Preparing to lose my best friend

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Well-known member
Apr 18, 2007
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Auburn, MA
I feel bad even posting this after the lost of OrangevaleFJR. I feel like I am extremely lucky in this life, where I have never lost anyone really close to me.

Last night I found out that my best friend of 14 years is sick beyond what any amount of money or medicial care can do for her. My cat, of 14 years has a massive tumor in her belly, making it impossible to eat or drink. I noticed a week ago that she stopped drinking, and eating. This wasn't the first time this happened, about 4 year ago she did the same thing. 1000 dollars later, the vets had no idea what was going on with her. One day she just "snapped" out of it, and life was good again.

The vet gave us the option of putting her down last night or spending one last day with her. She is in no pain, but her organs are in the process of shutting down due to lack of nutrition. Tonight I will be bringing her back to the vets for her final trip....

I know she is only a cat, but she deffinatly held a special place in the hearts of my wife, me and especially my 2 1/2 year old daugher.


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I know your pain. Truly, I do.

When my bride gave birth to our son, I scored an awesome little black-n-white cat. My son bonded with this cat like his best little buddy. When my son was old enough for his first bed, this cat would sleep on the bed right at his feet. Every night. Without fail.

For TEN years.

Right before I departed for Park City and WFO-6, I noticed the cat was developing quite the beer-belly. "Time for a diet" I joked with the wife.

Well, the beer belly turned into a severely distended abdomen. Uh-oh. Clearly, this is no good. Yet the cat behaved just fine. Still ate okay. Still played with the other two cats and the Cocker Spaniel. By the time I got back from the start of the Iron Butt Rally, I ask Kathy to make an appointment with the vet. The first opening wasn't until the day after I left for the Finish of the 'Butt.

Things went to hell in a hurry.

Kathy took the cat in, and the vet did the exam, and gave us the news: kitty cancer.

The animal was put down before I could come home. :( :( :( :(

Sorry for your loss. Pets are family members, too, in so many, many ways.

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Its a tough deal having to part with a pet that you have had for so long. They are definitely a member of the family. I have a cat and a dog and would have a hard time losing either. The cat is now maybe 14 YO and is getting skinnier and skinnier but is still sharp enough to bring home the occasional bird or chipmunk.

Sorry for your loss.

Man, so sorry to hear about the impending loss of your family member.

We had our dog 16.5 years and then one day she just stopped eating and drinking.

Do the right thing for your old friend and don't let her suffer.

Its a tough deal having to part with a pet that you have had for so long. They are definitely a member of the family. I have a cat and a dog and would have a hard time losing either. The cat is now maybe 14 YO and is getting skinnier and skinnier but is still sharp enough to bring home the occasional bird or chipmunk.
Sorry for your loss.
Very sorry for your loss as well. My wife and I went through that with the most extraordinary cat we've ever known last November and we still miss him. We were found by a new stray kitten a few months ago and added him to the household to get us back to three cats in the house--the max that we can fairly pay attention to. We try to keep a good gap between new pets so that there's always a young one, a middle-aged one, and an older one. When you're ready, look for a new friend. Or maybe you'll get found by one.

Not sure what your plans are, but I believe that we did the right thing by being in the room when they gave Feets the shot to put him to sleep and my wife held him until he was gone. It wasn't easy, but I think it was the right thing to do. Nowhere near enough repayment for the years of companionship our furr-kids give us.

RIP, little girl. :rip_1:


Heartache and sadness. I've had 3 lont-term pets in my life, 2 dogs of 12 & 14 yrs. respectively and a cat that's now 16. It hurts! Like Warchild said, "Pets are family members, too...."

My only "out" this time: the cat is living with my daughter in Fresno. I'm afraid it's going to break Sabrina's heart as we've had "Belle" since her Jr. year in high school.

Did I hurts. As a softy, I don't have pets any longer.


Sorry to hear about your family member. Bad time of year with the holidays to go through that too.

The cat looks pretty content in that picture with her paws tucked under, even though the baby looks ready to pounce on her!

I'm not really fond of cats, but we did have one years ago that I really miss. Everyone loved that cat.


I am sorry for you loss.

I had a cat named Gus for many years. When I was splitting from the long time girlfriend I fought for the cat. I made many decision such as where I was going to live based on my cat. He was a strange one, he would get in the shower with me and lay at my feet, or he would sit outside in the rain. As time went on I learned when he pissed on a purse of jacket of someone I was dating he did not care for them. Eventually I found I girl that swore up and down she hated cats, but he never pissed on her stuff. She fell in love with him over many months, even with the 3 am dive bombs from the window to wake her up she still loved him. I am pretty much married to her now, I guess Gus was a good judge of character.

About two years ago I noticed he was sneezing a lot and was losing some weight so I took him to the vet. Nothing was found and the vet thought it was a cold of some sort. Four days later he was still losing weight and was sneezing blood. Off to the vet only to find cancer under one of his cheeks that was pushing on his sinuses. After looking at a X-ray it was clear it was time to let him go.

It was my first real loss of a pet or person that was close to me. I can sympathize with your pain. I hope the best for you.

