A great day to be in Bodega Bay.

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Tire Assassin
Jan 11, 2006
Reaction score
Wilseyville, CA
You know when you get that feeling that all is right with the world? This was one of those days and rides, it had that feeling. :good: The friends, the temperature and the roads just rocked. BIG thanks to Mike for putting this out there and getting my butt back in the saddle.

Moskowitz(sp) Corner where our little group doubled in size. The place is looking good, hopefully they do well.




Break time.


Arriving at The Tides for lunch. A remodel of the place to cafeteria style made it easy for the group to romp. I heard they still had a small restaurant/bar but it wouldn't hold our group at the time.



Your parking attendant for today's activities.





Karen being helpful.


Umm, this doesn't look helpful.


National Geographic footage of a real life chocoholics feeding frenzy!


Note the speed of the chocolate strike. This phenomenon was not for the squeamish!


There was this couple there who must have been famous, they had their own photographer.


I figured I'd get a few shots, maybe I can sell them some day to the Enquirer.



And then there was Karen...


...Cartoon action hereon!

Mermaid! where?


Going home is no simple matter. It takes maps...lots and lots of maps.


A super stupendous day boys and girls! Thanks to everyone for coming and for letting Christy and I play motorcycles with you.

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Yeah, what a fun day! I keep thinking, "It's the bike." Or, "It's the roads." Or maybe, "It's the destination."

More and more I realize, "It's the people!"

We are blessed with some absolutely wonderful riding locations, from the coast to the Sierras but nothing can top the fine folks we have. For example, "the group" even lured James Burleigh and Fang (Hans and Laurel) out for the afternoon repast (Hint: the "Famous People").

Here are some shots I took during the day:

Highway 128 between Winters and Moskowite Corners


More Hwy 128


At Moskowite


The Uberkuls (Brad & Christy) and the Feegers (Al & Lisa)


Into the Napa Valley "wine country"


Miles and miles of vineyards, old & new


Beautiful downtown Calistoga......


....and no traffic except this group of motorcycles


Highway 116 heading to Guerneville


Lunch is served!




Hat for Tyler and "Apology Chocolate"


Why is it called "Apology Chocolate"? Because we're sorry Barb, MEM and Tyler aren't here to share it with us.

See how sorry everyone is!?!?!?


Edit: I thought it might be nice to identify everyone in the picture, sooooo....

Left side, foreground to window: JREW (Jan & John), feeger (Al), Fang & JB (Laurel & Hans), Lisa (feegers pillion)

Right side, foreground to window: Highlander (Dave), LastChance (Loren), Christy (Uberwife), Karen (Mrs. Rick In Sac, aka-The Denmother), Uberkul (Brad) Ric In Sac.

Ric-in-Sac (Rick & Karen)


Feeger and LastChance heading up Mark West Springs Road


They were following me as I was following these cars


Mark West Lodge (Yes, the trellis is built over the roadway)


I had a great time.

Thanks to all who came out and shared the adventure. As always, you made the ride memorable.

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Nice pics Uber and MM2, thanks for sharing. Glad the traffic was not an issue. A few weeks back, (July 8th) I was headed back from Burney via 299-3-36-101, solo after leaving a small group of friends when I came across Calistoga at rush hour. I know, PPP on my part, but wanted to see what 128 was all about. The mile plus traffic jam :angry2: and near 100 degrees coming into town made me swear off of 128 forever, but your comments of no traffic has me reconsidering my vow. Anyway, sounds like fun was had by all and yes, the coast right now with the valley heat is vunderbah!

Nice pics Uber and MM2, thanks for sharing. Glad the traffic was not an issue. A few weeks back, (July 8th) I was headed back from Burney via 299-3-36-101, solo after leaving a small group of friends when I came across Calistoga at rush hour. I know, PPP on my part, but wanted to see what 128 was all about. The mile plus traffic jam :angry2: and near 100 degrees coming into town made me swear off of 128 forever, but your comments of no traffic has me reconsidering my vow. Anyway, sounds like fun was had by all and yes, the coast right now with the valley heat is vunderbah!
One has to pick the right day AND the right time of day.

We NEVER take Hwy 128 through St. Helena! Instead, we jog East through Calistoga and take Silverado Trail South (or NOrth). It parallels Hwy 128 through the valley, only has 2 or 3 stop signs and is used by the locals...be prepared to ride 55-60 in the 50 mph zones, or be tailgated by a local who knows it is the "short cut".

128 East toward Winters can be bad in the afternoons (particularly Sunday) because of the boaters headed home from Berryessa.

