Riding a Bit Over the Limit

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He'll finally pass and go like hell. Presto! He's created his own road-sweeper. He swears he's done this many times and it usually works. I think I've gotta give this a try.
Ummm...Well I suppose that is one scenario or the cager could:

a. reach for his friends, Smith & Wesson

b. play squish the biker

c. call *CSP in Colorado (911 elsewhere) to report a psycho trying to assault them (think Night Stalker - he used to mess with people on the hwy)

d. something much worse involving the thought processes of Wes Craven and Quentin Tarantino

You may need a new riding buddy....this guy is missing on a couple cylinders.... :dribble:

SacMike...if this guy is serious he is a phuckin clown. Don't walk...run away from this dude. Anybody ever pulled a stunt like this with me along, it would be our first and last ride together.

Pick your riding partners carefully.


This is good stuff for a Friday! Why do we waste good topics like this during the week. :(

Mike knows better, funny post mike. ;)

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Um, yeah, I was kidding. :rolleyes:

Gotta admit, I didn't have as much provocation in mind as you all took this to be--more of a mild irritant. But you have good points and you've exposed any number of weaknesses in this idea. OK, idea scrapped.

What I HAVE done, and will keep doing, when night riding in forested/mountainous areas, is just settle on somebody who's keeping a decent speed and just stay with him, whether he passes me or I come up on him from behind. NOT close, mind you, but extending my night sight by the distance from me to the end of his headlight beams. Hope that's not too selfish, letting HIM hit the damn deer.

What I HAVE done, and will keep doing, when night riding in forested/mountainous areas, is just settle on somebody who's keeping a decent speed and just stay with him, whether he passes me or I come up on him from behind. NOT close, mind you, but extending my night sight by the distance from me to the end of his headlight beams. Hope that's not too selfish, letting HIM hit the damn deer.
That sounds like a perfectly acceptable and self-interested move. It's not even really selfish.

In simplistic terms if somebody ahead of me is going 60 while I'd rather be going 63....I'll just live with 60. However if he drops to 58 I'll pass them, speed up and go 70 for a little bit, build up a distance, and then settle back to 65. I'm still in my preferred 5 mph window of choice.

Some people are crazy and you never know what type of reaction the other driver may respond with. For safety reasons I wouldn't recommend this type of provoking, it doesn't take much to be killed on a bike.

When riding a bike which isn't the Asphalt Assault Tank (AAT) that the FJR is (i.e. an FZ6), I know that when I hit a bad downpour of rain in the middle of the night and have a lot of miles to do on roads I am not familiar with I find anyone going ANY speed and just latch on to their tail lights like a brazilian hooker to a businessman.

Apart from that, speed tickets are part of the game. I'd not compromise safety to avoid one. Over the span of my riding career I will get a handful more tickets if I choose not be a jerk as suggested there. But if I get run off the road and injured or killed even one time....it won't have been worth it.

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And you're STILL thinking of going on a long ride with a person who thinks this way? Be afraid. Be very afraid. Who knows what other crazy ideas he might come up with.

Taking advantage of a rabbit is fair play, goading the innocent into being your rabbit is not. Sooner or later Karma will remove any temporary advantage gained in anyway it can.

Pretty much what Silver Penguin says as to your chances of continued uneventful rides with that person..

Your "friend" is using most of his energy playing with the traffic...not paying attention to it....not good.

If it were me he was following, I'd presume it was either a cop or a druggie... either pass or not.

I would just keep slowing down until he got pissed off enuf to pass me. Sometimes I carry a grease pencil (when I remember)... good to write a lic plate # down...<G> although I'd pbly just take a pic... I keep a camera handy...

I've have a cop pull up right behind me when I was driving at night, then take the next exit off the freeway, and then zoom right back on...just waiting for me to speed up. When that didn't work, he finally got tired of me going the speed limit and zoomed off into the night.

Following someone at distance is good, especially in deer country, although the forest rats don't always read the rules and can still get you.

You could use some new riding buddies...<G>

Take care

