Spare ignition key

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Well-known member
Jul 4, 2005
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Valley City, OH
As I am planning my trip to EOM, it crossed my mind that I should have a spare ignition key in case I loose or damage the one I have. Has anyone had a spare key made, and if so are the blanks readily available? I did get 2 keys with my bike, but I'd like to leave a key at home and still have a spare so I need to get one made, I know that I have had keys made for my GoldWing at Wal-Mart, but wonder if the FJR is a special blank?

Check your local Yamaha shop. Mine had plenty of them in stock. They might not cut the keys, but, at least they (should) have the blanks that you can take to a locksmith to cut.

Most locksmiths can make them...

I had (3) additional keys made, ever since a trip where my keys 'vanished' I always keep a key in my wallet.

Good for you for thinking ahead. I once asked a service manager what "must have" tool we should all have with us & he replied an extra key. One of my club mates often tells the story of the time she got back on her bike, only to realize her key had fallen out of her pocket down the toilet. She now travels with a spare on a chain around her neck! Other places to carry a key is inside your helmet padding, sewn into a pocket, on a chain in your pocket attached to a belt loop, etc. My problem with extra keys is I sometimes forget where I've put them, so having one somewhere that you'll see or notice it is helpful.

I asked my dealer where to get keys made for my Road Star & he sent me to a local locksmith.

Have a great trip!

After I kicked mine in half while mounting the bike when it was in the saddle bag lock, ahem, my dealer graciously made me a new one for a measly 8 bucks. :blink: I now keep that spare tucked into the lining of my helmet.

I also keep an extra key for the Givi in the tool kit on my bike. I'm glad I do. I lost the original key during a trip and it wasn't a big deal since I had the spare with me.

My problem with extra keys is I sometimes forget where I've put them, so having one somewhere that you'll see or notice it is helpful.

I keep an extra key in a little pouch designed to fit in the laces of your shoes. It's a runner's trick. Since I wear hiking boots for riding (and the occasional hike while out riding) this works for me.

After I kicked mine in half while mounting the bike when it was in the saddle bag lock, ahem, my dealer graciously made me a new one for a measly 8 bucks. :blink: I now keep that spare tucked into the lining of my helmet.

I got spares made after my riding friend suggested it before our long trip to WFO and Craterlake. He put his spare in a keybox velcro'd in one of the fairings. He told me he lost his key once and his experience was very unpleasant. There are key makers that do have the yamaha key style, and I found one near my house that only charged 99cents, so now I got a couple spares hidden on the bike.

Yup, spare key, don't leave home without it. I always get a spare made at the local locksmith on one of those flat steel blanks. I keep it right behind my drivers license in my wallet since my wallet and I are always in the same place. The blank my locksmith uses is an Ilco, stamped with the numbers X248 and YM63.

Got my three spare for $3.00 at a locksmiths parking lot booth.

ilco X248 YM63

Oops -- kinda like a double post there with Mr Silverbullet!

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I also keep an extra key for the Givi in the tool kit on my bike. I'm glad I do. I lost the original key during a trip and it wasn't a big deal since I had the spare with me.

Locksmith was able to fix me up with a few spares for the FJR, but could not match the Givi key, where did you get the extra Givi key? :glare:

I also keep an extra key for the Givi in the tool kit on my bike. I'm glad I do. I lost the original key during a trip and it wasn't a big deal since I had the spare with me.

Locksmith was able to fix me up with a few spares for the FJR, but could not match the Givi key, where did you get the extra Givi key? :glare:
It came with the Givi box. Contact you local Givi dealer or wherever you ordered your box and order one. Make sure you have your model number. As I understand it, different boxes use different blanks.

I never traveled with a spare key before.

Last week I had a "premonition" right before I left on a camping trip to Mt. St. Helens and Mt. Ranier.

I grabbed my spare and put it on a clip inside my tank bag.

After walking around at the Paradise visitor center at Ranier, I geared back up, got on the bike, and-no key.

After a short sinking feeling, I remembered I had the spare.

After a search, I went to the information counter and, luckily, someone had found my key and turned it in.

Won't travel without a spare again. I am also going to get some better keys made.


PS: I have always missed the FJR St. Helens volcano ride. I had ridden up the West side a couple of times, but this was my first time on the East side.

The ride from Cougar to the Windy Ridge viewpoint is now my favorite road. The road has some problems with sunken spots, and gets worse from the Windy Ridge turn-off north to Randle, but otherwise is a great ride.

I allways have lots of spares made for everything.... I've found if you have plenty of spares you don't loose yoour keys!

I use a key with no others , have a spare & lock & GPS holder key in my jacket with the alarm remote and keep another spare in my wallet.

You will need to get the blank from Yamaha. The FJR key is uniquely thin and you will have great difficulty finding blanks the proper thickness. They bend and break easily so kudos for thinking about taking a spare along. :)


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