North Florida July Ride

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4:45 departure should get me there around 7. I think Matt is still coming along. Be good to see you. Ride carefully, lots of rain through that area today....

I mentioned to borrec 3 weeks ago that I wanted to go on this ride but family things just happen to get in the way. Here's to ya'll having a great safe ride. :D

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I guess everyone is to tired to give a ride report! :p

Ride report? Sure, I'll give you a ride report. Headed out of Jacksonville with Wade in the lead at 4:45am on our way to Tallahassee. The people (Jim, Robert, Roger, Bruce, and Wade) sucked, the roads sucked, breakfast sucked, riding the last 100 miles home in heavy rain? Now that kicked ass! I don't know, maybe I got that backwards, attention to detail has never been my thing.

Not being local to that area I couldn't speak much to the roads except to say they were much better than what Jacksonville has to offer. I know we took a twisty road out of town along some lake. Passed a dead dear, a VERY large alligator snapping turtle and a dog standing on the side of the road that looked like he was in the mood to end it all. We then turned left onto a less twisty road that took us to a small no name joint for breakfast. After eating we were questioned by a local wanting to know if we rented our bikes or just all thought they were cool. Took that as a sign that it was time to go. Headed north along 27 to marvel at its construction on the GA side of the line. We crisscrossed GA on our way up and past Bainbridge before Wade and I decided that we had gotten far enough away from Jacksonville for the day. We stopped to consult the map as well as say our goodbye's and started our ride back. Stopped in Tallahassee for gas then again West of 75 for lunch. After lunch a quick survey of the sky told us that this would probably be a good time to gear up for bad weather and it was a good thing we did. We picked up heavy rain West of 75 that was kind enough to escort us all the way back to Jacksonville. I10 became a parking lot about 35 miles out of town. Having already passed the exit we decided to hit the hazards and cautiously head up the on ramp. Wade got us over to a side road that paralleled the parking lot called 10. Rain was still heavy but traffic was none existent. Started to relax now that we were out of traffic only to witness a tree get struck by lightning right in front of Wade.

Ended up making it home with only minor leakage of the rain gear and a firm understanding of why some people buy waterproof riding boots. Jim had a video camera mounted on his bike so I'd be interested to see if he has any footage to post. Hmmm, now that I think of it, it probably wasn't the best idea to have him lead the group. Thanks to Jim for suggesting a get together in the first place. It's always was nice to meet new people and put a face to a screen name.

I'm sure one of the other guy's can chime in soon with a real ride report.


I'll pick it up from where Matt and Wade left off:

But first: Borrec had eaten something that didn't agree with him the night before and wisely stayed home. Hope you feel better man.

So Matt and Wade headed back east and we continued north following the east edge of Lake Eufala. It was my first time out with the video camera and I am still editing. If I ever figure out how to post a video I'll put it up. Got into some minor hills and some easy 90 mph sweepers. Swapped the lead a couple of times so I could play with the camera and try to get some shots that were more interesting than just the empty road. One of us missed a turn. We turned around. We all got attacked by a plastic trash bag very close to the entrance of Providence Canyon State Park. Made it greater downtown Lumpkin GA, found Michelle's restaraunt, had a nice Sunday fried chicken dinner. Loaded up on iced tea and water, refueled and headed back out. Took GA266 through Benevolence and stopped in Cuthbert to ask directions. Flagged down a passing county mounty. Turned out to be the sheriff, who was about 70 years old and did not wear a gun. Andy of Mayberry was what came to mind. Temp was mid 80's, overcast, and weather was good as long as we were moving. A crossing BIG ASS deer had us all on the brakes and nearly stopped waiting to see if there were more. Got rolling again and had to dodge a couple of buzzards who had no intention of leaving their road kill lunch. Then the sun came out. Stopped in Newton GA for water break and a stretch. By then it was damn hot. We decided we had a core group for a loosely based monthly ride group. Made it back to Tallahassee and split off our seperate ways without stopping.

All in all, a good day. A good bunch to ride with, no squids, competent riders not afraid to wick it up a little,hot but not miserable till the last hour, no rain, no malfunctions, 325 miles on a quiet Georgia/North Florida Sunday, everyone made it home in one piece. Not terribly exciting, but for a first ride with a new group of people, it was about as right as it could be.

We haven't started planning the next one yet, but we'll let ya know when we get it figured out!

I guess everyone is to tired to give a ride report! :p

Ride report? Sure, I'll give you a ride report. Headed out of Jacksonville with Wade in the lead at 4:45am on our way to Tallahassee. The people (Jim, Robert, Roger, Bruce, and Wade) sucked, the roads sucked, breakfast sucked, riding the last 100 miles home in heavy rain? Now that kicked ass! I don't know, maybe I got that backwards, attention to detail has never been my thing.

