Motorcycle etiquette

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Jun 13, 2005
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Came across a flock, gaggle what have you, of cruiser riders yesterday holding up traffic and seemingly oblivious and uncaring to the whole situation. My wife and I came up behind them riding a brisk pace and slowed to find an appropriate passing zone now, I was always taught that it was common mc courtesy when others riding faster than your group came up behind you that the group riders are to file single file to the right to allow the faster ones to pass safely and quickly and we will do this all the time (if we ever find anyone that rides faster :p ) So what other mc courtesies can you guys think of that should be extened to other riders, I'd kind of like to compile a list to see what others think. JB

So what other mc courtesies can you guys think of that should be extened to other riders, I'd kind of like to compile a list to see what others think. JB
In other words " GTF Outta my way, I'll GTF Outta yours!", if you can catch me. Don't know, never been caught (while solo).
How 'bout, flip Harley riders the bird as they pass. They seem to extend that courtesy often in my direction. :D

Loud pipes get passed.

There was a "Rumble To The Summit" yesterday that originated in my town and went about 60 miles up to a local ski resort (Sierra Summit). It's heavily attended by the Harley set and a fundraiser for the Make A Wish Foundation. Something like 2000 bikes rumbled through town. I could hear them from home. I might have walked down to the corner to watch them pass but I was on a Ticketmaster mission at 10:00 am. I heard the Clovis Police were escorting them to city limits. I though it ironic that they were getting a police escort when a large number of the participants were running illegally loud pipes. Try that in a 'Vette sometime, or go by the police escort at a buck thirty and see what happens. Oh well, it was for a worthy cause....

Gasman, don't get worked up trying to teach the world to ride courteously. It'll never happen. Yer preachin' to the choir here....

Of course, it's sill common courtesy to do that, not only motorcycle to motorcycle, but in any situation. Pull over toward the right, and when the person behind pulls out to pass, slow down so that the pass can be made easier/quicker.

Well, in some cases I expect it's arrogance, but more often it's ignorance that causes this behavior.

I sometimes find myself behind a small group of cruisers and they are normally so engrossed in riding, their style and their pace, that they are oblivious to the fact that others may want to pass. Often there is also a line of cagers stuck behind them as well.

Well, in some cases I expect it's arrogance, but more often it's ignorance that causes this behavior.
I sometimes find myself behind a small group of cruisers and they are normally so engrossed in riding, their style and their pace, that they are oblivious to the fact that others may want to pass. Often there is also a line of cagers stuck behind them as well.
Kind of like, "the cagers do it to us, so let's do it to them. And everybody else. Fugum all, we're on Harleys so we own the road."

Wonder if those riders are the famous left lane police out of their cages? :glare:

What cool here in Texas (and maybe other parts of the south- but definitely not in the northeast) when coming up behind a slower vehicle- the slower vehicle will move over onto the shoulder to let you pass. This happens all the time in the hill country- it freaked me out at first- but I just wave thank you and burn on by so they can travel back in the lane.

Texas really has kept many of the "old school" rules for politeness and chivalry. From back in Massachusetts where I grew up many of thes common polite mannerisms have been extinguished as being non-PC. Man am I glad to be outta there!


I'd have probably passed them before they realized I was coming up from behind.

...that can be a dangerous, so you gotta be careful and slow down a little to pass.

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Toecutter, I'm not even remotely worked up about it just wanted to know what other courtesies others might extend esp. to other riders. It didn't bother me cause we blew by them within a min. or so. Could have almost walked around a couple of them on 2 hairpin turns. :D

Wow....a bunch of old guys watching tool.....what a trip. You guys must have been the cool guys in high school.

Would this be appropriate etiquette after you pass........


So what other mc courtesies can you guys think of that should be extened to other riders...
The "LEO ahead" sign is one...

Pulling over to lend a hand to another motorcycle rider on the side of the road is another...

A little twist on the 'allow faster riders to pass'. If the faster rider is with a group, I'll allow the whole group to pass. I don't need a slower rider pulling a ballz-out maneuver trying to keep up with his buddies.

I believe the moon is appropriate. ;) How about someone parking their bike in your parking spot next to your bike. Would you be pissed? I've never had this happen so don't know how I'd feel. Good points Groo & Randy that's what I'm looking for. JB

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How about someone parking their bike in your parking spot next to your bike. Would you be pissed?
I don't have a problem with multiple bikes sharing a parking space, as long as they don't crowd your bike.

Several years ago in Edmonton, the City got on a rampage about more than one bike to a parking space (cutting into their parking meter revenue). A favourite biker spot on White Ave, all the Bikers took one space each all the way up and down the street, thereby using up all the parking in the area. Boy were the Cagers and Business Owners ever pissed. Didn't take the City very long to back down on multiple bike parking.

Way to go, canadiens. Must have sucked, though. Each scoot trying to find it's own parking space.


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