goes high-side. The actual speed of the whole thing was quite low, maybe 25 to 30 mph, but my shoulder came down like the head of a hammer. It's one of these moments where everything slowed down. I had enough time to see the tarmac jump at me to give it a good loud yelp before I hit. The really embarrassing part was I had to use my cell to call my wife for help to get up. "Honey, I need your help... oh, I'm just out here at the beginning of the driveway... yeah, I had a little problem with the bike..." My lesson was twofold, sometimes it's not worth trying to save the bike, a low side would have been no big deal for myself OR the bike. The other thing was it was the ONLY day that year that I did not have riding pants on but jeans, and I had tremendous skin loss considering the low speed involved. Oh and yeah, NEVER wear dirt bike armor UNDER anything.... :p

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