My wife went a bad way!

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I'm thinking a chain mail neck gator for future rides....
Uh....yeah! But for now roses (or whtever her favorite flower might be) and precious stones. It doesn't have to be diamonds, you know. Opals, Rubies, etc., etc. Of course it all depends on just HOW precious she is to you. Em I heppin' yet?

Shoot, those wounds don't look all that serious! As my dad used to say, "I've had worse than that on my eyeball!" Or, "Its fine! Just put some Neosporin on it and tape it up. It'll stop bleeding after awhile."

And Susan, let me give you some great "openings" for your stories:

"I was hanging out with him on some fast corners when......"

"He was in front and 'hung me out to dry'...."

"Even now, when I think of it, I get all choked up!"

Seriously, I believe in the providential care we get and I'm thankful you were a recipient of that. And that you were protected and prepared by wearing the gear. How many times have we all tried to explain that we dress for the "in case". I'm thankful you are still with us and on the road to recovery.

This should be good for weeks of:

"I can't stand over the sink and do the dishes."

"The vacuum cleaner vibrates at just the right pitch that causes my stitches to tingle."

"Honey, I think I need another sponge bath." (Well, maybe not) :)

"I can't cook yet. The heat from the stove/oven/microwave is just too much. Let's try that new (Pick One) restaurant in town."

:yahoo: :yahoo:

Heal quickly, body and mind.

Mrs. Nusman, Susan?, you are a true rider and trooper, and one with incredible common sense. That quality will keep you safe and alive for years and years to come. In the meantime, heal up, milk it for all it's worth, remember it really is HIS fault LOL, play the guilt factor, get them diamonds and gold...

but I think you aren't like that.. not your style.. to which I say 'good-on-ya!'.

A small side trip.. when I was about 17 my bud ran across a booby-trapped barbed wire 'stretch-line' in the desert set up by an enviro wacko group. To this day I don't know how he saw it in time, but he did... and bailed the bike just in the 'neck' of time. (very very bad pun, sorry :glare: ). Fortunately for me, I crashed out before he did, but just because I couldn't negotiate the rock section before hand.

So.. back to thread, heal up, feel better, make the Mr. cook your meals, clean the house, fix the scoot, work some over time, then just enjoy life.. oh, and yes... scars *are* sexy.. :rolleyes:

Good gear and a little luck and you live to ride another day...oh, and Susan, have the chain mail choker made out of platinum...there's this AWESOME jeweler in the Grand Bazaar in Istanbul that makes JUST the stuff you are looking for. Makes it in 22k yellow gold as well, if you like... I think it's called Diana Jewellery (Kalpakcilar Cad., No. 111; 520-52-10).... :rolleyes:

Brad, so glad your wife made it through all of this in one piece! This morning, I'm driving to work in the cage and watching the latest helmetless rider zip past me doing about 90 on the Beltway, thinking "wish there were a site that posted pictures of WHY it's such a grand idea to wear all the gear, all the time". Sorry your wife had to provide one this evening. The emotional issues that surround even the most minor accident (this one certainly not being minor by any means) may have you both questioning and second guessing the "what ifs" as she heals. Try not to let this get either of you down.

If you want to do a ride in the near future, PM me in Cypress; I'm right around the corner. My thoughts and prayers are with you both.



What a "hicky"!!! cool!!

I've got a scar IN my eyeball bigger than that. No need to waste money on jewelry for that little thing.

Heal up Susan


Woooow, you are one tough lady. My thoughts and prayers are with you to a Speedy Recovery...Mr. Nusman must be proud of you.

Wow, scary stuff. Glad everyone's still in one piece and kickin though. The Man up stairs was looking out for ya's so nows the time to heal up and get back in the saddle a.s.a.p. Take care of the wifey as I'm sure you will. Prayers....PM. <><

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Sue, you are a real trooper and I am sure glad you are up and about. I'm sure glad you were wearing all the right gear and you have a wonderful husband that will be looking after you.

