Another Close Call

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Doctor Throckenstein !!!
Jun 25, 2005
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Ok, another quasi interesting story about the bone heads out there.... Not a near death experience. More like Twilight Zone time.

I went for a ride in my new gear, behind my new modulator. Trying to get used to all this stuff. Felt like I was in a straight jacket being interrogated or brainwashed with flashing lights. But that's another story.

I was in traffic behind a pickup after dark last night. He was going very fast, trying to "push" (it seems) a very old van to go the speed limit (and catch up with a semi). I was ready to pass both of them at the earliest sane opportunity, but was pretty leary. It was a two lane state highway in the hills. Lots of blind sweeping curves with elevation change and heavy foliage. Overcast, starting to fog, very dark night, and I didn't know the road.

The guy in the pickup was not THAT close on the van's ass, but evidently the van didn't like the pickup, because he slowed WAY down on purpose. And of course I'm waiting for a hole, but also watching the soap opera in front of me. All of a sudden I see the brake lights of the pickup go on, and the bed shift skyward. Not the flipping over skyward, but the heavy braking skyward. I'm covered and I activate ALL my ABS. Fortunately no one is behind me. No metal is bent, no blood spilled nothing happened. That got a "hmmmmph..." and a rolled eye from me. Shaking my head at the stupidity of people.

We all start going again, and I'm REALLY wanting to get around these chuckleheads, but thinking in the back of my brain that I need to be REALLY careful with this situation. So we get moving along at almost 10 miles an hour under the speed limit. Catching the semi, actually going up the hill. I'm over at the centerline watching for an opportunity to blast around everyone (without success). And yes, I was probably STILL a little too close, but not THAT close.

All of a sudden, I see RED LIGHTS, TAIL GATE going skywards and the red pickup going sideways. The van jammed it's brakes to the hilt, evidently, and the truck was sliding to avoid hitting the van. Of course I grabbed everything I had again.

Somehow, I ended up on the right shoulder (it was a left hand curve), which was almost an entire lane wide and nicely paved. The van and the truck had come to a complete stop. Both in the middle of the road, just a bit over the center line, as far as I could tell.

You ever have that high gear brain thing kick in? Adrenaline takes over, you're thinking at the speed of light? (maybe the speed of molasis in my case) I hadn't even come to a complete stop, knew I was going to be right of everybody who HAD stopped, and I saw a clear path around them all. My brain said NO, not on the right. My adrenaline said YES, get the fuck away from these people, take the shoulder. In that split second, I let off the brakes and went around the two assholes. I figured at the least I could out accelerate them (especially the 40ish year old pos van) before anyone moved.

It was wierd, I knew I shouldn't pass on the right, and it was blind on the left (oncoming, double yellow). At the same time, I was not going to stop and EVEN get involved. Heck, these two may have just come from a bar, be ex-lovers, competing assassins, whatever. I just knew I had to clear out. And I didn't want to do a 180. So I took the path of least resistance and I skated right passed them both. Then I caught the semi and was quickly around him, too.

I tried to look back to see what happened, but that was a hill or two back, so there was nothing to see. I don't know what brought all that on, I just know I'm glad I got away from the insanity.

You know, it's tough enough staying alive by accident, let alone trying not to get killed on purpose.

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You sure do seem to have more than your fair share of strange riding experiences. Good on you for getting out of there in one piece.

Nah, like some of the guys (and gals?) on either coast and who commute daily have commented, this kind of stuff happens to them every day. We all have these kind of stories. I just thought this one was particualary bizarre at the time.

But last night was just Twilightzone wierd. Not that I hadn't seen similar events before either. It was just how fast it happened (twice) and how quickly I made a decision to get away. Perhaps it wasn't even a good decision, but it worked out fine. This time.

Yeah, you guys may not want to ride with me. Maybe I'm jinxed.

About 25 years ago, I was riding with some of my buds. Actually it was down in the same area. Two veteran riders (me and another guy) and two newbies. One newbie was on a borrowed bike. The other newbie had just bought his first bike, a Suzuki 750. I was also on a Zuke 750. It was a pig. Straight lines is what it liked the best. And not real good at stopping, either.

Anyway, the thing was another split second Twilight Zone experience. As one newbie looked left, he drifted right. The other newbie...yep, looked right and drifted left. They collided spoke to peg. The front guy ran off the road and just missed a tree. The other guy's bike high sided and turned backwards at the same time. On the guy's leg. Took his foot right off.

Time slowed, but not my Suzuki. Even though I was on the brakes. I had a choice to either run him over or hit his bike. Actually it was both, because he was sliding down the road with the bike still on top of his boot.

Just at the last minute, the bike and rider separated, and I went right between them. It's all still fairly vivid in my mind, even after all these years. That kind of experience makes a big imprint on your brain. And it's amazing how slowly it all seems to happen, but in a split second.

I had something last night, tho not near as dramatic as FJRocket. I was on my way home about 9;30 on I 44 west of OKC. There were 4 lane going south and 4 north. I was in the second from the right and there was a car about 30 feet ahead of me in the lane to my left. I was going about 65mph when out of nowhere 2 guys on stretched out choppers came by not more than 18 inches from my door. They passed me like I was in reverse, doing at least 85-90mph. The sound initially scared the crap out of me, then realizing how close they were to me on the left then cutting between me and the car to my left , made me piss my pants.

