Rider down - Grumpy

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I spend a few hours with Grumpy and Snow White last weekend while in NC. Jim was in very good spirits and seeing his smile and hearing that deep "grumpy" laugh certainly was worth the trip. We had lunch, compared ICU notes, and had a good laugh or three.

At some point, I'm sure he will chime in himself, but that may be a ways off yet.

I spend a few hours with Grumpy and Snow White last weekend while in NC. Jim was in very good spirits and seeing his smile and hearing that deep "grumpy" laugh certainly was worth the trip. We had lunch, compared ICU notes, and had a good laugh or three.

At some point, I'm sure he will chime in himself, but that may be a ways off yet.
Let him know that we're still thinking about him and sending good juju!! :)

I hope he gets to play his Bass Clarinet soon. It sounds like from the Caring Bridge site that he is a pretty accomplished musician...it would be great if he could return to that. :clapping:

I never met Grumpy...but I sure heard his name mentioned on the Forum by Heidi around EOM times.

It's been three years since grumpy had his accident. I know that members have left the Forums in those three years...but if anybody that knows grumpy has an update , that would be appreciated.

I hope fate has been good to grumpy. Grumpy slid into a post with his body and did some initially painful damage to his torso. After the accident he was up and walking around but later had issues that resulted in an inability to walk. He was discharged to a house that was being rehabbed for wheelchair access. I hope that with his initial ability to walk that healing was possible as time went on. Fortunately, he had a good mind set and was moving on with things.

I think of Jim every time I hop on board Frankenbike...

For those that might not know, it was Jim's (Grumpy's) '03 motor that replace the '04 motor destroyed by Catastrophic Cam Chain Tensioner Failure five years ago.

Best wishes to, and hope to hear from, Grumpy.

Wow, 3 years? Funny I was just thinking of him. Hope he (or someone) posts up... Best wishes Grumpy.

It's been three years since grumpy had his accident. I know that members have left the Forums in those three years...but if anybody that knows grumpy has an update , that would be appreciated.
bump...it has been five years now. Any update? Anybody who knows him want to PM me his mailing address so I can mail him a letter...if you don't feel comfortable sharing this on the open forum?

Update on Grumpy: Just as I have been away from the FJR and the forums for a while dealing with what life was throwing my direction, I hadn't been in touch with Grumpy for a while. I just messaged back/forth with Jim in the past couple weeks and I'm happy to share some positive news.

In the aftermath of Jim's accident he was left paralyzed from the chest down. He spend several months at the Shepard Center in Atlanta learning how to function going forward post accident. After returning home I visited him and his amazing wife Judy after a few months and it was one of the most humbling experiences of my life. After going through what would put most people into a dark pit of hell Grumpy was the still optimistic, thankful for everything that he had and accepting of this new reality.

In my recent exchanges with Grumpy he reported that in his most recent Therapy session that he has walked 100' on his own with the help of just a walker! He also told mentioned that he saw the picture of my new Red FJR and was very jealous.. I'm planning to visit Grumpy very soon and will confirm that it's ok with him to share privately his address with folks that are interested.


...and jwilly, when I say it is great news, I mean about his outlook on life.

Do you have a copy of a photo of Grumpy and Snow White that you can share, either pre-crash or post-crash? Last time I saw him I think was EOM 2007...so it's been awhile.

I don't know Grumpy, but he sounds like one helluva man! I hope he can continue on the progress he has already made, and show us, and the rest of the world, what determination can do.

Thanks for the update jwilly! That is a great report!
Plus us 2

Dammit. Grumpy is a super cool git with a beautiful wife. I'm sorry for his circumstance, but happy for his outlook. Last I saw him was one of Wheaton's camping trips, I think. I know C was there. Him and Snow White had a crash near Chama about a year before. I wish him the best!
