Cdog joins crash club two up

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Sorry to hear of your 'get off', glad you and yours are relatively okay. Once again, the gear worked (wish the knuckleheads could all read the posts in which the 'gear' made a difference). Again, glad you doing fine.

After reading through your posts and seeing the pics, first let me say that I'm glad to hear your injuries were minor, and your SO is fine. It all adds up, because you've trained, you had the right gear, didn't panic and rode out the situation. Bikes can be fixed or replaced, and then your back having fun.

Cdogman -

Sorry to hear of your off.

FWIW I had a lowside on a new Bonneville a few years ago. Limped that home with (among other things) offset steering. Fixed the steering just by slackening off the top nuts and letting it all go back to its original straight-ahead positioning, there was no actual bent metal.

Just a thought in case you fix it yourself, that could save a whole lot of work.

Just to annoy you, I NEVER go 10/10ths on the road. My belief is, whatever it is, if I hit it it's my fault. But my grin probably isn't as wide as yours ...

Hope your hand/wrist/arm heal OK, your SO isn't too unhappy, and you're back on the road soon.

Yea, I was not 10/10nths I bet I had another 3% to go before I was there (OKOKOK I know)

There is no doubt the gear made all the difference in the world..

I was most impressed with the gloves I had on. I will get another pair exactly like them and get some for the SO... They were Frank Thomas Gauntlet style Kangaroo Leather,, Even Tho they run about a buck and a half a pair they just paid for themselves in spades. That it the part of my body that took the hardest hit and they did not seperate or wear through. A letter to them is in order too for that fine product.

It is the next day and I have my arm wrapped and it does not hurt. Doc sed keep it wrapped for a few days.. If it does not hurt tomarrow then I dont need that either

Well, not much left to say that hasn't already been said...

I almost had the same shit happen to me yesterday with a big log in the road. Looked like someone was bringing home firewood and lost one in the middle of a turn. I had enough time to stop, and moved it out of the road.

Really glad to see the S.O.'s attitude about the whole thing. After my 2 up crash, Sara is done with riding.

This is the second post this week in which ATGATT made all the difference.

I hope they do total the bike, just so you can get a new one. If they don't, I wouldn't worry about it too much. If mine can survive a tree, yours can be repaired.

Glad to hear you're both OK.

LEARN from your mistake.

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Cdogman, glad you and wife came out of with only the minor injuries, as you know it could have been worse, much worse. Hope your AE is repairable.

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I have front and rear rotors, a brake lever, a upper triple clamp, stock grips, bar end weights, and a bunch of other items for your rebuild!

Let me know if you need it.

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Damn CDog... sorry to hear about you and the wife's "adventure". Glad you were ATTGATT... I may even buy some overpants now. Oh, and feel free to post in the "Is Crashing Inevitable" thread now. :rolleyes:

Robin, Kenra,

VERY glad to hear that you're both OK after this little get-off. First drinks are on me next time we meet. ATGATT is our friend. Thanks for sharing your story w/ everyone here. While that's not exactly the "ride report" that anyone wants to post, it's awesome that you guys let us all in on it so that we can learn from your situation.

Heal up, get out there.


Sorry to hear of the mishap Cdog. I know that corner well. Had a close call or two there myself. Let me know if you need any help with the bike repair.

There is no doubt the gear made all the difference in the world..
I was most impressed with the gloves I had on. I will get another pair exactly like them and get some for the SO... They were Frank Thomas Gauntlet style Kangaroo Leather,, Even Tho they run about a buck and a half a pair they just paid for themselves in spades. That it the part of my body that took the hardest hit and they did not seperate or wear through. A letter to them is in order too for that fine product.
Sorry to hear you and the SO have joined the crash club.

Gald to hear you and the SO were wearing the proper gear and are both OK :)

Also glad to hear that you are going to spend the money to buy top quality gloves. As they say leather is cheaper than skin and a lot less painful in the event you end up testing them again. :lol:

Looks like an 08 may be in your future...

I have to say, So far GMAC Insurance has been AWESOME.

I have talked to the collision claims guy, the medical claims guy, and a few others.

The medical claims guy is even mailing me some self addressed stampped envelopes just incase I got a bill from the Hospital trip last night.

My bike is set to be torn down next week and I have spoken to the shop. I made sure they were gonna make it 100 % and check for any cracks or subframe damage. They said "That is standard proceedure here, we always check"

I think I am being well taken care of. Thanks all of you for the offers for parts. I think I am getting some new ones, or a new bike

I will be out EXACTLY 250 bucks either way. Got lucky all the way around.

I am in a bit of trouble tho because I took the brace off. My arm is fine. Kenra just wants to baby me LOL

I like black too

TWN, Thanks for fixing it.

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