For me it helped to get a new cat about six months later. However, my new cat does not eat chicken stips like Gus did.

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Sorry to hear of this. Like many have said them guys are family too, no matter what species.

I still miss my cockatiel ,TAZ, had him 15 years .Came down the stairs one day w/o his happy squawk, went to check on him and found him "sleeping" in his food cup, it looked like he was resting on a pillow. No one could understand why I "paid too much" to have him cremated, they didn't understand why. They did understand "Fuck off" when they tried to be funny about it.

Out here there is a group that comes out to your house and puts them down,instead of at the vets office. At least they're in familiar and loving surroundings during their send-off. Just an idea. Out here the ST.FRANCIS GROUP does it, not sure about your area though.

I'm so sorry to hear about your impending loss. I'm sure that shes not ONLY a cat to you and your family. Honestly, some of the hardest things for me to face have been the loss of pets. You do what you can, give and receive unconditional love and all too soon have to say good bye. I'm sure you can take comfort in knowing that you provided a loving home for all these years and that you've always done right by your friend. She looks like a real sweetheart!

Best Wishes for both you and your pet, Ron

I buried Sushi out in the back yard five years ago this next April. I created a monument of sorts for her memory with a bird bath and a circle of crushed marble. She owned Linda and my hearts for 13.5 years. We now have two other cats ( I can see the older one from here) that also have the rule of the house. After they are gone there will be no more pets. We are getting to old to continue taking care of animals even though we love them to death. It is impossible to say I feel your pain because only you know how bad it hurts to lose a friend like that. If there is a "good" side to it at all you can only realize that they have no concept of life and death and you can make her comfortable while she just goes to sleep one more time. I miss Gleno (who I knew) and I miss Andrew ( who I didn't know) and now I miss your cat?



I have three inside cats and two outside cats. The depth of bonding I form with these critters still amazes me. I lost the " love of my life " .....a Burmese that was 15 1/2 years old......about three years ago. Hardly a day goes by that I don't think about that animal and all the love and affection that we shared. Our pets often assume a position within our hearts that even other humans can't reach. I am truly saddened to hear of your loss and I understand completely the pain you feel. You have to take comfort in remembering all the joy and love your friend brought to you.

Sorry to hear this. We too are warming up to have our best cat ever get bad sick on us. I hate what'll happen as it'll be my responsibility to make the final trip with "The King" to the vet.........the wife made the last trip with the old dog for me as I couldn't handle it! (old men cry real easy!)


I feel bad even posting this after the lost of OrangevaleFJR. I feel like I am extremely lucky in this life, where I have never lost anyone really close to me.
Last night I found out that my best friend of 14 years is sick beyond what any amount of money or medicial care can do for her. My cat, of 14 years has a massive tumor in her belly, making it impossible to eat or drink. I noticed a week ago that she stopped drinking, and eating. This wasn't the first time this happened, about 4 year ago she did the same thing. 1000 dollars later, the vets had no idea what was going on with her. One day she just "snapped" out of it, and life was good again.

The vet gave us the option of putting her down last night or spending on last day with her. She is in no pain, but her organs are in the process of shutting down due to lack of nutrition. Tonight I will be bringing her back to the vets for her final trip....

I know she is only a cat, but she deffinatly held a special place in the hearts of my wife, me and especially my 2 1/2 year old daugher.


I'm sorry" really doesn't mean much, but it's the best I can do.

My all time favorite cat was Quincy, a lilac/white old fashioned siamese. Had him for about 14 years...

My ex asked my why I was willing to pay $110 for a cat of all things... took him about a year to realized what a friend is.

the ex... the cat already knew....

Oh and I also found out that when cats breathe, each nostril has a different sound... when it got really cold, Quincy would stick his nose in my ear...<BG>


Jaycen, I haven't gotten over taking my cat of ten years into the vet for the last time. It is as hard as losing any other family member. Misha was 11 years old and suffered from kidney failure. We spent a lot of money trying to save him to no avail, We kept him until he quit eating and drinking and decided then to end his suffering. We have replaced him with a kitten, but we still think of him quite often. We try to think of what a great life he had and how much pleasure we got from him. The sorrow will pass with time.


"It's only a cat", only applies to people who don't get it. I've outlived several of those cuddly little furballs, only to soon get another once one has passed and created a vacancy.

Sorry for your loss. Too much of that going around lately....

Gozer says R.I.P.


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Evilmedic mentioned it above, and I second the idea to have this done at home. Our vet put my first Dalmatian down 2 years ago, and it seemed better to not have to make that final drive to the vet. She was cremated, and her ashes are about 3 feet away from where I am typing this, with instructions in my will to bury her, (and her sister, still living), with me. No pet nuts on this board, no.....

My thoughts are with you at this time.

We experienced this twice a couple of years ago, and it was hard to say goodbye except for their pain. Sorry for your loss.



and her sister Polly


I understand about the thought of losing your pet. We have been fighting that battle for 4 years now and about $20k..I know :blink: But their part of the family and my wife hand raised both from 1 week old, their now 18+. 3 pills 2x a day and saline every other day, that and I have to hand feed baby food every 2 hours all night long to one of them :dribble:



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