Sunday Ride -- March 4th

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Searching for Dry Roads
Jun 19, 2005
Reaction score
Snohomish, WA
Here's the plan...what there is of it! :lol:

Meet at the Sedro Wooley Iron Skillet at 10:30 for a quick brunch. Head out to Mount Erie via backroads and return via Whidbey or backroads through LaConner and south.

Finalize the route at brunch?

Who's interested?


If you come down Whidbey you may run into traffic in Coupeville. Tomorrow is the second day of Musselfest. Also they have now lowered the speed limit to 45 as you approach the town on Hwy 20. The town Marshall is watching! Rich

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I'm going to pass, I have other riding plans with another group, have fun :)

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If you come down Whidbey you may run into traffic in Coupeville. Tomorrow is the second day of Musselfest. Also they have now lowered the speed limit to 45 as you approach the town on Hwy 20. The town Marshall is watching! Rich
Thanks for the heads up Dr. Rich. Last thing we need is a discussion with Marshall Dillon! ;)


Here's the plan...what there is of it! :lol:

Meet at the Sedro Wooley Iron Skillet at 10:30 for a quick brunch. Head out to Mount Erie via backroads and return via Whidbey or backroads through LaConner and south.

Finalize the route at brunch?

Who's interested?

see you at the skillet, I will take a similar route to you and panman up, but I am avoiding the Arlington area.

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I'll bring some brownies, George.

If you come down Whidbey ....
Who the HELL would go there? It's crawlin' with friggin' retirees and their chainsaws and crab pots.


.... the second day of Musselfest.
Sounds WAY freaky.


I'll bring some brownies, George.

If you come down Whidbey ....
Who the HELL would go there? It's crawlin' with friggin' retirees and their chainsaws and crab pots.


.... the second day of Musselfest.
Sounds WAY freaky.
I do like the fact that you recognize that I am retired, that I do something constructive with my time and that I am controlling the Dungeness Crab population! Maybe if you would ever get out of Sacramento, you would find that there is clean air, beautiful scenery and people that have not done prison time!

Nice back-road ride today, other than the sand, drizzle and cold temps. ;)

Pan and I left Arlington on time...missing allrider by just a couple minutes. Followed the planned route north, adding in Old Day Creek road since we were running ahead of schedule. JamesW was warming up the breakfast booth when we pulled in the lot. Good eats, the Skillet is definitely a do-over. Niehart took one too many short cuts heading north and missed out on the first pie stop of the day! :lol:

A few pics from Mount Erie. Eagles were out today, we counted at least three pairs but the old point-n-shoot didn't have enough zoom to catch any good pics. Impressive sight nonetheless.

The crew at the top.


Never get tired of the views. :)



What most of our day looked like.


Good ride...we'll have to do it again on a clear day.


Nice, I saw James W @ Smokey Pt. rest stop when I was meeting up with my group, we followed the rain up to Sumas ate @ Bob's and went across to Chuckanut then home, never saw the sun till I got done washing my bike.


PNW, what a great place to live and play.

"Sand, drizzle and cold temps", were ya at the beach George? :rolleyes:

Thanks for sharing your ride.

Keep Going!


This is where we watched the Eagles, we had a 25 to 30 knot wind blowing strait at us. The Eagles were just floating and playing, very cool!
