Graffiti Artist "AMP26" Strikes Again....

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Well-known member
Oct 3, 2005
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Sag Harbor, NY
I knew it would only be a matter of time before AMP26 left his mark again after "tagging" the bench at Jordan's grave. While I was visiting the cemetary yesterday the SHPD pulled up and told me that he had struck again, this time on the bridge that is going to be renamed in Jordan's honor on Nov. 15th. This is what he had done overnight.....A little better and bigger than his last job.





Well..... what do you think of his work?

To me, just from casual observation, at least he does not appear to want to incite or dishonor. Apparently, anyway.... :unsure:

That said, even if his intentions are good.... this is defacing, plain and simple.

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Typically, calling someone who does graffiti an "artist" is just flat out wrong. They are criminals with no regard for other people's property, and in this case, no regard for the symbolism they are destroying.

In this case, if the entire mural is his work, there may be an exception. Most of the time though, they just destroy other people's work.

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He certainly is one industrious sucker to finish that in one night. If he put that much effort into a job he could probably be pretty wealthy. The DOT has already been notified to sandblast/paint it.

Jordan's death has certainly struck a chord with him I guess.

Jordan's death has certainly struck a chord with him I guess.
I'm guessing you'll find it was an acquaintance of Jordans. Thats not a casual tag. Somebody who knew and misses him. Still not right though.
Suspect pony and other LEOs would know better about the age demographic for typical "taggers", but my suspicion is that 18-25 year-olds constitute the majority of them, which might fit well with the speculation that Amp26 knew Jordon in some form or fashion.

That really is a crapload of work for a one-night operation.... wonder if Amp26 had assistants? :unsure:

The cops know who did it, I know who did it, but he needs to get caught red handed. Jordan definitely didn't know this guy.

It looks like a case of trying to do the right thing in the wrong way. He's not trying to be disrespectful. He just can't get it through his thick skull that doing his own memorial is f***ing up everyone else's. I think that kind of narcissism is typical of taggers who fancy themselves artists.

I'm sorry he did this, Axe, and I hope he clues in soon and moves on to some other project. I'm glad he at least recognizes the honor due your son.

Graffiti? Sure. Vandalism? Probably. An amazing tribute to a fallen Marine? Definitely!

While I agree that in the letter of the law, that was pure vandalism. To me, it is a heartfelt tribute to an American fighting man from somebody who cared enough to risk punishment for his actions. That was not a quick, "Let's mess something up" type of vandalism. This mural was well planned out and placed in the only place that makes sense.

This was an act of love, honor, and camaraderie, not an act of vandalism.


COB Speicher, Tikrit, Iraq - Oct 2006 to April 2007

This was an act of love, honor, and camaraderie, not an act of vandalism.
I disagree. I think he's wanting to draw some attention to himself.

Did you see the picture of the bench he signed? I didn't see any love or honor.

Jealousy maybe...
I hate to admit that haven't seen any of the previous acts of honor, as I put it... If my assessment is wrong due to my ignorance, I'm sorry. I based my opinion on the paint at the bridge, which I still feel is one of the better tributes I have seen.

I just know that other, not so visually appealing tributes have been left for other fallen Marines, Soldiers, Airmen, and Sailors by fellow military members, or friends. If this was done by somebody who was using Jordan's death as an excuse to paint up public places, then my previous post no longer applies.


Interesting that he has the copywrite symbol after his tag. Get t-shirts made up and sell them and wait for him to sue :)

Sorry, I don't mean to make light of the situation. While it could be considered a nice tribute, the method and manner in which it is created and displayed negates any good that was my humble opinion, of course.


Sounds like my first trip on a bike will be to Sags Harbour.

IMHO, if this spineless sob had just one hair of honor, he'd already been standing on the yellow footprints on a quaint little island in South Carolina. This "artwork" is not the way to honor Jordan.

Semper Fidelis,


The cops know who did it, I know who did it, but he needs to get caught red handed. Jordan definitely didn't know this guy.

if it wasn't for the location, I'd

Can't somebody find a blighted side of a building for this kid to redo this on in a "legal" manner?

Obvioulsy I don't know much about the psychology of graffiti, but i'm struck by the effort.


Sorry to hear that that amp ass26 hasn't learned after you removed his work from the bench. He must have noticed that it was removed. That should have let him know that his 'tribute' is not appreciated. If the LEO know who it is then it is very likely that the culprit got the word on the street as well. His work is not a tribute, it is his attempt at drawing attention to himself at the expense of you and your family. That painting on the bridge abutment looks like a lot of work done in a hurry, but it is a very long way from being art.

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Man, what an assknuckle. I may be out of line saying it this way, so I mean no offense in ANY way Axe. But what if he would have asked for the family's permission to do a tribute like this? I know that isn't a "graffitti artisits' " code, but he could have done something way cool, but not be a douche about it. I know that someone else said it, but why couldn't he have done a rundown buliding instead? Would have been better.
