The Motorcycle Wave....

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Jul 9, 2007
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Cibolo, TX
While out riding today, noticed an interesting attitude involving the motorcycle "wave"...come on, y'all know what I mean...whether it be the full hand extension, the peace sign or the casual laying out of the hand...we each have our own style to it. I have been riding a '06 Harley Ultra Classic for the past 2 years and just recently purchased a '05 FJR. During the past two years, about 95% of the other riders would always return the wave. Over the past 2 weeks, I have put almost 600 miles on my FJR, riding the same haunts as always, and surprisingly, about half the people on cruisers will not return the wave when I am on the FJR. Most of these non-wave types tend to be older men, riding single. Now, I am not offended nor really care that these people don't return the wave, but I find it interesting that people who would return the wave when I am on the Harley, choose to ignore me while on the FJR.

Anyone else ever experience this cruiser "snob" attittude? :unsure: Maybe this is just something in Western WA??? At least now, I can turn around and run them down on the FJR and chastise them for their rude behavior! :assassin: Just kidding.... After all, we are only talking about a wave......


While out riding today, noticed an interesting attitude involving the motorcycle "wave"...come on, y'all know what I mean...whether it be the full hand extension, the peace sign or the casual laying out of the hand...we each have our own style to it. I have been riding a '06 Harley Ultra Classic for the past 2 years and just recently purchased a '05 FJR. During the past two years, about 95% of the other riders would always return the wave. Over the past 2 weeks, I have put almost 600 miles on my FJR, riding the same haunts as always, and surprisingly, about half the people on cruisers will not return the wave when I am on the FJR. Most of these non-wave types tend to be older men, riding single. Now, I am not offended nor really care that these people don't return the wave, but I find it interesting that people who would return the wave when I am on the Harley, choose to ignore me while on the FJR. Anyone else ever experience this cruiser "snob" attittude? :unsure: Maybe this is just something in Western WA??? At least now, I can turn around and run them down on the FJR and chastise them for their rude behavior! :assassin: Just kidding.... After all, we are only talking about a wave......

Same experience here in CA central coast!


I'm "with you"! I'm on the East Coast (VA) and it's the same here... people on sport and sport touring bikes will wave 99.9% and the ones on the cruisers... HD wave < 50%. As you said, no bother. Not sure if you've ran into this yet, but the same goes when you stop for gas, drink etc, the sport and sport touring crowd will almost always come over and talk to you, compare bikes etc while the Cruising guy/gal will practically ignore you. Go figure! :dribble:

Yeah, it's only a wave....and us harley guys usually don't wave at gay's unamerican. :eek:

edit....unless of course, yer wearin' assless chaps.

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I know exactly what you mean. We went to Gettysburg Bike Week today. FJR and 3 sportbikes. about 20% of the harley riders return a wave. We showed them though, we went straight to their hang out, Battlefield Harley Davidson...

While out riding today, noticed an interesting attitude involving the motorcycle "wave"...come on, y'all know what I mean...whether it be the full hand extension, the peace sign or the casual laying out of the hand...we each have our own style to it. I have been riding a '06 Harley Ultra Classic for the past 2 years and just recently purchased a '05 FJR. During the past two years, about 95% of the other riders would always return the wave. Over the past 2 weeks, I have put almost 600 miles on my FJR, riding the same haunts as always, and surprisingly, about half the people on cruisers will not return the wave when I am on the FJR. Most of these non-wave types tend to be older men, riding single. Now, I am not offended nor really care that these people don't return the wave, but I find it interesting that people who would return the wave when I am on the Harley, choose to ignore me while on the FJR. Anyone else ever experience this cruiser "snob" attittude? :unsure: Maybe this is just something in Western WA??? At least now, I can turn around and run them down on the FJR and chastise them for their rude behavior! :assassin: Just kidding.... After all, we are only talking about a wave......

Up in NE Wisconsin, the HD riders rarely wave to anybody, whether it be a cruiser, tourer, or sportbike...of course, the neither do the Gold Wing riders or anybody astride a BMW :glare: ...


HD guys only want to recognize other HD guys. Sport bikes and sport tourers are easy for them to ignore. But, the Jap cruisers are playing the copycat thing so well these days that it's making it real difficult for the HD guys to decide whether to wave or not. It's especially rewarding watching when they wave and then realize they've made a mistake and waved at a "rice burner" imitation. :yahoo:

Well known behavior of HD riders. Guess they feel they're better Americans than you on their American-made bikes. Then they go home and drive off in their hondas, toyotas or whatever.... i.e. they're mostly posers.

HD guys only want to recognize other HD guys. Sport bikes and sport tourers are easy for them to ignore. But, the Jap cruisers are playing the copycat thing so well these days that it's making it real difficult for the HD guys to decide whether to wave or not. It's especially rewarding watching when they wave and then realize they've made a mistake and waved at a "rice burner" imitation. :yahoo:
Harley guys have a saying; There are only two kinds of bikes, harleys & those that ain't.

