Almost got popped by cager

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Aug 9, 2009
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Guy ran a red light coming from my left. I saw him the last minute and gave it some throttle, at the same time the cager swerved some to the right. Barely missed me, and rear tire.

Scared the holy crap out of me. I thought about chasing him down, but for what? Sweet Jesus, I thought I was dead. My mind started racing and thought I need to sell this bike, but hate selling anyting in Craigs List.

I then came to my senses and realized I am sure there has been alot of close calls with fellow FJR riders right? I guess the moral of the story is don't assume the cars are going to stop when our light turns green, to look and make sure, I know this but forget and or got "comfortable" on the bike. I sometimes wonder if my IPOD is not a distraction but not willing to let go of it.

I don't post often, I like to just read.... I hope someone chimes in with close experience too so I don't feel like the only one. I guess I should be thankful enough that I was able to think and take evasive action and wrap the throttle back. Thank God for instant throttle response on a FRJ. I need a drink and a joint, but dammit been clean & sober since 01/04/1993. :unsure:





Glad you are OK and had the good sense to do the right thing. Luckily you had a FJR and was able to blast out of the way... with another type of cycle, it could have been another story.

This is one of the reasons I keep the bike in 4-6k RPM range (Leap Mode) when in busy traffic and head straight ahead for the best peripheral vision. And yes, this has helped me avoid many of bad situations.

So keep the bike, it is one of the best, and many happy miles & smiles to you.

yep, it's scary out there...

One of my worse was the pickup with 8' 2x4's sticking out the back of the bed that back out onto River Road from his driveway in the middle of a blind curve.

Missed him by "that much"...pucker, cold sweats, ruined fruit of the looms, questioning my choice of sport, etc.

That was 2 years and 75k miles ago


So glad you dodged that bullet, and I see you've learned something and are now a better rider

ride on, oh wise one !!! :yahoo:

let's ride safe and be careful out there,

Mike in Nawlins'

I guess the reason I've never posted one of these "...almost happened..." thread, is because in my neck of the woods, this kinda crap occurs EVERY day. And I'll be damned if 8 times out of 10 it's someone on a cellphone.

Don't see any point in reporting "daily" occurences. <_<

Thankfully, your reflexes and riding skills pulled you through. Does anyone really understand "defensive driving" until they've piloted a motorcycle? I didn't.

Everyone who rides, I bet, finds their own NDE ("Near Death Experience"). As for yours, who reading this doubts that your years of "clean and sober" saved you from injury? Congrats on making good choices.

Finally, my own choice involving music dictates no distractions in traffic. On the open road, even Interstates with light traffic, music's great. However, while dancing among the cagers, I choose to maximize my (admittedly limited) attentions. Just my two cents.

Glad you're ok.


Glad you're OK and took action, as well as the bonehead cager, to avoid a tragic impact. I'm sure both of you are glad it turned out well. The cager would have not had as much and ouch, but to realize what they did, I pray it made a HUGE impact on them, and they drive more carefully.

I was at a construction intersection, lights not working, busy, first in a 2 bike ride,

and I started across and guy on intersecting street thought it was his time

to race across intersection just after I started. Full throttle now, front wheel lift

and I'm gone. Glad I wasn't on a 250.

glad yours worked out as well.

I DID get nailed 3 years ago by an 85-yo in a pick-up truck. My light had been green for 2 or 3 seconds before I got to the intersection. Thankfully, I was in a Volvo x-country ($11,000 cosmetic damage) and NOT my bike! Now, I slow down and do a scan at EVERY intersection - green light be damned :blink:

Yep coming upon a green light (was green for at least 45 seconds) and some old lady decided to cross the intersection for some reason. Hit the brakes (on my 800) and came to a stop a few feet from broadsiding her. Screaming Jesus F'en Christ! I wanted to chase her down too! Always scan for these kind of jackasses now!

I guess the reason I've never posted one of these "...almost happened..." thread, is because in my neck of the woods, this kinda crap occurs EVERY day. And I'll be damned if 8 times out of 10 it's someone on a cellphone.
Don't see any point in reporting "daily" occurences. <_<
Yup! Same here, except usually it's some asshole in a large pickup truck. 3 of those this week so far. One took out an Accord in the lane next to him.

The other day it was a school bus that decided to pass another school bus while I was about to pass him, as in my front wheel was 3ft from his bumper when he yanked it left with no signal whatsoever. I went between 2 school buses at 55mph on my SV-650 with the horn held down. I was *pissed*

The week before that, some bitch in a minivan. And a Harley pulling out w/o looking. Lots of those because of the dealership down the road.

