Daddy and Daughter Does the Desert

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Benevolent Dictator
Jun 8, 2005
Reaction score
Tri-Cities, WA
I was supposed to attend the Hayabusa Gathering in Reno Nevada this past weekend. But about a week before the event, my 19-year-old daughter Lauryn, home from college and looking for adventure, sent me a text message asking if I was going on any bike trips that she might be able to tag along. I immediately said "yes", and stopped prepping the Hayabusa for this run, and started getting the FJR ready.

I wish these were Old Michael-quality photos, but they're not. Still, they should tell the story....

Here's Daddy and Daughter getting jazzed about the upcoming trip...


Stretching our legs a little near the summit of Battle Mountain in northern Oregon....


Lauryn seems to be a budding Photographer.... she took this photo while we were doing some Speed Runs in the High Plains south of Wagontire, Oregon....


The girl does like to take pictures.... this is at a rest area south of John Day, Oregon.....


Once we are at the Peppermill Casino, Lauryn was star-struck with the "Oceans" part of the casino.... enough blue fluorescent light here to kill a moose...


Two very drunked-up tourists attempt to take a self-portrait while riding the escalators inside the Peppermill Resort Casino - great fun!!


The piss-poor economy resulted in some massive attendee cancellations; there were only about 50 Hayabusas on site. From our room window, we watched the Busa's being lined up for a group shot on the top floor of the 5-story Peppermill parking garage...


Here's a better shot that shows some of the banners used for the event:


While the Busa guys went out riding, I took Lauryn up to the twisties near Virgina City... she was taken by the "Suicide Table" found in the back of the Delta Saloon on the south end of town...


After Virginia City, I thought I would treat Lauryn to the magic blue water of Lake Tahoe...


The stunningly clear blue water is always a sight to see....


Saturday evening Banquet, where I was forced to come up and say a few words...


Now it is Sunday and we are rolling back to Washington, but spend several hundred miles rolling around some awesome NorCal roads. Here we are at the Hat Creek Lookout on HWY 44.... a mighty awesome day this was!


From this same Lookout position, you can clearly see the peak at Lassen Volcanic National Park. The small cluster of buildings on the valley floor is Old Station, CA....


This was definitely a trip that Father/Daughter memories are made from..... 3 days, 2500+ miles, and memories of a lifetime!


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Dale, good on ya' for taking her along, and for posting this. Dad/daughter relationships are special and to be treasured. We celebrated my little girl's 22nd birthday on Sunday, but your post and pics brought back some great memories of the dad/daughter rides we did in the past. Great times that we'll always remember.

Also, you may want to print this out and keep it nearby: IMPORTANT DOCUMENT FOR DADS

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that is the best ride report ever. WOW, helmet off to the two of you for an amazing father-daughter adventure.

I saw your bike at the stampede gig, and figured you were keeping low-profile when I went searching you out in all the deviant places.

What I didn't know is that you and your AWESOME daughter were making the west coast roads your path to fun and adventure.

Huge kudos to the both of ya. Ya both rock. Double rock.

It appears that you have your priorities exactly right. Congratulations on a beautiful daughter and a wonderful relationship. You won't find many teenage daughters that want to hang out with dad, but then again, not many daughters have a "Warchild cool" dad.

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Dad/daughter relationships are special and to be treasured. We celebrated my little girl's 22nd birthday on Sunday, but your post and pics brought back some great memories of the dad/daughter rides we did in the past. Great times that we'll always remember.
Yes, absolutely, positively! I am trying to get her to come up for the Finish at the Iron Butt Rally in Spokane... she's a lot more in tune with the LD community than she is with other bike communities.

Here she is at the banquet....


She played the "Vanna White" role of drawing door prize tickets out of a hat....



Glad you were able to enjoy the trip with Lauryn. Hope it was one for the ages for both of you. Great write-up and photos.

I do believe this is the same daughter that accompanied you to Moscow, ID for WFO3 in 2004?

I see she's grown from the cute little girl into quite the little hottie.

And as for those photos............

Not one traditional Warchild pose?!?!?!

Your turning into a big softy! :p

Sweet! Great pics / post.

you're one lucky sunuvagun , warchild. My 14 year old is still Daddy's little girl and we have a ball every day - she's up for anything. But sadly, riding my goldwing (yaaaawn) from the age of 10 made her sick of long-haul riding. We are using the Feej for our vacation next week though. Won't be anything like yours but I'm still considering myself lucky!

Cute kid, btw. Get a shotgun :)


This is a fun little stop, the best place to see both Mt. Lassen and Mt. Shasta (not to mention Burney Mt) I was there over the weekend as well, ..but you two are having more fun!! Look at those smiles

Skooter - If the next time you pull into Warchild's driveway you hear "PULL!", I suggest you duck and cover, then get the heck out of dodge! He knows what a horndog you are. :lol:

Was this where you had to explain why you brought an FJR to a Busa gathering?


First, you bring a Busa to NAFO, and now this....

Rebel! :lol:

Most excellent! Reminds me of FJRRob1300's ride to NAFO with his daughter.

Oh, btw, mom must be STUNNING. She sure didn't get her looks from you! LOL!