Had a kid on a Jet Ski do that on the lake a couple years back. I'm in a 27 ft 5,500lb boat and he cuts right across my front. I almost couldn't see his head over the bow. I about crapped myself then too. at 45mph that wouldn't have been pretty either.


I'm very sensitve along these lines as I already have to wear them. As a result of my previous accident in Oct 04. Is it was they didn't completely do the job last night. My nice leather seat still have a foul odor. The neurologist says i'll be in them for life. Thanks for your concern.

Glenn, you can depend on me,Partin

I'm very sensitve along these lines as I already have to wear them. As a result of my previous accident in Oct 04. Is it was they didn't completely do the job last night. My nice leather seat still have a foul odor. The neurologist says i'll be in them for life. Thanks for your concern.

Glenn, you can depend on me,Partin
Ouch, that took a joke right south...

When I first started riding street I had a Yamaha Maxim 550 and I was on a back road. The guy in front of me was going below the speed limit and I too was looking for a way around him. The street was hilly and lots of curves. I picked my spot and started to go around him, just at that moment the jerk decided he was going to speed up to not let me pass and the poor 550 didn't have the guts to do anything about it. Just over the next hill, side by side on the wrong side of the street an on coming car. Of course I had to hit the brakes and dart back behind him to avoid the oncoming car.

Some real jerks out there...

Ok, another quasi interesting story about the bone heads out there
Welcome to my world....... :stunned:

I find myself in these situations with increasing frequency nowadays, and I also find myself saying FUCKIT and just using the throttle to get around these dickheads and put as much real-estate as possible between me and them!

I know that this will often appear to other drivers as reckless behaviour. But you know what I DONT GIVE A FUCK. The drivers are getting so bad nowadays that these situations are happening all the time. Everyday I drive into work and have to deal with all the asswipe cagers out there who through intent or incompetence are trying to kill me. So why should I give a flying fuck what they think since they obviously dont give a damn about my well being.

So honestly, as far as I am concerned you did the right thing. :thumbup:

(Sorry, If I seem a bit irritated. But your situation really struck a nerve with me.)

It seems like more and more idiots out there using their vehicles as weapons. In a SUV to bike fight, the only advantage we have is sprint speed. Get the hell out Dodge! When they are fighting each other, we are too invisible to see. Obviously the trick is to not create a more dangerous situation for yourself, but sounds to me like this was a good case for passing on the right.

Ahh, your ride report is a daily occurence in LA.

SUVs everywhere, assholes with cell phones and I have come to refer to riding the freeways as "Skating on thin ice!"

Nusman68, I may have confused you. I was only kidding about the Depends. Thats why I signed my name like I did. I thought your post was funny. I'll use a smiley when I'm trying to crack a joke. I don't really have to wear depends.


Nusman68, I may have confused you. I was only kidding about the Depends. Thats why I signed my name like I did. I thought your post was funny. I'll use a smiley when I'm trying to crack a joke. I don't really have to wear depends.

Now that's funny :bleh: :haha:

I don't really have to wear depends.
Doesn't hurt to be reminded now and then that one guys laugh can be anothers reality. I am on the verge of having my right foot removed, so keep the "stumpy" jokes at bay for a bit all... ;) May be in the market for a brake conversion to one handed application, ala linked system. Lemme know if any ideas are out there.

Let's hope that the drivers of the van and truck kicked the crap out of each other, got arrested, and will have their driving privileges revoked so they can no longer cause unsafe situations on public roads.

Aside from the "normal" idiotic moves we face every day, I find more and more cages trying to race or prevent me from passing. The strange thing is, not even "hot" cars...yesterday a BMW SUV and believe it or not, a county work vehicle! It seems to be happening far more lately than ever before.

Had a similar situation with a couple of cagers once. In the one I saw, the guy in front was doing the same thing, hitting the brakes and trying to make cage #2 rear-end him. This was pissing off a few people back in the pack, I was about the 5th vehicle back. Finally cage #2 pulls a totally balls out move and gets around the guy who's been playing games with the brakes, then parks sideways in the road and blocks him off. Cars behind blocked the way out the back. Me on a bike squeaks thru the whole mess and didn't hang around to see the outcome. Had no interest in any of those assholes.

I am on the verge of having my right foot removed
Dude. That absolutely sucks. :(

Radman, I am real sorry to hear if it is true. 5 time GP Champion Mick Doohan used a thum button for his rear brake. I would think on the left.

Almost a big wreck caused by my brother as we were both on MC's with are wives as pillion. There are 2 lanes and my brother went around an obnoxious car on the right and went back in to the left lane. The road soon became an on ramp. I accelerated around the car and was coming back into the left lane, and my brother hits the brakes hard SOB! I cut back right hard to miss him, and am now Pissed. If I had tried to brake I would have T boned him and we would all be a big wrecked pile. He got to my parents house a few minutes after me. He was pissed at me. It was so close that my left passenger peg actually clipped his wifes ankel. I hadn't felt it. Luckily no real damage was done. I don't know what he was thinking. TJ :trinibob:

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