hand cramp.

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I've suspected as much about myself for months. I have tingling and eventual numbness driving, holding a book, typing in my phone, etc. I even wake up at night with it.
CLASSIC carpal tunnel syndrome! Take care of it. Serious, PERMANENT damage can be done to your median nerve and you will be waking up with agonizing pain clear up to your shoulder and neck that makes it REAL hard to get a good night's sleep!

+ 1 on Vista Cruise. Cheap, idiot-proof installation, and works. I don't use it all the time, but nothing beats it for just a quick flick on and a chance to open and close my right hand a few times, let the arm hang down, hold it in the cooling wind for a minute, whatever. My last FJR came with a Throttlemeister and I liked it--actually more--but the VC is cheaper, simpler, and does the job. Just a half a minute off the grips once in a while makes a WORLD of difference. Good luck.

For years, I've been using those torsion spring hand gripper / exercisers. I do 100 reps/day & can darn near crush kryptonite in my bare hands. Better yet, I don't have sore hands when riding. The grippers are inexpensive & will help with 'throttle thumb' as it's known in the snowmobile world.

I've suspected as much about myself for months. I have tingling and eventual numbness driving, holding a book, typing in my phone, etc. I even wake up at night with it.
CLASSIC carpal tunnel syndrome! Take care of it. Serious, PERMANENT damage can be done to your median nerve and you will be waking up with agonizing pain clear up to your shoulder and neck that makes it REAL hard to get a good night's sleep!

Well hell, that's what I get now. It's not agonizing but it is painful in my arms and really annoying. That started a few months ago - not every night but most nights. I'd planned to mention it to my doc when I go in for my physical in September but I'm not waiting that long now.

It is interesting how many people have these issues and the "work arounds" for it. It almost sounds like the FJR is poorly designed for many of us.

Just an observation. Yesterday I took the Nighthawk out first. After a half hour I was getting a sore wrist like I do on the FJR. But I had noticed that I had shifted my butt back further on the seat because it was getting sore. When I shifted my body forward, the wrist pain disappeared. Later I took the FJR out.

The FJR with it's deep hollow seat design doesn't let us adjust our bodies like the older classic bikes with the flat seats. Look at the 70's types bikes and the rider could move forward and backward a foot to find their desired riding position. from a forward lean to upright or even leaning backward. Few modern bikes allow that, they are designed for a "standard body" and most of us are not built "standard" :eek:


I find the grips too swept back and forces my arms into a praying mantis type position and puts an awkward pressure on my hands/wrists. I tried to adjust the bars, but they only seem to go forward/aft, no turning due to the little set pins. I find myself monkey gripping the bar which then sits quite diagonal across my palm. Firm pressure from my index and middle finger hold the throttle fine, but leaves a lot to be desired for quick brake action.
Heli-bars and MCL triple tree both move the grip angles out, the MCL one more. I use the MCL version. I also put on throttlemeisters, I turn them on just enough to cause friction this helps hold the throttle in place. This really helped me on long rides, I turn it off on shorter rides or going thru the twisties. I didn't want to do the spring unwind because I thought it wouldn't bring the throttle back off qucik enough when needed.

Sound's like you have carpel tunnel syndrome. Have you checked that?

I bought a VStrom in '07 and couldn't ride 20 miles without my right hand going numb. I tried different gloves, etc. It just never crossed my mind that it might be physical and not something else. I had it fixed in a 10 min. operation and viola! never had another problem

I do use a cramp buster on any ride longer than 30 min. or so but it's not due to numbness.

Get that checked out as it can be very dangerous, I had problems pulling the brake - really dangerous because you don't have that control you need.

Good luck
I've suspected as much about myself for months. I have tingling and eventual numbness driving, holding a book, typing in my phone, etc. I even wake up at night with it.

Got my FJR two weeks ago; went on a long ride (500+) three days ago. The last two days my hands are worse than ever, especially my right. I called yesterday and I have an appointment to see my doc on Monday. Surgery? Fine. I gotta ride.
Yep, usually they do a nerve conduction test (weird feeling) to determine the damage then go to surgery. Catch it early people! Most important aspect, don't ignore it. If you don't have it after examination then no harm/no foul. But my doc told me that mine was caught early and sometimes he sees people ignore the problem and then surgery won't work due to the damage done.

Glad to hear you're going in for a diagnosis.

Yep, usually they do a nerve conduction test (weird feeling) to determine the damage then go to surgery. Catch it early people! Most important aspect, don't ignore it. If you don't have it after examination then no harm/no foul. But my doc told me that mine was caught early and sometimes he sees people ignore the problem and then surgery won't work due to the damage done.

Glad to hear you're going in for a diagnosis.
I hope my doc can get me referred quickly and have the test soon. I've ignored it long enough that I'm a little nervous.

Yep, usually they do a nerve conduction test (weird feeling) to determine the damage then go to surgery. Catch it early people! Most important aspect, don't ignore it. If you don't have it after examination then no harm/no foul. But my doc told me that mine was caught early and sometimes he sees people ignore the problem and then surgery won't work due to the damage done.

Glad to hear you're going in for a diagnosis.
I hope my doc can get me referred quickly and have the test soon. I've ignored it long enough that I'm a little nervous.
You should be nervous. Untreated CTS will make yer nads fall off!

Yep, usually they do a nerve conduction test (weird feeling) to determine the damage then go to surgery. Catch it early people! Most important aspect, don't ignore it. If you don't have it after examination then no harm/no foul. But my doc told me that mine was caught early and sometimes he sees people ignore the problem and then surgery won't work due to the damage done.