Nice pics Uber and MM2, thanks for sharing. Glad the traffic was not an issue. A few weeks back, (July 8th) I was headed back from Burney via 299-3-36-101, solo after leaving a small group of friends when I came across Calistoga at rush hour. I know, PPP on my part, but wanted to see what 128 was all about. The mile plus traffic jam :angry2: and near 100 degrees coming into town made me swear off of 128 forever, but your comments of no traffic has me reconsidering my vow. Anyway, sounds like fun was had by all and yes, the coast right now with the valley heat is vunderbah!
One has to pick the right day AND the right time of day.

We NEVER take Hwy 128 through St. Helena! Instead, we jog East through Calistoga and take Silverado Trail South (or NOrth). It parallels Hwy 128 through the valley, only has 2 or 3 stop signs and is used by the locals...be prepared to ride 55-60 in the 50 mph zones, or be tailgated by a local who knows it is the "short cut".

128 East toward Winters can be bad in the afternoons (particularly Sunday) because of the boaters headed home from Berryessa.
Cool Mike, thanks for the info. It seemed to be a game with a bunch of the locals in "let's see how close I can let the guy on the blue FJR get before I pull out in front of him" that was being replayed over and over and over along 128 in town. I'll DEFINITELY use your short cut if I head that way again.

It was a good day indeed. Even tho I showed up late to Mosko-whateveritscalled-wits corners. Never seen so may toy haulers on the roads at once :dribble: I had a bit of an oil leak and had to stop at Hans place for an emergency Oil Coolerectomy. It just happens that I pulled off for gas at the same exit I would have taken to get to Hans house anyway :whistle: I noticed I had oil spray all over the front of the engine, and that nice burning oil smell that only comes from a leaking air-cooled engine that's just been doing 90ish on the freeway :blush2: So I decided to go visit my friend Hans and see if I could abuse his tools and shop for an hour or so. When I got there, Hans opened the door and graciously let me in, and offered the use his garage and tools. All the while being totally supportive :haha: He even stepped over Fang :alcoholic: and her empty Gin bottle to make a nice cup of high test coffee to keep me goin B)

Simple job to remove the Oil Cooler assembly and take care of the leak. Even managed to save the oil and put it back in since I can't even get the Napa 15-50 synthetic anymore. The last 4 qts I could get went into the engine last oil change. Other than that the XS ran flawlessly thru out the day, and it was great chasin the FJR's thru the twisties B) Lots of postcard picture opportunities, but I wasn't able to stop to snap any of em.

All in all, it was a most excellent day B)

What a great ride thanks to all the great peeps! And all this time we though Fang was a figment of JB's most creative imagination . . . . It appears JB didn't forget to take his meds after all.

It was delightful experiencing 60 degrees again, even if only for 30 minutes. :clapping:

Thanks, Mad, for inviting me on this ride and organizing it. It was great to see you and the gang again on such a beautiful day in a beautiful location. And I'm glad you got to meet Fang and that she got to meet you, the Ric in Sacs, Uberkuls, and the rest. She had a great time and wants to do more of it. Maybe the foothills after it cools down a bit.

I'm off to Plymouth, Fiddletown Rd, and Jackson this morning on a solo 5-hr ride since we postponed Son No. I launch to U. Minn for his physics PhD by another day.

See you soon,


Nothing really to add with my pics....






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Thanks guys for a great ride. We did a total of 395 miles that day, didn't get home until 10:00, and had wonderful time doing it. Thanks for the company.

Nice ride and the pics ain't bad either...it was great to see y'all even if it was only for a few minutes ...I had previous plans to ride the Sierra Passes with a lady friend from San Diego and I'm also in preparation for a move to Sopiago Springs for the summer. I bet it was cool over at the coast as it was in the high country, but the foothills were baking! Since Mike is kind enough to post his rides with some advance notice, I will try to make the next one...in the meantime, ride safe and remember, the Silver one's are faster...

Nice ride and the pics ain't bad either...it was great to see y'all even if it was only for a few minutes ...I had previous plans to ride the Sierra Passes with a lady friend from San Diego and I'm also in preparation for a move to Sopiago Springs for the summer. I bet it was cool over at the coast as it was in the high country, but the foothills were baking! Since Mike is kind enough to post his rides with some advance notice, I will try to make the next one...in the meantime, ride safe and remember, the Silver one's are faster...
Uebbut...smart people enjoy the foggy coastand watch the sun burn through while they're eating. Then take the long loop home so it's not in the heat of the day.


Next time.....the mountains! Feather River or Hwy 4....2 or 3 weeks.... ;)