A couple weeks before that, I had some motherfucker come through the teller lane at the bank WHILE I WAS IN IT.

It really don't matter,rideing,walking,or driving a cage, if your gonna get got your gonna get got. Just keep your eye's open and your head always in the game and hopefully we make it until our next birthday.

Fortunately you were able to avoid what could have been a bad ending. While riding two wheels it is always safe to assume any cager any where is capable of causing you harm. When approaching an intersection, regardless of how it is controlled I look for vehicles. If there are vehicles present I assume they may not see me. I prepare to stop and look for the escape route. Another hazard is the vehicle stopped on the breakdown lane. I have had them puss out without giving a signal. Bright clothing and good lighting can help but your alertness and speed judgement will likely be your best safety asset.

bang ,,, glad you are OK .... The first year I had my purple Concours , I thought I was invisible..

every time I went out some dumbass was trying to run over me...

(remember Burt being invisible from the TV show "SOAP")

The last one I remember was about 2 miles from my house,, some young girl ran a stop sign in front

of me,,, had to stand on the brakes to keep from hitting her ,,, I was so pissed off ,, I called the

Highway Patrol that is just down the road ,,, and was giving the poor officer a ear full about the intersection

and dumbasses running the stop sign..

The officer politely listened and said he could send a car down there,, I told him it was OK ,,That I had

stopped shaking now ,,,and thanked him for listening,,,

At intersections I cover both brakes ,, clutch ,, throttle and anything else I can think of,,,, Scan every thing

and watch like a hawk... Around here we have the dumbasses that want to keep rolling at the stop sign, never

coming to a complete stop... I slow down and process with caution with these knotheads,,

never know what they are going to do.. :assassin: :assassin:

But really how exciting would it be just to ride your bike ,, if the cagers weren't trying to kill you ? :rolleyes: :dribble: :rolleyes:

Just last Sunday, hauling down a state road, car setting at a stop sign at the T-intersection, I got the through street, the little voice in my head said he's coming. Backed off, downshifted, covered the brakes, ended up a few inches from his rear bumper.

No cell phone, just another inattentive, cager.

Listen to the voices in your head.

I think that is normal after what you went through. Treat every car like it's going to kill you. It saved me last week when I was almost wiped by a cager in a roundabout intersection. Be safe out there.


August 2008: While getting gas at Costco a lady pulled in front of me in the parking lot. I saw her eyes looking through me as if I didn't exist. I reacted quickly, garbbing a handful of brakes, but the stupid V-rod fishtailed and dumped me on the right side. I managed to avoid being broadsided, but broke my wrist in the process. My job entails using my hands for everything I do, but I still ride fequently. I, however came to realize that riding in town and particularly in parking lots is an usafe practice. It's only a matter of time before you are going to get got. It doesn't matter whether you are riding an FJR or a superbike. The truth is that the overwhilming majority of us ride for leasure and could, if we so choose, commute in a car. I now do long trips on backroards twice a month during the riding seaon (and an occasional 100 miles on one of my sport bikes) and have a good time without worrying about stop and go traffic, traffic lights and cager on cell phones constantly threatening my life and livelihood. Riding is a passionb but we need to be smart about it. Be safe. Sam

QUOTE (bang-n-gearz @ Nov 24 2009, 01:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

... a lot of close calls with fellow FJR riders right? Buck


Buck -

Like others, I have had many close calls, though fewer as I have gained experience (there's a lesson to be learned there).

FWIW I have written some of them here. I wrote them to remind myself of what can happen, and I re-read them every so-often. It helps me maintain my sanity amongst all the insane out there, and reduces any tendency for me to get complacent.

So, you are not alone, just add the episode to your experience store, and, as others have said, EXPECT road users to do stupid things.

If you can live with that, keep the FJR, at least you feel as if you are alive when you ride

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A bike has taught me "green lights mean nothing" No more assumptions, not even in the car anymore.

The next one to look out for is the the person in an intersection who fails to read the big arrows that tell you what direction options your lane has. I am in the left turn only lane. The lady on her cell is in the straight ahead only lane. She decides to pay no attention and make the turn with me. Never once scanning nevermind she's in the wrong lane. She proceeds to push me over into oncoming traffic till she see me blast it bewteen the oncoming cars, and the front end of her Suburban. She never missed a beat in her conversation.

To Be honest... I'm glad it was a woman, not a man. One of the few occasion I wish I had some nuts and bolts stored in my tank bag.

Problem was, I created my own close calls when I was on a sport bike. Much better now on the quiet FJR with the big ole Granny bags. Still a jungle out there tho...
