White/Green Mountain ride 2009

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Jun 10, 2005
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Wallingford, VT
Fred W and I are planning a White/Green Mountain 2009 ride for August 15th and 16th. Fred is planning/leading the White Mountain part Saturday the 15 and I'll be planning/leading the Green Mountain ride on the 16th (and it will be a different Green Mountain route than last year). I'll be putting together the motel package (like this week if all goes well) and posting the details soon. Just wanted to give you a "heads up" so you can make your plans.


It's edited now. Man do I feel STUPID :angry2:

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2010 :blink: You are planning a ride 17 months from now? There should be no excuses for not having advance notice.

Are the black Flies gone by then :lol:

Them suckers can carry you away! :D

2010? let me check my schedule! Nope nothing going on that weekend for sure. :blink:

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OK you guys caught me. I was thinking ahead to a snowmobile met I'm helping to plan when I posted this. It'll be a 2009 ride. There is that better? Anyone know how to fix the title of my post?


You either can edit the title yourself if you have met the minimum requirement for the privilege to edit titles, or you suck up to an admin and ask them to edit the title for you. In any case, you are able to edit the content of your first post.

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I'm going to be riding with the wife in WV so I'm out... :angry:

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Thank you Ionbeam. The post is now corrected! Now you can plan when to come and have a good ride with Fred W and myself.


Now that we have the year worked out... ;) For those of you following along from home, the idea for this ride came up on last summer's (2008) Green Mountain ride. The August dog days are a perfect time to bop around the cool mountains and streams of Northern New England. And for those not lucky enough to live up here, we figured a full two day ride schedule would make it more worth the trip.

We will most likely be setting up "home base" for the weekend at "A Fireside Inn" in West Lebanon, NH again. It's a nice central spot, a decent place, and has the added advantage of being in the same parking lot as The Seven Barrel Brewery, the best brewpub in New Hampshire, IMO. Decent grub there too. Dinner on Saturday for sure!

Highlights of Saturday's New Hampshire figure 8 loop will be taking the famous Kancamagus Highway over Kankamagus Pass, Bear Notch Road to Bartlett, and then up and through Carter Notch. We'll be riding past the famous old Mt Washington Hotel with some nice views of the west side of Mt Washington.

We'll probably take a lunch break somewhere up near Twin Mountain (venue to be scouted) then boogie on down Rte 3 through Franconia Notch State Park (where the Old Man of the Mountain used to be) and follow along the Pemigewasset River down to Plymouth. From there more pleasant backroads back west to Lebanon.

There are a couple of spots to open things up, but for the most part this is some pretty rough and twisty back roads. So even though the distance is only a bit over 200 miles it will take us a full day with some photo ops and the lunch stop thrown in. For those that were not along for the Greens ride last year, the pace will be spirited, but not blistering, a 2-up friendly ride.

I know Tom (Snicker) has some super Vermont scenic roads in store for Day 2, and he should be along with a description shortly.

I'll get everything mapped and routed and post up some maps and gps files.

It should be a lot of fun.

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I hope to have a rough draft of the route I plan on taking by the end of this week. Of course, I want to preride it first some it may be a bit different when we ride it. I'll keep you posted.


We better not be passing by the Ben and Jerry's plant without stopping again like we did last year. I think we were in to big a rush to get to the Liquor Store...... :lol: The only place I've ever seen where the liquor store is where you buy your hunting license. :blink: One stop shopping I guess.


Ha ha... I do look way too happy there, considering I hadn't had anything stronger than water to drink (yet).

But really, you'll be wanting to stock up on your potent potables in a New Hampshire State liquor store. The prices in the Live Free or Die state are among the best in the country. Check them out online: clicky

But no hunting licenses available there... ;)

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After looking at a map I've got a rough route figured out. I plan on heading back to Woodstock, VT and then head south down RT106. From there go over RT131 (very scenic and twisty) to Ludlow. Once there I'll have a couple of options. I'll have to ride the route so I can nail down time and stops. Trust me I think you'l like it. Plus when I check out the route I'll figure out the lunch and pit stops. It'll be a good 200 mile run and take most of the day. I'll try to get my route all nailed down by the middle of May.


I've never been on a group ride like this, but putting it on my calendar. Sounds like it'd be great fun.

I'm In Again!

Are we going to sample some more of those micro-brews Fred?

Looks like my tours are set for this year ;


I'm In Again!

Are we going to sample some more of those micro-brews Fred?

Looks like my tours are set for this year ;


I'm In Again!

Are we going to sample some more of those micro-brews Fred?

Looks like my tours are set for this year ;

Cats & Daks in June

Vt & NH in August

Maine Veterans Cemetary in Augusta in October.

Now to find a sale on tires . . . .

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