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Sorry to get off topic with the last post. I always stand on the left side one hand on the grip and the other on the hand hold that you use to put it on the center stand and just walk he forward. Either that or do the Twerk :)

A requirement of wife was that she could still park her SUV in the garage. I've got that Park-n-Moo thing and it works good for me. Pop it up on that thing using center stand, remove side cases, fold in mirrors and roll into a corner. The bike sticks out no further than our trash can and the wife can squeeze the SUV into our tiny garage without hitting it. The fact that you have to climb out the window to get out of the truck doesn't seem to bother her ;-) Seems like it would be easier to park in the driveway. Just sayin
Get a Sawzall and take off about three inches on either side of the SUV.

But then how would you take the bikes out for a ride in the middle of winter?
I suppose you'd have to roll the snowblower out from under the platform, lower the platform down, and then ride away.

How about flipping the whole idea upside down, where the pellets are stored overhead and the bike is always ready and available?

Sounds like I'm solving a problem that doesn't really exist, but I somehow like the idea of winching something up and down, whatever it may be.

It does sounds kind of cool, that is until you actually have to do it.

I have previously owned a couple of different Jeep Wrangler TJs, and both of them had both hard and soft tops. There is nothing like having the top down and wheeling around in the warm weather in your Jeep, but a soft top in the winter sucks, especially if you keep it outdoors in the snow and ice like I must (wife gets the garage spot along with my bikes).

So the hard top would go on right about now each year, and come off in late March or early April time frame. To store it I had a winch and cable dealio that hung it off the garage ceiling (over her car, not my bikes!).

I never looked forward to winching that thing on or off, but it did beat man-handling it off with two or three people, and then still having to find somewhere out of the weather to store it (in my shed).

But then how would you take the bikes out for a ride in the middle of winter?
I suppose you'd have to roll the snowblower out from under the platform, lower the platform down, and then ride away.

How about flipping the whole idea upside down, where the pellets are stored overhead and the bike is always ready and available?

Sounds like I'm solving a problem that doesn't really exist, but I somehow like the idea of winching something up and down, whatever it may be.
How bout a big huge hopper near the ceiling for the pellets with a tube coming down to release what you need. Snowblower goes wherever it fits because it beats the heck out of shoveling, even if it does take up more room.

That is true. My paved driveway is ~150 ft long. Certainly not long enough to be thinking of a plow truck (though I have done that on occasion), but a royal PITA with a shovel and 8" or more of overnight snow on it, 'specially of it's that shitty wet stuff we seem to get these days with AlGore's global warming.

But, I think that the main thing, and more to the the point of this thread, is that it's the FJR that gets the premium parking space, not some crappy snow-blower! When a man needs a ride fix, a man just needs a ride fix. January, February, whenever!! Hoo-rah!

As for the overhead pellet feeder... I like your way of thinking!
Just need to figure out how to get a chopper to deliver bulk pellets.

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At the risk of sounding like a wimp the simplest solution might be asking a strong looking passer by for assistance to push the bike off the center stand, especially If I was parked in an uphill small space between $300,000+ of cars and not 100% sure I could do it myself. I try to help anyone I see needing assistance and don't mind asking for a withdrawal from the karma bank once in a while.
There have been some great suggestions in this thread which I will practice in my garage when I get my FJR,.
Why the hell would anyone have 250 '74 Datsuns in their garage?????

At the risk of sounding like a wimp the simplest solution might be asking a strong looking passer by for assistance to push the bike off the center stand, especially If I was parked in an uphill small space between $300,000+ of cars and not 100% sure I could do it myself. I try to help anyone I see needing assistance and don't mind asking for a withdrawal from the karma bank once in a while.
There have been some great suggestions in this thread which I will practice in my garage when I get my FJR,.
Why the hell would anyone have 250 '74 Datsuns in their garage?????
Where else would you keep them?
