Black Hills Gathering - An Ode to Spearfish and BigJohnSD

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It had been late the previous day when we went through Spearfish Canyon as well as a long day so a few of us decided to ride it again at a more sedate and "smell the flowers" type of pace... it was a glorious morning and we really didn't have much traffic to deal with... I love the towering rock formations that line the road...



Lots of water running...


I had seen a sign the day before for Roughlock Falls in 1 mile... figured it wasn't too far to check it out so off we went... it's a hard-packed dirt road but I was glad there hadn't been any rain as it would've probably made for slippy slide conditions...


Made it!

Lovely maintained area...

Our merry little band...

We toodled out to the sound of the rushing water, starting at the top of the falls and working our way down to the base...



The sun lit up rainbows in the mist...

Lounge lizards soaking up the sun...

Waiting for hobbits to appear...

Flora along the trail...

I headed out before the rest to get a some action shots of them going by...




Once I got to Cheyenne Crossing, I turned right to head back to a meadow that I had passed the day before but didn't get a chance to take any photos... the smell of the flowers here (I believe Queen Anne's Lace?) was so lovely... not too strong a scent and it just wafted on the breeze...




Along came a Spyder...

I couldn't get a shot when the wings were open but there were a ton of these critters flying about and their wings were blue... really lovely...

Headed back to the motel to find the afternoon beverage consumption already started...

It had been a perfect relaxed day with good friends and lovely roads and scenery... but the best was yet to come... next up, the cast of characters and a helluva BBQ! B)

Tyler, once again you've topped the entire rest of the forum with your wonderful shots, and even your poetic descriptions of everything we saw. Zooming by these fantastic sights, while watching the road for potholes, gravel, deer, goats and idiots, it's impossible to appreciate the beauty, at least all of it, and your pictures let us go back and enjoy it all again at leisure, so thank you! The amazing twistiness of that crazy Needles Highway, for example, was just a background blur as we rode through those jagged rock formations. It's good to see it all--for the first time!

You even gave me my new Desktop! So thanks AGAIN!


And of course, it's always great to see YOU!
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Tyler, once again you've topped the entire rest of the forum with your wonderful shots, and even your poetic descriptions of everything we saw. Zooming by these fantastic sights, while watching the road for potholes, gravel, deer, goats and idiots, it's impossible to appreciate the beauty, at least all of it, and your pictures let us go back and enjoy it all again at leisure, so thank you! The amazing twistiness of that crazy Needles Highway, for example, was just a background blur as we rode through those jagged rock formations. It's good to see it all--for the first time!

You even gave me my new Desktop! So thanks AGAIN!


And of course, it's always great to see YOU!
Got me a new desktop as well, Kinda makes me wish I was there.

Wow. Yes, Tyler's photos are the bomb ... but this set is truly amazing. The Needles Highway, eh? Gorgeous.

Tyler, I'd like to 2nd SacramentoMike's comments. As we were riding through there I was wishing I could have gotten some shots.. And you have provided them. Thank you so very much!


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Tyler, once again you've topped the entire rest of the forum with your wonderful shots, and even your poetic descriptions of everything we saw. Zooming by these fantastic sights, while watching the road for potholes, gravel, deer, goats and idiots, it's impossible to appreciate the beauty, at least all of it, and your pictures let us go back and enjoy it all again at leisure, so thank you! The amazing twistiness of that crazy Needles Highway, for example, was just a background blur as we rode through those jagged rock formations. It's good to see it all--for the first time!

You even gave me my new Desktop! So thanks AGAIN!
Glad to oblige, m'friend... and glad you found a desktop photo to remind you of it! You're in a bunch more but I didn't post all the photos. There's a link to my SmugMumg page that has all the photos if you want to go peek and see if there's something else that tickles your fancy... ;)

Needles Hwy - I'd like to go back and do that one again sometime at a more leisurely pace and get some still shots with the big camera... it was an awesome road through amazing terrain.

Got me a new desktop as well, Kinda makes me wish I was there.
We saw you at one point but you turned right and we kept going straight... next time, stick with me so I can get some road pics of you guys... have a nice one of you and Lyndel at the BBQ... coming up soon! B)

Wow. Yes, Tyler's photos are the bomb ... but this set is truly amazing. The Needles Highway, eh? Gorgeous.
Put it on your list... absolutely gorgeous! And Iron Mountain Rd... that was like a Mr. Toad's Wild Ride with all the back-to-back- hairpins... great pavement as well.

Tyler, I'd like to 2nd SacramentoMike's comments. As we were riding through there I was wishing I could have gotten some shots.. And you have provided them. Thank you so very much!
Thank you, Chad! You're in a bunch more as well... like I told SacMike, there's a link to in the first post if you want to see the others. :D

Incredible Photography, Thank You Miss Tyler! JSNS, HUBBA!
Thanks, Don honey... how you healing up?? :wub:

Tyler fantastic ride report! The photographs are amazing, makes me want to throw away my camera.
Thanks, Rich... but don't throw away your camera! You had some great shots as well from what I saw on FB... you should share a few here! ;)

It would be nice to spend a week or two exploring it was to short. Thanks for sharing Tyler, great pictures as always!

The big BBQ was finally here... folks mosied over to the park where BigJohn had sequestered a primo area for our group's dinner... it was the icing on the cake after a couple of days of awesome riding... without further ado, I bring you some of the characters of the FJRforum...


And buddy HDChris...

Marc/Gramps and Marty/0face in his usual festive mood...

Marty almost always looks like he's up to no good...

He does too... a bunch of other things as well...

That's better... I had to sit on him to get him to behave...

Love you too, FJRay...

Petey... ladies man... ;)

Petey said, "Flash me, Tyler!"... so I did...

Craig / CraigRegs... was great to see you again!

George / esc8pfjrtist and his beautiful bride, Jill...

George knows how to work if for the camera...

Brian / festar, resident Aussie, was enjoying the bit of Americana...

Ladies man... it's the accent... ;)

Nametag says it all...

Whatever SacramentoMike was selling, I don't think festar was buying...

Fred / juniorfjr and the lovely Lyndel... you definitely chose well, Fred!

Rich / Dr. Rich was enjoying the festivities...

Allen_C modeling the latest in recovery wear...

Brandon /erixun flanked by Jill and BigJohn's better half, Jeanne...

Poor Brandon was given a new screen name...

The elusive JayH... he's a hard one to catch so ya gotta be quick...

Resident goofball, Don / dcarver... :wub:


Dave / niehart up to no good I'm sure...

John / MNFJR05 enjoying the day...

Our grillmasters hard at work... Brian / festar and Kevin / AbercrombieFJR...

Where's the beef? It's right here!

Best mates...

Bikes at rest...

Chowing down... food was excellent... if you missed this bbq, you really missed out!




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