Bike by Train Across Canada?

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Well-known member
Apr 18, 2016
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Sutter Creek, CA
Theresa has set her heart on riding in Nova Scotia but it's a long way from here to there. I recall that years ago you could put your bike on a train in say Calgary and ride with the bike until you got past Quebec. Is this still possible?

3600 miles from your location to Halifax. IF it could be done (and apparently it can't) it would still be around 2000 miles from where you are to Calgary and then from Quebec to Halifax. Mind you, the trip up the Pacific Coast and then through the BC interior would be fantastic.

Your only choice might be to ship the bike and fly to NS to pick it up and then do your riding. Wouldn't be cheap! You might enjoy taking a couple of weeks riding back home after.

Better to fly the bike on Air Canada. They offer bike transport anywhere they fly widebody planes. Call Air Canada Cargo for options, they are very helpful.

The VIA Rail passenger train doesn't even stop in Calgary anymore. We only get the Rocky Mountaineer, which travels between Calgary and Vancouver in the summer and is a $$$ tourist train. VIA does go out of Edmonton but it is a very slow journey across the country. IIRC, it averages about 30kph.

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I would truly enjoy riding in that part of the world too. I was wondering if maybe flying to that area then renting a bike there might be an option.

Mind you, the trip up the Pacific Coast and then through the BC interior would be fantastic.
Your only choice might be to ship the bike and fly to NS to pick it up and then do your riding. Wouldn't be cheap! You might enjoy taking a couple of weeks riding back home after.
Since we have ended up riding to BC every year for the last four (five?), it would maintain that tradition.
Since Air Canada flies out of San Francisco, that might be the trick. I'll follow up on it.

Bah! Air Canada does not fly bikes into or out of the USA.
Italy, Switzerland, Greece... but not the US. Need to rethink this. The problem with riding all the way, other than the obvious. is that you waste a set of tires. And with two bikes, that's a concern. Maybe trailer to Michigan, do the Upper Peninsula, then the Maritimes. Hmm.

Other options that come to mind:

Maybe find someone who is a member here who lives in New England and ship your bikes to them via UShip? Then ride across the border?

Or ride to Vancouver and fly with AC from there? I flew my BMW to Germany with AC, I was riding within two hours of landing. I was amazed at how efficient, helpful and friendly AC Cargo was - the passenger side of the business should take some lessons from the Cargo guys.

There is a guy who runs a site called who ships bikes from Montreal to California/Arizona and back. I have heard good things in the past but recently read that he is missing, so please be careful. Hopefully, it's just a misunderstanding.

Rented bikes are never the same as riding your own bike.

Or ride to Vancouver and fly with AC from there? I flew my BMW to Germany with AC, I was riding within two hours of landing. I was amazed at how efficient, helpful and friendly AC Cargo was - the passenger side of the business should take some lessons from the Cargo guys. I like this one!

Rented bikes are never the same as riding your own bike. So True!
I live in Vancouver and may be able to help with the logistics.

I've also ridden to Nova Scotia from Vancouver a whole bunch of times. Let me know if you'd like a bit of routing info if you'd like to ride there.

My wife and I did a 4 month road trip and included NS a couple years ago. I don’t know if you have n RV or not, but we took our truck camper and trailered the bikes around the country. First unloaded in Glacier and Yellowstone, next unloading was the upper pennisla in Michigan, then unloaded in upper New York around Buffalo area. Next headed to Canada and unloaded in Montreal, Ottowa and the Gapse peninsula. We then rode Prince Edward Island, then Nova Scotia, ( do not miss the Celtic Colors music festival, just amazing all around the island ), headed to North Carolina and Virginia next, then headed back to NV.

Just another idea for you to cross the country, it was less expensive to drive and cook in the RV , rather than hotel it every night and eating out everywhere.

You would think with the price of Gen 2 bikes these days, you might just fly and buy, and sell when you get home

Canada passenger rail service maps can be found here. It's worth ten minutes of your time to call VIA Rail and ask someone who knows the answer for real.

Air Canada might do it: "Taking it Further", with what looks like a big Vstar. Apparently, motorcycles are dangerous goods.

Looks like Delta and American Airlines won't do it. Maybe these guys? All avenues for air shipment will cost more than the bike's worth, I suspect.


It's a nice idea, so maybe step back a little and have it trucked east. Pack up the bike and hand it over, then spend three days relaxing before flying yourselves to Toronto, Montreal, or Quebec City.

As a last consideration: it may be much easier (and less expensive) to RIDE the bike across the border rather than ship it across.

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Why not just ship via truck from home to Bangor, Maine. Bangor is not far from the border at Calais / St. Stephen, New Brunswick. From there, head to Saint John and take the ferry to Digby. The ferry is about 3 hours. I've done it a few times. The ride from Bangor to Saint John sucks but then it's all done. You could also carry on east through New Brunswick to Hopewell Rocks. Don't plan to spend the night in Saint John. With apologies to Saint Johnites, it's a pretty dumpy town and the stark contrast to Digby and Annapolis across the Bay of Fundy will make it worth your while to find another place to stay.

Maybe better still, truck the bike to Portland and take the fast cat ferry to Yarmouth. Be sure to make a reservation.

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