Glad to hear you're going in for a diagnosis.
I hope my doc can get me referred quickly and have the test soon. I've ignored it long enough that I'm a little nervous.
You should be nervous. Untreated CTS will make yer nads fall off!
Dammit, my wife's gonna be pissed.

Yep, usually they do a nerve conduction test (weird feeling) to determine the damage then go to surgery. Catch it early people! Most important aspect, don't ignore it. If you don't have it after examination then no harm/no foul. But my doc told me that mine was caught early and sometimes he sees people ignore the problem and then surgery won't work due to the damage done.

Glad to hear you're going in for a diagnosis.
I hope my doc can get me referred quickly and have the test soon. I've ignored it long enough that I'm a little nervous.
You should be nervous. Untreated CTS will make yer nads fall off!
Dammit, my wife's gonna be pissed.
Nah....she's got a spare pair in her purse! :D :p :rofl:

I had the ST1300 for a while, and it's riding position is a little more upright. But it's close enough to the FJR that I don't think it makes a big difference. Handle bar raisers, the seat, and your posture will be more important. Before you $pend big bucks changing the bike, I'd recommend trying out a different seat.

I had the ST1300 for a while, and it's riding position is a little more upright. But it's close enough to the FJR that I don't think it makes a big difference. Handle bar raisers, the seat, and your posture will be more important. Before you $pend big bucks changing the bike, I'd recommend trying out a different seat.

Seat change, absolutely - I did this and it made a world of difference for long rides but this has no effect on the numbness discussed earlier in the thread :)

I had the ST1300 for a while, and it's riding position is a little more upright. But it's close enough to the FJR that I don't think it makes a big difference. Handle bar raisers, the seat, and your posture will be more important. Before you $pend big bucks changing the bike, I'd recommend trying out a different seat.

I still have the ST1300 and you actually lean slightly more forward than on the Gen 2 FJR. I installed the HeliBar risers and it made the ST almost the same as Dad's FJR. If you are having problems getting comfortable on the FJR, the ST1300 is not going to fix it. Going from bike to bike sitting in the yard the differences are negligible. At the end of the day sometimes Dad and I switch bikes and we both get instant relief but neither of us can pinpoint the difference. Lots of good advice so far, I don't think switching to the Honda will help you.

I've been reading this and several other threads on vibration (rather than start a new threat and awaken the NERPT police. ( I don't even know WTF that means!)). I've been having some significant issues riding this year. I bought the bike this time last year and had significant "numb-hand" for some time. installed some risers but never really gave the problem more attention than that. This year however, I awoke in the middle of the night with numb arms from the elbow down after my first ride. I've accumulated 2000 miles so far this season and hands still get numb with each ride plus I can feel the after-affects a day later or more.

So after reading several threads, I thought I would address each issue I could and narrow down the problem. I have Throttlemeisters and grip puppies (since new). Risers and seating position - check.

There's engine mount bolts, tire cupping, steering head bolt torque, throttle body sync all in question as well. It's been a good 10,000 miles since I had the bike serviced (less than a year) so TBS could be out. But, I had a mechanic tell me that syncing the carbs only affects vibration at idle and slightly above (that's how long ago it was). I don't know if this applies to fuel injected bikes too.

The tires are severely cupped with over 10,000 miles on them. I noticed today they were severely under inflated too. I have a hard time accepting though that this could cause the problem.

After reading the different threads, I decided to go take the bike for a spin and play close attention to all the symptoms. There IS in fact a noticeable vibration that I never acknowledged before. Clearly, it seems to be the nature of this beast based on other posts. I noticed though that the vibration is totally dependent on engine rpms and not speed; it starts at 2500 and starts to subside a little at 3500 rpm but it's not like a resonation. I also observed (as someone else has) that it is far more prevalent on the right side. At 3000 rpm, the right side mirror is almost useless.

Guess now it's a matter of figuring out how to cope rather than remedy. Perhaps someone at NAFO will notice a difference -or not- between theirs and mine which could help to troubleshoot. I'm looking forward too to seeing what one of those tree risers (or whatever it's called) feels like. I DO know that I am still unhappy with where my hands meet the handlebars.

I have 2007 fjr ,since March, ....but I can't ride the thing for more then,about an hour, before my right hand goes numb. tried handelbar risers,Crampbuster,did the throttle spring thing,got a throttle lock, even been doing my hand exercises,(spring grip thing) nothing seems to help.So I,am at the end of my rope. Is this a 2007 issue,or a FJR thing? I read Sacromento Mike's yoga riding position, that helped a little but not much, how do you Iron butt guy,s do it?? is the only answer the $1000.00 dollar Aussie McCuise control? How about a ST-1300 have any of you guy's rode them,I would give up the performance ,for longer riding comfort. please give me answers... Larry

MSM....3000-6000mg/day and Motovation chunky butt bar ends

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Go Cruise throttle lock. About $20. Get the small diameter one for the fjr. Works good for flat slabbing, or just for a short time to relax your right hand. And can be moved from bike to bike in most cases with similiar diameter grips.

Just got the Go Cruise for my 03 FJR and I really like it. I had a Vista Cruise but it was keeping friction on the throttle and slipped some. I was looking at the Throttlemeister but they aint cheap! The Go Cruise is cheap, simple and it works! I also use the Helibar type risers and Grip Puppies and they all help but so does your riding position and good gloves. Nothing short of CT surgery or a different bike like a cruiser will change it totally and make it go away.


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