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I also think it says something that there isn't a single person signed up so far from West of the Mississippi. Several people have stated how this ride is a great training ground for he IBR for people unfamiliar with the East coast. I guess no one is listening.

I also think it says something that there isn't a single person signed up so far from West of the Mississippi. Several people have stated how this ride is a great training ground for he IBR for people unfamiliar with the East coast. I guess no one is listening.

..they are afraid of the big miles involved. ;)

You are just mad because I am going over to the Darkside. Hater!

If you go this route I will be your first hater...... :p

No way you will be able to keep up to the Wheaties in the twisties...

Would love to ride this, but money is my limiting factor. Plus I can't ride worth shit and would just be in the way

for you fast guys.


I don't have room to talk about getting in to a rally, since I have been talking about riding in one for 2 or 3 years now. I had to bail on the You're Not Superman awhile back, but otherwise haven't even signed up for one until now. If the BITE is cancelled, I will just try for a few short rallies, and then plan a ride on my own.

Damn, the rider list was updated, and only one new person was added. I think it is safe to say it is time to start looking into alternate plans. This sucks.

I was thinking yesterday how it is interesting that there is such a demand to ride in the IBR, or the IBR5K, but that there is such a shortage of riders for this rally. It makes me think that there are a lot of people more interested in being able to say they rode in the IBR than there are who just enjoy riding in LD rallies. Don't get me wrong, I think riding in the IBR would be cool, and I hope to do it some day, but I also want as much experience in rallies before I even apply for the IBR. Not to mention, an 11 day, 11 K ride is not the place to find out if you like participating in rallies, IMHO.
When I rode the IBR in 2007, I thought of it as a once in a life time adventure. I had been in a head on auto collision the year before, was lucky to have lived and decided life is short: If I ever wanted to ride the IBR I better "get 'er done". I swallowed hard on the time and cost involved. Eleven days, $11,000, as they say.

Let's analyze the costs involved in riding a five day rally that takes place on the opposite side of the country from the participant:

Time: 12 days (3 days there, 3 days back, 1 day check-in, 5 day rally)

Entry fee: $450

Gasoline: $825 (11,000 miles divided by 40 MPG * $3)

Lodging $600 (12 nights *$50, probably more)

Tires: $260, give or take (BTW, I don't think I could do this on a set of PR2s. That would require a tire change on the road which might double the cost. A set of 880s would go the distance, but I don't know if I'd want to run the BitE on 880s)

So, for a West coast rider to compete in the BitE, we're looking at two weeks of vacation and $2,000. Not an insignificant committment. It's not that I don't want to ride this rally, but I just can't justify the cost, primarily the time required.

I hear you, but you are talking about coming from the far West Coast. There are a lot of riders just west of the Mississippi. I can certainly understand riders in the far west not riding the BITE, since there are several other really good rallies out west to ride in. The probably feel the same way about the BITE as I do about the 1088.

Damn, the rider list was updated, and only one new person was added. I think it is safe to say it is time to start looking into alternate plans. This sucks.
I think you're right. And it sucks. I've been thinking if this happens, I'd go for The Good, The Bad & The Ugly Rally. I only had one other big ride planned this year, which was a 48 Plus ride ending at Hyder Seek in June. Well, of course only a day after my name was posted on the website they announce that Hyder Seek is canceled. At least I still get to do that ride...

I have a ride I have been think of doing for awhile now, so that is my back up plan. Still, it is far from the rally experience I was hoping to get.

I have a ride I have been think of doing for awhile now, so that is my back up plan. Still, it is far from the rally experience I was hoping to get.
Paul and TriggerT,

You could join me in the ride I am planning. Certificate rides, butt with rally-like style. I do hope the BITE is a go,

but if not I am doing ALL 4 Great Lake Rides (4SS 1000s) and a Great Lakes Gold- all in a one week vacation. I

would enjoy other riders! My dates have not been set yet, I am leaning towards July sometime.

Just a thought, Tony ;)

Thanks for the offer, but having done the GLG, I have little to ZERO desire to do it again. I am glad I did the ride, but I can't ever see doing it again.

Paul and TriggerT,You could join me in the ride I am planning. Certificate rides, butt with rally-like style. I do hope the BITE is a go,but if not I am doing ALL 4 Great Lake Rides (4SS 1000s) and a Great Lakes Gold- all in a one week vacation. I would enjoy other riders! My dates have not been set yet, I am leaning towards July sometime. Just a thought, Tony ;)
Tony, I appreciate the invite, but I'm thinking you'd just leave me in the dust! Especially if you're running with 11.5 gals now. I'm still gonna do the 48 Plus first thing in June. I think if BITE doesn't work out, then the wife and I are going to take a more leisurely vacation to Big Sky, MT to ride the 30hr Good, Bad & Ugly Rally. I think she'll really like that area, plus it will have been nearly 5 weeks since the last time I was in MT...

We can only hope. I wonder how strict they will be on the 25 minimum. Will they still cancel it if they have 22 or 23 people signed up? I guess we will know in a week.

It is like waiting to find out if Santa is going to bring the X-Mas present you really want. One more week to go.
