The Future of NERDS - What's up for 2014?

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Fred W

1 Wheel Drive
FJR Supporter
Nov 9, 2006
Reaction score
Eastern VT
Hey everyone,

Well NERDS 3 is in the bag. I still can't get over what fantastic weather we had up in Vermont again this year. With the cool dry temps, it was like September instead of August, the best NERDS weather-wise yet!! And from all the feedback it seems like most everyone had a great time and enjoyed themselves at our low-key, low-brow event.

During the week a few folks asked me if we would be taking another straw poll on where to have NERDS next year, in 2014. Would we be returning again to Stowe to our fabulous hosts at the Commodores Inn? You would certainly be hard pressed to find a place more perfect that the Commodores for hosting one of these events.

But we have been there for 3 years in a row now, running essentially on the same roads and routes. While they are pretty great rides, redundancy does have a tendency of just becoming boring. Variety is the spice of life, and all of that. So I propose that there will be (more than) a few changes next year...

To begin with, as announced before this years NERDS event, our local Stowe anchor-man and stalwart webmaster, FJRed, has had a career change that prevents him from taking on any of the organizing tasks in the future like he has in the past 3 years. Having a local to help with the logistics is key.

Also, after herding all of the cats for the past 3 years NERDS events, plus the Greens and Whites ride weekends for the couple of years before that, I think it is nigh time for me to take more of a backseat role in the organizing of these events, at least for a while.

Our Canuckie friends had requested us to swap time with them so they could have CFR on "The Rock" (Newfoundland) in August, when they might expect some reasonably warm weather way up Nort' 'dere. Newfie in their traditional June time slot would be a total weather crap shoot with Mother Nature holding the better odds. OTOH, June is generally a great weather time period in the NE US, so maybe this should be a permanent time slot switcheroo?

So, NERDS, (sometime) in June, where will it be?

As merely as a suggestion, I would say that the Northern NY Adirondacks region would be an excellent locale. It is a worthy destination. There must be a hotel venue somewhere in one of the bigger 'Dack towns (Lake Placid, Saranac Lake, or Lake George) that could provide a good command center, and let's face it, the Adirondacks are every bit as scenic, but with considerably better motorcycling roads, than Vermont. I've already spoken to Road Runner (Art) and he told me that (even before we talked) he has no intention of running the Cats and Dacks weekend ride again next year, so there will be no conflict there.

Assuming that this idea sounds good to everyone else, what would be needed now is for some one (or preferably a small group) to step up and become the dis-organizers for next year's event. I will gladly act as a facilitation resource to let you know how we arranged things these past 3 years, and will help out from my back seat position. You'd have the option to do it in the same manner as we have in the past (low key, low budget, strive to be frugal), or you have the option to switch it up how ever you see fit. Think of all of that power!!

I doubt we will have a big fight over taking the leader role. If you feel you have what it takes, have a few friends that would pitch in to help out, and would like to see NERDS continue, speak up here and state your intent. Or shoot me a PM if you prefer to just feel it out.

I, for one, think we've had a pretty good three years running at NERDS, and would sure hate to see it abandoned by the side of VT Rte 100.

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KJ does a lot of snowmobiling in the area and seems to have a good handle on the roads in the area. Personally I would stay away from downtown Lake Placid. Way too many pirates on parade gumming up the roads. I'd be there in a heartbeat if they would let me take the FJR down the bobsled run though.

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Agreed. Downtown Lake Placid, or Saranac Lake for that matter, are to be avoided. But maybe there are some big enough places on the outskirts of these towns? Lake George surely has the facilities as they host Americade each year, which is May 31 - June 7th, so those dates would have to be avoided no matter where in the Dacks the event was held. The Americade website has lots of good info on lodging in the Lake George area, many places listed are under $100 per night.

Another thought is to find some sort of rustic resort not in any of the big towns. Lots of smaller towns dot the lakes in the mountains. Maybe some place that caters to the snowmobiler crowd in the snowier months? Old Forge maybe? If it is out in the boonies you'd have to be sure they had full food services as there wouldn't be many (if any) dining opportunities close by.

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Old Forge would be a nice spot but there was a ton of tourists both times we went through town on this trip. I know Ian has also sent tons of time in this area since he would come down from Montreal when he lived there and has done lots of riding in the area. Shakin does have some spare time on his hands right now.