Maybe some day I'll have a chance to meet you good one of the events that Bounce and Michelle are planning in October of '07?

We'll be able to swap stories and compare scars, and I'll buy you folks a round of liquid medicine.


Wow! Here's hoping and praying for a speedy recovery.

Susan, when all is said and done, the best medicine will be to get back on the bike and ride, ride, ride.

ATGATT for sure.

Scott in Lake Jackson,

A fellow Texan glad to be alive and riding when I can.


Give your Susan a big hug (whoa...not so hard :eek:hno-smiley: ), she sure is some no-nonsense lady.

Your lucid account of the accident gave me goose bumps. How many million times have we checked our mirrors for the next guy (or guy-ess) to show up after a tricky bend.

And until they do our mind starts conjuring up endless scenarios, some harmless and some scary... :uhuh:

Take care both of you


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Scars sexy? Maybe..................

A lady riding her own bike? Yeah, that will work......

Glad she is ok. Sounds like you have a great woman there.

Take care and heal fast,


Brad and Susan,

......What everyone else said better than I could. The write up was a very emotional read. Thankfully, everyone involved did what needed at the time and cool heads prevailed. Thing could have been much worse. Susan, I hope you will soon get right back on that bad boy and continue with your interest in riding. Best wishes from Maine.


PS: I was in Fredericksburg in December, my bro lives in Dripping Springs.

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Got here late to the party. Susan, I'm sorry to hear about your accident ,and wanted to let you knowI'm glad you are on the road to recovery. I'm sure you have wondered what you might have done differently, but, as one with the same experience, don't dwell on it too long.

Glenn, praying for a speedy recovery.

Brad & Susan, How about an update?!?!?

The second and third days are when the overall soreness creeps in and saps your energy. Also, bruises from the "acrobatics" will begin to surface.

All of this is "normal"...just fight through it and cling to one another. Take whatever pain meds the doctors gave you, the relief from pain will help you sleep and that aids the healing process.

Too many of us have had "experiences...but that also qualifies us to be amongst your "great cloud of witnesses" and cheer you on when we can't cheer you up.

Group hug! :yahoo:

@madmike2 (and everybody else)....

Update for you: Susan is recovering...some contusions appeared on her chest, (sternum) some 2 days after the accident...pretty unusual; soreness to match as you might imagine. She also has other various contusions on her arms; the worst contusions are on her left leg which took most of the trauma. She still has a fair amount of swelling to the left ankle/foot. Her neck is looking better all the time, she still calls herself 'your Frankenstein wife'; (sutures come out in another day or two) Naturally, she's worried how it will look long term. I keep reassuring her, and she's anxious to get riding again...great news! :clapping: The swelling in the ankle needs more time though.... she gets a shot of pain with any lateral be expected with a hairline fracture. Overall, she says she feels 'pretty good'. I would have to say she's recovering faster that I expected, so I guess that's a good thing...I just don't want her to push herself too hard until she heals.

We held off telling our 9 year old about 'certain aspects' of the accident until he got back from visiting his big sister in college...he's a pretty sensitive kid & we didn't want him to worry while on his trip....Susan was able to be there at the airport when he got back, so that made things less worrisome for him. Suffice to say he didn't like the look of the sutures! (once he got a look at them).

Once again, thanks for all the responses! She's been genuinely touched by all the replies...everybody's concern has definitely taken 'the sting' out of the situation and put her in a better mood; she felt so bad about the whole deal.....'beating herself up' about know how you're always hardest on yourself; I didn't want her going through any guilt trip. Luckily, the Soma and Darvocet help! :rolleyes: Parts are on the way, and thanks to my crew chief and mentor (my brother, Zen Master of All Things Powered by Internal Combustion, who taught me everything I know) bike's running again...Susan should be rolling again soon..I'm thinking a flashy barbed wire tattoo for the inaugural, well, maybe not. Until then......


Brad and Susan


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