Need help with keeping forest rats out of my yard

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Well-known member
Jun 15, 2005
Reaction score
Sonora, CA
I know a 10 gauge will handle 'em, but I got to do this with a certain amount of stealth. Wifey and I have been spending huge amounts of time tending to our garden, and now the local contingent of forest rats are taking advantage of our efforts and treating it like buffet. :(

Any ideas?

I know a 10 gauge will handle 'em, but I got to do this with a certain amount of stealth. Wifey and I have been spending huge amounts of time tending to our garden, and now the local contingent of forest rats are taking advantage of our efforts and treating it like buffet. :(
Any ideas?
Assuming you mean the large forest rats and that you have a fence that's at least 5' high, install a board all around its top (w/ wide side vertical). 6" wide will do, 8" is better. Very few will jump that. Shoot the exceptions.


This should do it.


Just don't ask me how you get rid of all the snakes...

I know a 10 gauge will handle ' the local contingent of forest rats are taking advantage of our efforts and treating it like buffet.
Any ideas?
Fencing of all types, including electric are basically useless. My brother's dog has gotten to the point where my brother can't make him go out (again & again & again..) to chase the deer, his dog just goes out the door and lays down as if to say that it is futile and I've given up. Perhaps a pet bear may work better :unsure: The wonderful agriculture department here in NH allows the purchase and use of *fireworks* as deterrents to pests and vermin but won't allow their use for recreation.

I suppose that naming them and trying to keep them as pests, err, pets won't work... At this point the best option may be to look at them as pre stuffed roasts -- contact TWN for some good recipes this fall. Invite the local FJR/Firearms group over during hunting season and stock the local shelters with meat for a year.

Back to the dog idea, something in the Sighthound group may work, there is always the Scottish Deer Hound. Failing that you could try a Australian Shepherd and see it you can get into recreational deer herding :lol:

Feed corn laced wit rat poison?

Stupid deer. I dream of the day when you have to go to a zoo to see one... I can see it grandson saying "Pops, what's that?". "It's called a deer. Can you believe they used to be allowed to roam free and kill innocent motorists?"

In Michigan, which is a big deer capital of the world they use some spray. There is a commercial spray that acts as a repellent , but my mom has her own secret recipe. I will email her and past it on.

In Michigan, which is a big deer capital of the world they use some spray. There is a commercial spray that acts as a repellent , but my mom has her own secret recipe. I will email her and past it on.
It will be interesting to see if it works on Mule Deer. Hmm.... maybe you could market it?

I have heard (though never tried it) that human hair (left over from a haircut) spread around the perimeter works as a repellent.

I dunno if it's the scent, or if deer just can't cope with hairballs.

Get yourself a cross bred pup (timber wolf/siberian Husky) & problem solved....the wolf is a natural preditor for deer.....they keep the deer population down by preying on the old, weak, ill, & genetically inferior of the deer family.....just a thought...

First, I'll trade you your rats for my mockingbird. Second, the easiest solution is to go to the produce section of your local Von's and screw the Farmer Brown act. ;)

Orchards here on the right coast often hang dial soap and small mesh bags of moth balls; or a well-placed 222 bullet (as in just behind the ear, it just reports with a sharp "spat") and invite all the neighbors over for grilled venison! Hell they'd probably recruit you full time into their gardens afterwards!


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