My bike turned 10,000 today

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BTW, you ought to be logging miles here, if you're not already.
Yep - I just just found out about that thread last week. I posted my milage so far this year and will go back and update it every once in a while.

No comment.
What, no comment on the tires, the relatively low milage, or the relatively low milage on the tires before I replaced 'em? :derisive:

Congrats on 10k!My 07 just turned over to 10k this week also after 9 months of ownership (I bought new in Aug 07). But I see that we're just slackers compared to some on this board.
Yeah, but I'm under no misconception that I can catch up to some of the real riders out there on this forum. But hey, at least we have more miles than BrunDog. :p

His is the highest-mileage FJR known, 160-something, 170-something, some number that ought to be metric, and it's one of two FJRs that he has IIRC.

Yes, but he also rides his tires way past the point where others would have gone with new donuts:

I just didn't know if his "no comment' was in reference to my only having ridden 10,000 miles or my desire to throw away all that perfectly good rubber that must have been on my tires when I replaced them at 8,000 miles. :)

His is the highest-mileage FJR known, 160-something, 170-something, some number that ought to be metric, and it's one of two FJRs that he has IIRC.
Now, now. I ain't got THAT many miles on it........ Yet. Only 143,00. But by Monday, that will be 146,000. :yahoo:

And I can no longer claim to be 'Big Dog' when it come miles on the FJR..............there is a certain tree-hugging, animal-loving, nancy-boy from the People's Republik of Kalifornia that now has a few more thousand miles on his 03 than I have on my 04. (But I think Steve puts it on the centerstand in the garage and runs it while he sleeps.) Frankly, it doesn't look good. The race to 200k is on, with loser buying the other dinner. And I anticipate slowing down a bit in the next year or so. :( Must think of devious acts of sabotage. :evilsmiley03:

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Now, now. I ain't got THAT many miles on it........ Yet. Only 143,00. But by Monday, that will be 146,000. :yahoo:

The race to 200k is on, with loser buying the other dinner.[sNIP]

I never thought I'd hear myself say this...and I may get a load of sheep dip for it...but I want to be like Skooter!!!


There has to be a whole lotta fun...and at least a little pain...form accumulating that many miles on a motorcycle in a half dozen years

1 year and 10k miles and still on the original tires. I am going to hold out for 12k before I replace them.

What is the most miles anyone has gotten out of a set of tires on and FJR?


Me and da Feej just had our 1 yr anniversary (took her out for some good gas and a sunset), and went over 12.5k. The bond is getting strong enough that my louse...oops... I mean spouse, is getting jealous. :unsure:


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