Shortest Prostate Exam Ever!

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Now that is funny

I'll never forget my first one; Draft Physical circa 1970 Oakland AAFES Station, Had no idea what was coming, was expecting a hold and cough when I was brutally invaded by a large knuckled doctor. I could have lived another 40 years without that experience JSNS

We get this done every year as part of our plant physical. We call it our "Over 40 Birthday Present". I just cannot understand how modern medicine has advanced so far in so many ways but this is still the standard test for prostate problems. I think they could do better if they wanted.

Redfish, my doctor stopped doing "The Deed" because there's a blood test for that now. I had my blood looked at just before I was due for "The Deed". I went thinking that I should go right in, take my pants off and just go ahead and bend over. Glad I didn't!!! He did the normal stuff and says, ok, we're done. I said, uhhh aren't you going to.... You know? He said nope. There's a blood test for that now. You're prostate is just fine. I was a happy camper. I hated "The Deed" :D

Redfish, my doctor stopped doing "The Deed" because there's a blood test for that now. I had my blood looked at just before I was due for "The Deed". I went thinking that I should go right in, take my pants off and just go ahead and bend over. Glad I didn't!!! He did the normal stuff and says, ok, we're done. I said, uhhh aren't you going to.... You know? He said nope. There's a blood test for that now. You're prostate is just fine. I was a happy camper. I hated "The Deed"
Yeah right Vic, says "Mr. Big Black Thermos Bottle"! JSNS, Yucko!

My Doc tells me that the PSA can be a good test but that the Finger Wave can detect problems that the PSA Test cannot.

Maybe he just likes sticking his finger up rectums?

I'll find out next Wednesday when i go in for my annual Oil Change.

The PSA has a high false positive rate. It's use is being reduced somewhat to being used only on men with other risk factors. The hands on.... er, in... approach still has its place... unfortunately.

I once was having a physical by a Ranger Battalion Surgeon. He had reviewed all the tests and had done some polking, prodding, and listening. He finally looked me and said, "I really don't want to stick my finger up your butt unless you want me to. What do you say?" I knew there was only one right answer to that question; physical complete.

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The PSA has a high false positive rate. It's use is being reduced somewhat to being used only on men with other risk factors. The hands on.... er, in... approach still has its place... unfortunately. I once was having a physical by a Ranger Battalion Surgeon. He had reviewed all the tests and had done some polking, prodding, and listening. He finally looked me and said, "I really don't want to stick my finger up your butt unless you want me to. What do you say?" I knew there was only one right answer to that question; physical complete.
Was that before or after you girls did the Polka, cuddled and listened to each other? Dude, rule number one around here: Never admit to anything!

"Shortest Prostate Exam Ever!"

I thought you were going to explain that the Doc's finger was only 2 inches long.

The PSA has a high false positive rate. It's use is being reduced somewhat to being used only on men with other risk factors. The hands on.... er, in... approach still has its place... unfortunately.

I once was having a physical by a Ranger Battalion Surgeon. He had reviewed all the tests and had done some polking, prodding, and listening. He finally looked me and said, "I really don't want to stick my finger up your butt unless you want me to. What do you say?" I knew there was only one right answer to that question; physical complete.
Was that before or after you girls did the Polka, cuddled and listened to each other? Dude, rule number one around here: Never admit to anything!
Oh for Christ's Sake AJ, our Kevin was an Army Airborne Ranger not a switch hitting Marine Corps Force Recon! JSNS, damn sea going bellhops!


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