So if your not on a Harley why should they want to wave? :derisive:

I wave early, and seem to get a better response rate then if I just waited until he was almost past. Sort of the 'You go first' 'No, you go first' 'No you' 'No you!'

Everybody seems to wave out in the West & Midwest, friendlier I guess.

I try to wave but sometimes I'm pulling on the clutch lever right at that moment. Today I got more waves from the Harley Riders than the sport bike group. May have been cause I look more like a Harley rider or because I make sure to wave early so they have time to react. I asked my wife yesterday how many times has someone waved at her in the car on the way to work, never happened she said. It is just a wave, but its like a stranger just smiled at you, gives me that warm fuzzy feeling, makes me feel special, and then I remember JB's post and start to sing " I feel pretty, oh so pretty........" :lol:

In my experience the only Harley guys who don't wave (most do) are the young men in the tight t-shirts and the bad-ass expressions on their faces, whose attitude seems to say, "No, it's NOT about the two wheels. It's about me being a bad-ass and you being a pussy." :glare:

Okay, seriously now, who don't I wave at: scooters and riders on ANY kinda bike who are wearing shorts, t-shirts, and tennis shoes. And I don't wave at anybody when I'm in a foul mood: "Ridin' a motorcycle?--F**k you." :D (I know, I shouldn't even be riding if I'm in a foul mood, but I got no other method of transportation.)

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Anyone else ever experience this cruiser "snob" attittude?
Yeah. It's like that here in New Mexico--bad.

I beat them to it though, I give them the 'Beauty Queen Wave'--you know the one--with the cupped hand upright, fingers together and swivel it like you are screwing in a lightbulb.

I've seen guys in my rear-view mirror actually turn around and look at me as I go by waving like that.

I know exactly what you mean. We went to Gettysburg Bike Week today. FJR and 3 sportbikes. about 20% of the harley riders return a wave. We showed them though, we went straight to their hang out, Battlefield Harley Davidson...
I am guilty of this. When I am in the area of a big bike event and every other vehicle that you incounter is a bike I do not wave.

I refer to events like Sturgis, Laconia, Daytona and such.

Glad I wasn't drinking my soda while reading your post Scythian... Freakin' hilarious! :lol:

I pretty much wave at anything with 2 or 3 wheels. I'm not looking for a return wave either, but it's nice to see one. If I don't return a wave, I truly didn't see the rider. Even if my hands are busy stopping/starting my forward motion, I'll at least nod in acknowledgment.

I know exactly what you mean. We went to Gettysburg Bike Week today. FJR and 3 sportbikes. about 20% of the harley riders return a wave. We showed them though, we went straight to their hang out, Battlefield Harley Davidson...
I am guilty of this. When I am in the area of a big bike event and every other vehicle that you incounter is a bike I do not wave.

I refer to events like Sturgis, Laconia, Daytona and such.
I have to admit that I do not wave at folks on the way to the Oyster Run in Oct. Only about 10,000 bikes show up, but I am always going the opposite direction. :pilot:

What is the proper "wave" etiquette when you are using cruise/Throttle lock and your right hand is not on the grip? :dntknw: I usually opt for the quick hand change...unless I feel like showing off....then I give the British Queen wave with the right hand i.e. similar to the Beauty Queen wave above.

What is the proper "wave" etiquette when you are using cruise/Throttle lock and your right hand is not on the grip? :dntknw: I usually opt for the quick hand change...unless I feel like showing off....then I give the British Queen wave with the right hand i.e. similar to the Beauty Queen wave above.
If I'm showing off I wave with both hands. :yahoo:

In Eastern WA almost everyone waves. Didn't realize it but when I got my jeep (can't get to my cabin on the FJR when there is 14" of snow on the ground) most of the jeep (wrangler) folks wave at each other as well. Have a guy in my congregation with a Corvette and they always wave. Always thought it was a cycle thing.

My first experience with "the wave" was during my freshman year of college when I purchaced my first street bike. A guy who looked like a renegade rounded the corner and when he saw that I was on two wheels held his left fist up in the air and gave me an affirmative nod. I then realized that (at least in the late '70s) being on two wheels meant that you were part of the brotherhood and part of a sub-culture which was partly about freedom and partly standing against "the man," not to mention a whole bunch of other nuances.

I always wave--takes be back to those earlier days when it was about the ride instead of projecting an image.

Same -- been that way for a long time. I wave at almost everyone. The only ones I consciously do not wave at are the hard core looking dudes on Harleys who NEVER wave back. Otherwise, almost everyone waves back, . . . unless they're on a Harley. In that case, maybe 50% wave or wave back.

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