BobbyBlue is getting a new heart today! He's doing great!

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Keeping the good mojo going for our bud Bobbie!

Here's a pix from his FB page of what he has been going through.


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From an organ donor (me): Glad to know your new heart is a ticker, BobbyBlue. Hope mine can do as much for someone one day.

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Ok, update time. These are a bit late, but yesterday was a busy day work.

From Teresa-

1/7 @ 7:31pm- My last update for the night, what a long day. Being up for over 24+ hours are now taking its toll on me. Eating is not easy but I'm trying. Bobby Finical is doing good for the shape hes in. They have lowered his oxygen to 40% and he's breathing well and hopefully we'll get him out of sedation tomorrow. We hoped today would have been it but his blood pressure has been an issue. They've given him 5 pints of blood and that seems to help his BP keep steady. He's a strong man and he'll get past this. A shout out to my employer Costco Travel for their awesome support. I'm going to try and sleep......

1/8 @ 8:49am- BobbyFinical's numbers are a little better. It's only 24 hours post op. He's a squirmer for sure. Last blood test shows on an upswing. Keep the prayers, vibes, juju coming.

1/8 @ about 2pm- Well Bobby Finical is SLOWLY trending up in numbers and getting better. He's still intubated and sleeping well. He'll wake every so often in pain but the great nurse found a drug cocktail so he's more comfortable now. They'll probably keep him like this for the day and hopefully take out the breathing tube tomorrow if he keeps doing well. We are now just over 24 hours post surgery. I'll be heading home tonight, I have to and try to rest for tomorrow. Thank you again for your continued support.

1/8 @ about 6pm- Final Bobby Finical update for today. So we slowly took him out of sedation and hes responded well to commands. His numbers continue to improve as they wean him off the meds. Our goal tomorrow get the breathing tube out and get him walking. He's having minor surgery now, getting a chest tube since his chest cavity is so empty fluids have built up, pretty common. Again, thank you for all the good energy and keep sending it for he has a long battle to go. Good thing is the hard part is over.

1/8 @ about 10pm- Oh....did I mention I heard Bobby Finical's new heartbeat today. The nurse handed me a stethoscopes to listen. Music to my ears.

I let her know again that we are all there for them and about all the replies on this forum. Like this forum, Bobbie and Teresa are absolutely great people.


Can you imagine listening to a new heart beat? that teared me right up.

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Teresa an hour ago-

"Bobby Finical smiled so big for me I cried! Slowly coming out of sedation to get this tube out. Almost there folks, taking a little break before we get down to business. I met the volunteer for Organ Doantions. I can't stress enough to please donate."

I've been watching this thread closely, without much to add but quiet wishes, but it's a great story to see. And here on the forum, especially lately, one of the most upbeat ones ever. I'm a donor too, but I'm doing my best to wear everything out on the same day so none of it will be much use to anybody ever, but if they want 'em . . . In the meantime, they've had plenty of my blood.

But anybody else around my age probably remembers the visions of "the future" we saw in articles and shows that always included routine space travel, personal jet packs, ray guns, and those shiny, one-piece space suit looking outfits with what looked like tail fins or the rings of Saturn as decorations on the shoulders, but what we never saw then was what we ended up getting: the whole electronics revolution and the truly amazing medical breakthroughs of today. Diagnostic equipment worthy of Doc McCoy and surgery to correct or replace almost anything you've got. What a world. Glad you live in it today, Bobby. Enjoy the new heart!