I getting pretty good at volunteering other folks, almost getting to Huron52's level.

I getting pretty good at volunteering other folks, almost getting to Huron52's level.
And just like that I get dragged in..... what the hey?

make that singular; spare time on my one hand (for now)

what fred said about trying to nail down a resort that has dining on premises is very promising solution.

then again, i didn't find myself getting bored riding the same great roads at nerds this year, so stowe still looks good to me ;)

and poor tom, he never gets to go anywhere.

I do not want to commit to running a rally, but if someone steps up to do that then I will help out as much as I can.

KJ does a lot of snowmobiling in the area and seems to have a good handle on the roads in the area. Personally I would stay away from downtown Lake Placid. Way too many pirates on parade gumming up the roads. I'd be there in a heartbeat if they would let me take the FJR down the bobsled run though.
I'm still on Vaca down here in OC and Debbie is lurking (I promised her no Moto-anything business on "her" vacation!) so I may get cut off here...

First off, I do love the 'Daks but it is so "old-hat" for me (so to speak). I'd rather go to an area that I do not know, but I guess I can't be greedy [ugh!]. This is for the group so what you guys say is going be okay with me.

Now Lake George!?


(..yes been there many of times also) but not as many as Central Daks!, so I'm liking the Lk George as a great central spot for BOTH the 'Daks and the Cats'. We could have some awesome routes up and around Brandt Lake (smooth twisters) right up to da' Tracey and across all of the 'Daks that would visually please and technically-tickle the challenge in us all. Being this location (Lk-Geo), VT is still in the picture like App-Gap and other southern rides that are all easily within the day ride routes. Ride routes down along the Hudson to the Cats, back up and around to Greg's (Geezers) turf as well would be niceee! Some of those reservoirs down in the Cat's will make for some great riding and quite scenic to boot.

So- I think this area would be quite diverse all N,S,E (VT.) & W ride routes. If this is decided upon I can help with whatever you want/need or say including lodging. As mentioned above, this area hosts Americade so the locals are use to us bikers, just more-so to the rude and obnoxious ones that we are NOT! (hey, we can show them the good side!). I wish to keep NERDS rolling and a "refresh" would be welcomed by many that I have talked with.

So the upper echelon of our gang needs to knock heads and decide. My vote is LakeGeo instead of within the 'Daks. The park is close enough to be included in a lot of the ride routes and we would have the Cats' as well.


Boss is due outta da shower, .... gotta go!

Here's the horsepower I've been dealing with this week at our campsite on Assateage Island... (What a great 2 Weeks! NERDS and now my honey in a thong bikini on the beach... life is good!)


helloooo.... where are the pics of girls in thongs on the beach?

i'm still holding fort in the hospital and an increase in blood pressure would be most welcome.

i'm depending on you all to help me out by vicariously sharing your summer adventures with me. pluhease...

kj, geezer, i too will volunteer to be a part of the nerds/daks/cats organisation team.

just not the team lead.

TBC...Boss is due outta da shower, .... gotta go!

Here's the horsepower I've been dealing with this week at our campsite on Assateage Island... (What a great 2 Weeks! NERDS and now my honey in a thong bikini on the beach... life is good!)

Please tell me that none of those horses is wearing a thong...

helloooo.... where are the pics of girls in thongs on the beach? i'm still holding fort in the hospital and an increase in blood pressure would be most welcome. i'm depending on you all to help me out by vicariously sharing your summer adventures with me. pluhease... kj, geezer, i too will volunteer to be a part of the nerds/daks/cats organisation team. just not the team lead.
Ian, just got in from OC, I will make a RR when I get sum free time but it may have to be tamed down a bit... I got some 'raised eyebrows' from a few of the women in our group at Nerdies '13. I guess I'm a rebel

TBC...Boss is due outta da shower, .... gotta go!

Here's the horsepower I've been dealing with this week at our campsite on Assateage Island... (What a great 2 Weeks! NERDS and now my honey in a thong bikini on the beach... life is good!)

Please tell me that none of those horses is wearing a thong...
Now who in there right mind would think this besides Busta...

Here is some good information and possible start to route development:
Good tip, maybe then we don't want to do LakeGeo if already so many NE'ers are doing this in Sept?

As indicated, their pricing for lodging is in the Commodores range ($119 weekend nites, $89 for weekday nites) but also maybe only because it's after peak (Labor Day). Breakfast included would be another nice spiff for us. I could look into this if we still are interested in Lk-Geo. Actually Charlie (aka Huey Lewis) said (at NERDS '13) he is in this business and negotiations of events with discounted rates is right up his alley! So we just may have our very own....


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Please tell me that none of those horses is wearing a thong...
Now who in their right mind would think this besides Busta...
I should point out two things. One, you can't blame this one on Bust. It was that nutbar Mark that came up with that comment. Two, Bust and "right mind" is an oxymoron.

I'm not sure if this is stirring the pot or not?

Ian just posted (elsewhere) that NERDS '14 may be a reality. Maybe he's just yank'n my crank, IDK. Last I heard it was dead in the water and nobody wanted to pickup the duties of organizing such a high quality event like NERDies (the bar is set so high now) so count my ass out! I get enough be-atching just from my woman! frique! (French-Kandian frick!)

So who doesn't want to have any fun, has a lot of time on their hands to dedicate towards and loves to hear all the pissing and moaning over usually nut-tin? hmmm., sounds like when I was President of a 72 team bowling league, no funn anymore there, gone! anywhoo...

KIdding! It's a fulfilling, rewarding leadership roll that everyone wants!?!?!?!?!?!?

OK, We should do it like the Nuckistans... "By Committee". Past grandfathered NE'ers should appoint this committee and we got all winter right?

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Lake George offers a wide variety of lodging options. The Concours Owners Group has used the Motel Montreal at $47.50/night for their NE Fall Rally. Compared to the Commodore Inn it was like going camping. The Sundowner Motel at the North end of Canada Street is a lot nicer than the Motel Montreal and still less expensive than the Commodores Inn during June but does not have any eating facilities. Mario's Restaurant is directly across the street.

Not volunteering . . . just stirring the pot.

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I saw this pop up on the new posts link, got excited that somebody picked up the ball!~

Dangnabbit silly wabbit

Well Mike, thanks for the stir ;)

Last year we had a small gathering at Shaftsbury State Park. It was a group site and very reasonable, quiet, and private. Best of all they have a great beach for swimming! Could be an ideal spot for NERDS, lots of room, campfire and a kumbaya nightly.

The weekend of August 14-17 (since there was not going to be a nerds 14) we thought we'd have a change of scenery and moved our small gathering to D.A.R. State Park. It's as close to the Adirondaks as we could find in VT. Because N.Y. has too many restrictions at their campgrounds. We have sites 25 &23 already reserved.

Last year we had a small gathering at Shaftsbury State Park. It was a group site and very reasonable, quiet, and private. Best of all they have a great beach for swimming! Could be an ideal spot for NERDS, lots of room, campfire and a kumbaya nightly.The weekend of August 14-17 (since there was not going to be a nerds 14) we thought we'd have a change of scenery and moved our small gathering to D.A.R. State Park. It's as close to the Adirondaks as we could find in VT. Because N.Y. has too many restrictions at their campgrounds. We have sites 25 &23 already reserved.
I would like to meet up with you guys again this year. Unfortunately, I think I will be in Newfoundland for those dates (CFR). Hope you have a great time and maybe we will run into each other sometime over the summer. I expect to be doing some riding and camping in New England if the winter ever finishes.

Last year we had a small gathering at Shaftsbury State Park. It was a group site and very reasonable, quiet, and private. Best of all they have a great beach for swimming! Could be an ideal spot for NERDS, lots of room, campfire and a kumbaya nightly.The weekend of August 14-17 (since there was not going to be a nerds 14) we thought we'd have a change of scenery and moved our small gathering to D.A.R. State Park. It's as close to the Adirondaks as we could find in VT. Because N.Y. has too many restrictions at their campgrounds. We have sites 25 &23 already reserved.
I would like to meet up with you guys again this year. Unfortunately, I think I will be in Newfoundland for those dates (CFR). Hope you have a great time and maybe we will run into each other sometime over the summer. I expect to be doing some riding and camping in New England if the winter ever finishes.
No problem Ross! Have a great time at CFR, and remember to bring your tire and rim repair kit. We'll catch up with you some other time in New England for sure, our schedule is flexible so if you think of something, let me know.