Not being local to that area I couldn't speak much to the roads except to say they were much better than what Jacksonville has to offer. I know we took a twisty road out of town along some lake. Passed a dead dear, a VERY large alligator snapping turtle and a dog standing on the side of the road that looked like he was in the mood to end it all. We then turned left onto a less twisty road that took us to a small no name joint for breakfast. After eating we were questioned by a local wanting to know if we rented our bikes or just all thought they were cool. Took that as a sign that it was time to go. Headed north along 27 to marvel at its construction on the GA side of the line. We crisscrossed GA on our way up and past Bainbridge before Wade and I decided that we had gotten far enough away from Jacksonville for the day. We stopped to consult the map as well as say our goodbye's and started our ride back. Stopped in Tallahassee for gas then again West of 75 for lunch. After lunch a quick survey of the sky told us that this would probably be a good time to gear up for bad weather and it was a good thing we did. We picked up heavy rain West of 75 that was kind enough to escort us all the way back to Jacksonville. I10 became a parking lot about 35 miles out of town. Having already passed the exit we decided to hit the hazards and cautiously head up the on ramp. Wade got us over to a side road that paralleled the parking lot called 10. Rain was still heavy but traffic was none existent. Started to relax now that we were out of traffic only to witness a tree get struck by lightning right in front of Wade.

Ended up making it home with only minor leakage of the rain gear and a firm understanding of why some people buy waterproof riding boots. Jim had a video camera mounted on his bike so I'd be interested to see if he has any footage to post. Hmmm, now that I think of it, it probably wasn't the best idea to have him lead the group. Thanks to Jim for suggesting a get together in the first place. It's always was nice to meet new people and put a face to a screen name.

I'm sure one of the other guy's can chime in soon with a real ride report.


Thanks Matt,

It really is nice to add a face (and some real persona) to these Forum handles.

I was impressed with the fact that you and Wade rode over from Jax for this deal. After talking to the two of you I realize this was just cruisin' around for ya'll. I am seriously thinking about doing an iron butt using the course you described on the interstate corridors.

After you two broke off at Blakely, the four of us continued (using the great circle route) toward Lumkin. Passing Providence Canyon with Bruce in the lead, we encountered a Ga.State Parks pickup easing out in front of us as we were exiting a left hand sweeper. To add insult to injury a large, black garbage bag exited the bed adding a need for extra body shifting while braking. Are we having fun yet? We made it unblemished to the roaring town of Lumkin and after practicing our u-turning skills (which we continued to hone throughout the ride) we settled into a nice lunch at Michele's (sp). Food and company was rather good and everyone learned something about each other. The weather held for us but the heat was starting to rise as we headed for home. I took up the rear spot on the way back as I was trying to understand why my throttle lock wasn't performing as advertised. A definite high point for me was our stop at a bustling gas station outside of Camilla Ga. The weeds behind the building had been freshly mowed adding to the ambiance of relieving myself. Add to that a bug charged atmosphere (my head still itches) and you have the perfect rest stop. Last but not least, I finally had cell phone reception and was able to let my wife know I'd be home before work the next day. Though we said our good-byes here (we would go separate ways as we came into Tallahassee) we continued to travel together for some time. It was a spirited finish coming up Meridian Road as our ride ended and I for one, enjoyed it very much. Look forward to meeting up with you and Wade again and looking ahead to another scheduled jaunt with the FJRiders,Tallahassee Chapter.

Capt. Bob

PS...... A tip of the hat to Jim (Flapsup) Barnes for puttin' all together along with Roger and Bruce. Thanks guys!!

Awesome Matt. Sounds like it was just as it should be in the south. :lol:
Jim, sounds like you and the rest had a decent ride after we left. Total ride mileage for the Jacksonville contingent was 589 miles. Ride over wasn't bad so keep me in the loop when you get around to planning another outing.

nmanley, you managed to miss this round but don't count on being so lucky next time. A quick check of the map shows you as being well within range of an FJR on a day trip so don't be surprised if we show up in your neck of the woods next time. You might want to go ahead and get the map out now and start planning a route for us.

Thanks again,


Awesome Matt. Sounds like it was just as it should be in the south. :lol:
Jim, sounds like you and the rest had a decent ride after we left. Total ride mileage for the Jacksonville contingent was 589 miles. Ride over wasn't bad so keep me in the loop when you get around to planning another outing.

nmanley, you managed to miss this round but don't count on being so lucky next time. A quick check of the map shows you as being well within range of an FJR on a day trip so don't be surprised if we show up in your neck of the woods next time. You might want to go ahead and get the map out now and start planning a route for us.

Thanks again,


HAHAHA Matt, Funny you should mention the distance from Jax. I just moved back home from St Augustine a month ago, after a 6 month job there. I bought my FJR from a Navy Pilot down in Orange park on a Monday night and rode it back home to Alabama the next day. :yahoo: Visited the family for two days and rode it back to St Aug to be at work for my weekend shift. Rode it to work over the next two weeks before having to haul it home in preparation for the relocation and new job at Ft Rucker.

Luckily a few guys at the new job like to ride every other Friday morning after we get off work (3rd shift) so we do a little 100 or so mile loop to buy lotto tickets somewhere different in FL each trip.

I still have to hookup with Borrec for a ride one of these days but I will defiantly love to make the next North FL Ride. ;)

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+1 on the ride reports. Look forward to more. Sucks that we have to ride 2-3 hours from base camp to get real. But the company was great, so I guess it doesn't matter about the ride. :yahoo:
